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Posts posted by Nova

  1. 13cm of snow, huh? Wow, you got it easy. We had at least 20cm here in da Midwest, and Nebraska got hit REAL bad. 13cm don't even slow my VW down, man! My town is notorious for the salt, though. I think it was last winter, the weather report said that we might get snow. It rained instead, and they dumped the salt on anyway. It's a constant battle with rust, man. Jen

  2. bb2000, Nice job on what appears to be a mock-up. I don't have the resources to do this myself, and I actually used to suck at rollerskating. I did pretty well ice skating recently, so maybe I'm improving. Anyway, it would be neat to see a more 'polished' version, though it's up to you what you wanna do with it. I'm not commissioning the work or anything. I might try it myself someday. Life imitates art, in this case. Jen

  3. Thanks everyone for your advice so far. It's nice to find helpful people like yourselves. So it seems to be either practice, practice, practice, or medieval torture device. Actually, I wanted to try the foot-stretcher thingy, so maybe when I get some cash and more free time I'll experiment with both methods. Jen

  4. I know you've all likely been over this before, but I had trouble finding the answer. I'm wondering if there's a good way to get your ankles more flexible so they'll bend back more (towards the calf). I was trying to wear my Ellie 6" heels today and figured that if I could get my foot to bend back further at the ankle, I could straighten up my posture like normal. I have no trouble with the 5.5" 'Extreme" style, but I can't stand/walk in the 6" ones without being all bent up and clumsy. Ack... help, please. 'Jen'

  5. Rather extreme looking shoes, man! The 4" ankle boots are very classy, though. I definitely prefer the classic and understated look. About the 6" ones... just where am I supposed to put my toes? Well, it looks as though the ball of the foot wouldn't be on the ground. Just wondering how that works with such a short (though nice looking) toe box. Jen

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