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Posts posted by Stilletto2004

  1. Yeah after I left the store yesterday I definitely wondered why I had never asked for help before. It was so much fun! And yes, it is important to let the managers / owners of any business know that their employees are doing a good job. They mostly hear complaints - and a compliment goes a long, LONG way.

  2. Yeah it was crazy. Usually I just scurry in, pick something quick, and scurry out trying not to make eye contact with anyone. This time it was so much fun I'm dying to do it again! There were customers in the store, but I have no idea what they thought or if they even cared. I think it's because I was just so darn open about it, and positive and cheerful that it was just thought of as ok or fun!

  3. Well I did it for the first time today. I've been buying heels for years, never trying them on though. So it's nice out, (50's and sunny in Michigan!) I am at work wearing my usual attire, a button down shirt, shorts, L'eggs Sheer Energy suntan, and sneakers.

    I decide that it's so nice out that heel shopping sounds fun. Well ok, when DOESN'T heel shopping sound fun?! Anyway, I went up to the local Payless and when I walked in was greeted and asked if I needed help.

    Before I could stop myself, really! I said, "It's such a nice January day I think it merits a few pair of heels." She said something like thats a great idea or something I don't know.

    I walked towards the sea flipper section (I wear 13W) and she was standing next to me. No 13W's. But I saw a pair of regular 13's I liked, an oxford style with about a 3.5" heel. Just looked them up on line, These are the shoes So she says that she'd heard that style ran a little big and that I should try them on. Aww what the hell I said to myself.

    I sat down and she grabbed a couple of those nylon footie things but when I removed my socks she said, "Oh you already have hose on? Wow I didn't even notice." I told her that I wear hose 24/7 blah blah. She didn't mention my painted toe nails. lol! I put them on and they fit! I walked around a bit, loved them - she being a good salesperson said, "They go really well with your outfit." I sat back down and she says, "You don't like them?" "No, I really do like them a lot!" "Well you can just keep them on and I can just scan the box at the register" as she's putting my ugly boring male shoes in the box the heels just came out of! I looked for another pair, but nothing really looked good.

    She commented on how well I walked in them, and how they really did look nice with my outfit and made my legs look so much better. Now I'm 6'4" in pantyhose, now I'm 6'7.5! Call it 6'8"! I paid for my shoes having some more conversation with her, and she took my e-mail address so she could personally notify me when 13W's come in that she thinks I would like! How cool is that! I left the store in my heels, went to Mc D's in my heels and ate lunch, then gas station to fill my jumbo mug with iced tea. Now I'm back here at work.

    I gotta say, that was exciting! Payless was great to me. My next stop is the Payless website to write them about my wonderful experience and the awesome sales associate who didn't make judgements. Have a great day guys!

  4. I've only done it a few times. I think the biggest thing is confidence. If you look like you're doing something wrong, you'll LOOK like you're doing something wrong. Stand straight, walk with confidence, and smile. People can tell if you're trying to hide something, I swear. Just be the guy you are, don't think about the heels. Good luck!!

  5. The only questions I got was, "How do you walk in those?!" My answer was simple, "I just put one foot in front of the other." I had comments like, "you're really good at it" or "your legs are better than mine" etc. I just embraced the comments and said thanks or something like that. I was confident the whole time, I wasn't hiding anything. I just smiled and did what I do on any other day. I am wearing some 3" ankle boots today. Nobody has said a word even though they echo on the hard floors around here. :-)

  6. Are you trying to out do the boss, or is this an extension of her challenge.

    I'm gonna guess the boss had better plan on seeing you in heels a lot more often.

    Yeah, I think I'm breaking everyone in. Nobody really cares - I'm sure some think it strange - but at the end of the day nobody really cares. It's just shoes.

  7. Thanks for all the responses! For the record, I'm the tall guy with the pointy hat. :smile: It was a lot of fun, had a lot of great responses. I got more comments about the fishnets than the heels really. At the bar later I heard a lot of 'nice legs' comments. Just proof that heels make legs look better!

  8. I guess I should check this forum more often! Day late and a dollar short as they say! I am open most days around lunch. I'm never around on weekends - usually at Silver Lake. Working on my toys in my barn on week nights. But I can always squeeze some heeling time in somewhere. Ucellos 28th / M-37?

  9. I got an email from Autumn today. She seems really nice. She is completely men in heels friendly. I was impressed. Anyway she said she's working on getting larger sizes soon. She also mentioned that she's inbetween stores right now so things are a little chaotic, even on her website. So hang on to your peep toes, she's working on it!

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