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Posts posted by hiheellover23

  1. Don't shove your views down their throat you have to gradually ease those details in. As far as your sister try to go shopping with your sister and when you get to the shoe department ask her what she thinks about certain types of shoes and eventually throw your opinions and just see what happens from there. It is one thing to express yourself but it is also one thing to express yourself in their household. You have to get your own place that way you can express yourself however way that you see fit. I hope that this little bit helps.

  2. Congratulations hiheellover23, first and foremost on your engagement. That is fantastic.

    Also, congratulations on getting out of the car at the mall in heels. Way to go.



    Thank you I appreciate it a lot I appreciate every story and every bit of encouragement that you guys provide in every story and thread!!!
  3. Congratulations! I think those heels are great! What are they? Wouldn't mind a pair for myself!

    Hi they are from Shoes USA my fiance bought them for me some years back they were not cheap!!!! But if you do decide to I hope you like em. Take care
  4. post-748-0-65800200-1358131864_thumb.jpgWell you guys I will start from the begining. In the past I would make the attempt to go walk inside the mall with my heels on either to just to grab something to eat or something but then I would chicken out fo some reason. Friday I threw all that out the window. I went to the mall wearing a blue t-shirt, aeropostale blue jeans, and Jeffery Campbell Lita boots to pick up my fiancee's engagement ring. I took a deep breath stepped out the car and started walking. My nerves started getting to me but each stride started to get more and more confident. It felt so good looking at my reflection from the glass windows of the stores I was walking by. I went and picked up the ring walked back to the food court to grab something to eat. As I was standing in line a woman (black) said that she liked my shoes. I said thanks. She asked me if I would raise my pants leg up so she could see and so I did and she was surprised and smiled. So after picking up my food I wished the lady to have a good day and she said the same to me and I was on my way. As I walked to my car I felt a very high sense of accomplishment. I think what drove me is that my fiance has always been there for me and supported me as far as the heels ordeal and everything else and it just felt like that was all I need. Plus reading the threads that you all have left gave me the extra boost to be confident in myself to show that I can be masculine and wear sexy shoes so thanks. Here is the photo hope you guys like it.


  5. I understand your viewpoint, Steve, and I don't mind you picking up the cudgels, but weasel words do not really make a difference. I gave my considered opinion, i.e. that the boots are 'ugly' (and gave a reason) and I stand by that. My subjective opinion only. If merely expressing an opposite viewpoint is in itself 'impolite', then I accept that criticism - but I was not rude to or about LAL. And his response to me was scarcely friendly!

    As you say, ugliness (or whatever other quality comes to mind) is in the eye of the beholder - each and every beholder has his own potential opinion. Contrary to your assertion, I do not (and cannot) pronounce the boots to be ugly in any totally objective and unchallengeable or definitive manner - I am not God. Nor does any watered-down comment (e.g. 'I don't care for that style') convey the same opinion, or even give any useful information, as it doesn't say why I dislike them. (As a parallel, it may be a polite convention to 'ask' someone to do something when you really 'require' them to do it, but the former statement may well fail to get the right result without further action.)

    I doubt that we would be having these exchanges if I had said 'I like that style' [vague] or 'Those boots are beautiful' [more specific]. Both convey a subjective opinion - no more and no less - and it is still blunt even though positive.

    Sensitivity and certainty often require a careful balancing act. I think you agree with that; let's leave it there.

    My thing is, yes everyone has an opinion but if some one takes pride of in a purchase that they made and then you tell them that the shoe is ugly isn't that kind of like "raining on their parade". Cuz basically that post was to those that like platforms. In a way it kinda seems like you did post your comment Puffer to ruffle feathers. I have seen plenty times before when I had posted something or made a statement about something and it got skipped or ignored. For example, if someone was to post something about them taking pride in buying a pair of 2 inch heels. Now knowing that 2 inch heels in my opinion are not to my liking I'm not going to post my thoughts on their choice of shoes because then I would sound no different from the "normal" people saying that we look ridiculous in heels. This site is suppose to help bring people that are shy and uncertain up and to make them assertive in their fashion decisions and not shoot them down. I'm sure there are plenty of people that don't like my choice of shoes and thats fine but its one thing to have your own opinion but its also another to be considerate.
  6. Hey Live and Learn I definitely dig your boots I have the glitter and distressed ones just like you. I definitely applaud your bold statement that you are making. Definitely got to let us know what responses you get for wearing your boots or send me a pm and let me know what's up!!! Take care and keep doing what ya do!!

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