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Daddy's Girl is back... Expect a new video soon!

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So. I have school until noon every day. Am taking 16 hours of classes, if that means anything to those of you familiar with the U.S. college systems. I have a new job as a waitress and love it, and I work evenings. So, I have about an hour and a half of free time each weekday so I've decided to devote at least one half hour a day to practice, not including the time it takes to lace. I am --very-- anxious about getting them back from the cobbler on Tuesday, however, because I am afraid he might cut too much off the heel and ruin the boots. :w00t2: (I posted a thread in the Modifications area to acquire some more information and input about it... I'm curious about how much would be too much to take off of the heel and how much of a difference taking some off will make, from people's experiences.) Anyways, just wanted to let everyone know that I am back after my (too long) hiatus and you can expect a video to be posted by Wednesday night. ;-) It's great to be back.

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