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Posts posted by heelsRus

  1. I recommend TIFF if your intention is to publish the pics in a publication (ie magazines, books, or newspapers). If they are only for pics on a website, then shoot RAW, resize the images to a 400x600 pixel image, then save it as a JPEG.

    If you have a photographer's profile on One Model Place, the maximum you can post an image is 500 pixels on its longest side, and 50 mb per image.

    Hope this helps


    You've got some nice pics!

    TIFF and RAW are about the same, in the sense that they are lossless. My camera, for instance, doesn't output in TIFF, only RAW and JPEG.

    I'd also be interested in any suggestions and recommendations you have for people wanting to get into this (amateur) hobby.

  2. I have a pair of Naturalizer's Auburn with a 1 3/4" heel that I wear to work everyday that I'd like to quiet down a bit. They are a bit harsh (loud) on the tile floor. I'm getting better at keeping them quiet but while I like the sound, they do attract a bit of attention (possibly unwanted) and generally make me feel a little too ..... obvious? Outside of work I don't worry about it much at all. They're great boots, BTW. Thanks to ... um, I forget who but it was probably Gene or FF or Bubba who mentioned them in the first place. Anyway, I was wondering if the cobbler could put a rubber part on the bottom of the chunky heel to quiet them down a bit, and how long it would take to do. Any ideas?

  3. Ok, so I'm still taking the camera with me everywhere. I keep trying to find something nice to take pictures of, but either I'm in the car (tough to take a pic without crashing) or it's night or there's nothing worth it. Well, ok, ferrets excepted. They're generally photogenic. I've been thinking of heading to downtown toronto some evening and taking pics of buildings, where I'll just _happen_ to photograph some nice scenery in the process, but haven't made it down there yet. Oh well. Maybe I should have put this in the rant section? Anyone in the YOW YYZ area that would like their photo taken.....?

  4. Can someone please help....

    When saving pics from digital cameras...what format do you use? I normally use .jpg, but I now here that saving the pictures as a .tiff will work better. Can anyone confirm this? I am always seeking ways to get the photo delivered to you all with the highest quality possible!



    TIFF is a lossless file format. But they are huge! I've been shooting in RAW mode, which is like a digital negative, and you can edit thoroughly in photoshop or whatever. But again, these things are large.

    The photos I'm taking in RAW mode are 5-6MB in size (3008x2000 pixels), JPGs are 700-900kB (full size).

    Try shooting at high resolution, lossless, etc., and then resize to something smaller (and lossy). But when you save the file make sure you save with higher quality.

    Hope this helps.

  5. here's an excerpt from her response back to me:



    If she ran the world, yes, you would be. And in some respects and in some places in the world you'd have difficulty.

    However, perhaps doing some research (start with this site) about the history of clothing (including some of the other trends that are happening these days) and making your well thought out argument wouldn't hurt. Remember to give her an 'out' - i.e. don't push her into a corner. Things that were taboo 10 or 20 years ago aren't now.

    On the topic of acceptance, I heard a news piece yesteday about the same-sex marriage laws Canada is planning on legislating. There was an on-the-street interview with people FROM THE 1950's about homosexuals. Wow, now there's a cultural differece. One woman seriously pointed out that "there should be a place for these people" similar to an asylum, and that "yes, these people are dangerous to society".

    Now, I haven't had to do any of this so.... good luck. Let us know how it turns out.

  6. i do believe most people in the USA would understand you if you use the word "queue" instead of "line." Can't speak for the Canadians, though! :rofl:

    We understand; it's just not in common use.

  7. Defeinitely. The best queue is the one with the best shoes. By the way, is the word queue in the US vocab or is it always "line". Just interested.

    I'll also move down a train to sit in some seats opposite a woman with a nice pair of shoes.

    Queue is not the general term in the US and Canada, no. You wait in a line, not a queue. You "line up", you don't "get in a queue". Oh well. There goes the language :-)

  8. I was wondering if the guys that like to look at high heeled pumps and boots would wait in a longer line if they could stand behind a babe in boots.

