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Anyone got any shots from this? The lead actress wears a pair of really nice, brown suede boots with stilleto heels. Nice shot near the beginning of her walking into a supermarket and up towards one of the counters.


The heels are the only thing worth seeing in that movie ...

That's the same reason I gave when I saw the Dolly Parton movie "Straight Talk" back in 1991.

click .... click .... click .... The sensual sound of stiletto heels on a hard surface.


Posted Image

Connie Nielsen from One Hour Photo

I realize it does not show off her boots completely, but it's the best I could find from the movie.

click .... click .... click .... The sensual sound of stiletto heels on a hard surface.


My Mach 11 message used the [ img ] tag method for posting the One Hour Photo image. To prove this, I went back to that message, activated the edit mode, and copied the command to post it here. This is the command I used

[ img ]http://us.f1.yahoofs.com/users/789da3b5/bc/PJ1/onehour_4.jpg?bcjJWb.A9cW0Ryjx I'm using spaces in [ img ] to allow the command to be posted instead of being executed.

Allow me to try again using two different methods.

First, another attempt using the [ img ] tag method -

Posted Image

Connie Nielsen from One Hour Photo

And now for the [ url ] tag method -


Connie Nielsen from One Hour Photo

Finally, for those who have trouble seeing posted images:

1) Right click over where image should be (such as the blank rectangle with the red X inside)

2) Select PROPERTIES from the drop down menu

3) Move cursor over the long URL ADDRESS

4) Press CTRL-A to select entire URL address

5) Press CTRL-C to copy URL address to memory

6) Move cursor into your internet web browser's ADDRESS window, and press CTRL-V to paste the URL address there.

7) Press ENTER or RETURN and the picture should appear.

I hope this helps.

click .... click .... click .... The sensual sound of stiletto heels on a hard surface.


Here are more strange facts about those two One Hour Photo images I have posted here. When I used my personal computer from home last evening and this evening, I could see both images posted here. But when I used my personal computer at work earlier today, all I saw was the blank rectangle with the red X instead of the images. I tested while I was both logged in and logged out of my Yahoo account. I saw both images when I was logged in and logged out. If Yahoo is limiting access to my photo album, then why can I always see them when using my personal computer? By the way, I am using only 0.12mb out of a maximum 30mb of storage at Yahoo.

click .... click .... click .... The sensual sound of stiletto heels on a hard surface.

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