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Apparently I am chatty today. :w00t2: The snow is starting to fly in the Great Lakes region and as always I am ready for some hardcore sledding. I haven't seen this topic brought up so I will give it a whirl. How many sledders do we have and what kind o' sleds. I am in Northern Illinois and always looking for folks to ride with. I noticed that there were some members from Milwaukee and Chicago area. So, let's get it going. First annual HHP Snowmobilepalooza, or at least a couple of poker runs. SkiDoo Jen


Roniheels, you really should give it a go. If you are skiing already, rent one for the day. Good stuff. Since no one else has replied maybe I should get some pics together of snowmobiles and heels - hey that rhymes. I bet that would bring them out of the woodwork. I believe I'll make it my new avitar, wish me luck. Jen


Come on, stimulate the economy folks. Get out there and buy some snowmobiles. I took some pics, i will see which ones are suitable for human consuption. Jen

  • 1 month later...

I would, but all we have is sand. I saw some ice outside last week when it hit 26 degree's at my house, but was back up to 80 after a few days.

(formerly known as "JimC")


Former snow machiner here (if that counts). I tried to find pics of my ride, but long since have deleted them. It was an Arctic Cat ZR580 EFI, all green with the mirrored wind shield. Where I live now, we do not get enough snow to warrant one, but I do miss it alot. It was the most winter fun I had, with snow boarding and skiing following that.

  • 1 month later...

Useless? Seasonal just like anything else. The key to putting hours on is to go when there is snow. Drop the other plans and get out there. Got a lot of miles on this year, just needed to rearange the schedule and try to stay off the computer. Also relinquishing sleep is usualy required. Showering and changing clothes at the office gym after driving straight to the office becomes common. Hard to explain why the trailer is on the truck in the parking lot but hey, part of the bargain. Don't get me wrong, quads are perfect, my buddy mows his lawn with a tow behind mower deck. Jen.

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