    I was at a Sam's Club yesterday and decided to wait in a longer line because I could stand behand a woman in her mid 40's who was wear black stiletto knee boots and a skirt. The time in line flew by.

    Anybody else have stories?

    I've been driving around Toronto getting from home to work, picking up stuff, etc. and have noticed that probably 50% or more of the ladies are wearing some kind of heel. Some of them are really quite nice. Lots of different styles.

  9. I think she is trying to say, how can we slam someone for her choices in life and then be all open minded about something else, and the example being we're open minded and supportive for the choices of men wearing heels and such.

    But I'll let Ellen-Jay finish the thought, it is just my interpretation of a generally kind statement saying include everyone.

    Having come from a gothy attitude to where I am now, I never understood the whole 'bimbo' thing. But I suppose it is about a sterotypical image, in which a woman feels she has to offer herself in a physical sense in order to gain acceptance, and it has come to mean, no mental capacity to offer, no personality beyond being sexy, and thus, has been marginallized by society in some sense.

    People should be free to live with their choices, so long as no one else is hurt and they understand the consequences of the action. The trouble is, many people do things without thought for the long term effect.

    Implants in, implants out.

    On the one hand I'd agree but in typical Canadian style I'll see the other side too :-) We are allowed to have an opinion of what we like and dislike, so while we might support people doing something, we don't have to like the outcome. We can make a statement that we don't like something even while we accept that people do it. I don't think we can be universally accepting, not should we necessarily be.

    If someone feels that the easiest way to a comfortable life is to be a trophy wife, well, that's a choice. I'm not sure I'd agree it's the best way... Sort of takes the control of ones' life away.

    I wholeheartedly agree with your last paragraph as that implies personal responsibility and meeting your obligations.

  10. How will any of us look at 70, I guess it depends on fashions, trends etc. The lady in question obviously lives for the now (can we honestly chastise a woman for bettering her look (in her opinion) yet support men dressing as women?) Again, the freedom of personal expression card has to be played.

    As for the BIMBO thing - well, the net is almost overrun with them, this ain't new, nor is it news.

    Ellen-Jay :)

    Are you specifically addressing the cross-dressing of men (i.e. trying to be women) or are you lumping all us heel-wearing people into the "dressing as women" bin?

  11. Well Pam, what do you expect in the month of January?? Here in

    Minnesota we are only now getting above zero.

    I've moved to Toronto for a job and it was a balmy -4 or so today. It might even go above 0C this week. I'm sure these native Torontonian's coerced mother nature to raise the temp so the army wouldn't have to shovel the snow again :) It's not supposed to be above 0C for another month at least!

    I've wanted to visit Sweden and Finland since I started watching the WRC rally. The shots they show make the places look absolutely fantastic, and from the little bit of reading I've done, they aren't "well setup" shots; that's what the countries look like all over. Nice. Can do without the super frosty stuff, but normal -20C weather is ok. And the scenery is gorgeous!

  12. I like it. Yes, it's a little overexposed but the white blouse she's wearing blends into the background. Yeah, kinda artsy, but a neat effect. The black leather corset works well for contrast too. As I've said before, a smile really adds a lot to a picture for me. I think people look better smiling (even a slight one). Anyone in the Ottawa or Toronto area that want to be a model? :-)

  13. How nice. Soft, gentle, tasteful and that smile! Almost captures the same wistful, melancholy smile of the Mona Lisa. Thank you. :)

    Agreed, the smile adds so much to the photo. Very well said, too.

  14. Recently I suffered an accident. I was hit in the head and have sustained a concussion. 2 discs in my neck are in need of repair and I'll be undergoing surgery in early February to repair them. Consequently, I'll be down for about three weeks.

    I'll be ok but nonetheless am a bit apprehansive about this as you can imagine.

    I'll be back after this is past & done. :)

    M'Luv to all...

    Anita C.

    Wow, sounds like a serious accident given the injuries. A speedy and full recovery to you.

  15. When you're ready to shoot film take a good look at the digital cameras. Mine will, under the right circumstances and according to the photo shop, produce pics in the 27"x24" range with no pixelation, and it's only a 6.1Mpixel camera.

    I think we might need to start a new thread on photographing models and what makes a good photo :-) Nice work. Keep it up. I hope you'll post the photos you take this weekend.

  16. Hi Russ....

    The pager story seems quite fitting :)

    She went to the doctor with some issues like the balls of her feet hurting, etc. She was diagnosed with "severe rheumatoid arthritis" which the specialist here decided to treat her with a drug called Methotrexate to start with. This coupled with massive amounts of steroids, then weekly IV treatments of drugs like Remicade. These were all in combination with other chemo based drugs. She went through the hair loss, severe weight gain due to fluid retention. She had to wear size 12 tennies just so they would fit her feet that are normally a petite size 7! The fluid her body was retaining due to the chemo and steroids started to affect her heart and lungs. She had to sleep sitting up. Turns out that the whole problem (the pain) was nothing more than a defficiency of Potassium in her body!!!

    Yes, she is still on the mend. She has loss a massive amount of her muscle mass, and is still losing weight like mad. She works out daily, but has to fight some muscle stiffness and soreness. She was a gymnast and dancer in her younger years and retained much of the flexibility until this past illness. She is determined to get better. She has plans on becoming a Pro Domme at some point, and would hope to be able to return to dancing.

    About the pics, I use an older Casio QV3000EX. This is the first time that I have used it with the new lights. I will have to see if I wrote down the Fstop and shutter speed. I am somewhat acritical of my won work too. I think one of my biggest issues is that I only had one umbrella flash working, and it only had a 60 watt modeling light. I have since bought a full studio lighting set that will provide better lighting for the white balance of the camera. If you have any suggestions or recommendations, by all means let me hear them!

    Wow, that doc made quite the oops! Still not sure how a potassium deficiency gets confused with all that. Doc must have been taking some of his own medicine... oh yeah, you can't get that in prescription form :-)

    Glad to hear she'll be in fine form soon enough. Sounds like she's willing and able to work hard at it. More power to her. It will make for even more great pics too :-) I went to your site - there sure are a lot of pictures. Some of them are quite good too.

    Regretably I don't have any insights into white balance as I'm quite new to photography. And I don't have a subject that's willing to dress up like yours is, that's for sure. The lighting looked good - perhaps a different angle? Most of your photos seem to be from about 4ft off the floor.

  17. Some people have tact. Other's don't. And still others have to prove they're really shit heads. Crotchboots, I bet you really feel like one of the latter right now. (I think there's a lesson there somewhere.)

    Or as Scott Adams (Dilbert fame) points out - everyone's an idiot at some point, even if they normally aren't. He used the example of being rightiously indignant that his pager didn't work after he changed the batteries.....and he made it quite clear when he walked in to the repair shop that he was unhappy. Then the guy behind the counter reversed the batteries and all was good :-) An amusing story even if not true (though I've seen things similar).

    Sorry to hear about the illness but glad everything has worked out. Is she on the mend or completely recovered? And what illness masquerades as cancer?? (if I may ask - feel free to decline to answer of course). That must have been a psychological roller coaster to travel along the last half year or so.....

    It's a nice photo (both are, really) but there's something missing and I can't put my finger on it. Maybe it's the B&W and I'm not really a B&W kinda guy, but I don't think that's all. Hm, I guess I'll just have to examing the photos in more detail :-) Maybe the angle it's taken at? Not sure....

    Can you send along the specs of the pic (ISO, shutter speed, etc.) and what camera you used?

    Well done and keep it up.

  18. Spikeheelhoney:-)

    Your Dad was certainly right about those straping young lads, and it is always the thing for Dad's to protect their young daughters and he had 2 to look after. Can't fault him for that.

    Dawn HH

    I can wait for my daughter to get to dating age, for sure. Let's see..... dating age these days is, what, 7? Ugh. I'm definitely overprotective. The young punk that wants to date my daughter had better impress me (and continue to do so over time!). Is it ok to do a security check on them first?? :)

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