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Posts posted by Nova

  1. I just gotta share this with someone. I wish I had a picture, but I had no camera with me. I doubt a picture could do her justice... I was in Chicago this past weekend and stopped at a Japanese grocery store. That place is full of beautiful women. I saw this very petit yet fairly voluptuous asian lady at a counter. She had on some black mules, very simple and elegant, probably a 2 1/2 inch heel. Even with those on she was still pretty short. Very sexy lady. What made my day was when she stood up on her toes, in the mules, to see over the counter (it was a higher display case). As with most 'fetishes' I can't explain it, but it just looked incredible. Hey, maybe somebody can reproduce this and get a nice photo. Just wanted to share that.

  2. Ah, cars. Incidentally, I have only seen the first Transporter film, and I am told it is much better than the second. I really prefer some level of realism in a car flick. As far as my favorite cars are concerned, I'd like a BMW M3 (I like the 1997 body style the best), and/or a Subaru WRX STI. Though I like the look of the older 2-door 2.5 RS WRX's, I think the new ones would have more power and handling capability. Of course, I suppose you could always attempt an engine swap... Jen

  3. Well, that was... informative! I almost feel as though you were trying to discourage me from attempting this! I also had no idea there was a degree available for such things, but now that I think about it, it is a very skilled trade, so why shouldn't there be a degree? It seems like a very involved process, and I sort of followed all that. I'd probably get a clearer picture of the process if I were actually trying it while reading these instructions. I really appreciate you taking the time to write all that down! Alas, it will likely be some time before I am able to make an attempt, as I'm sure my parents would be a bit disturbed to see their son making his own high heels! I will definitely save this text for a future date. 'Jen'

  4. Well, this would be quite a bit more than a modification, but I was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction. I was searching with Google for quite some time, but came up empty. I'd like to find some info on how to make high heels. I'd need something fairly detailed that goes into materials used, construction, etc. Preferably free information, of course. Oh, and I would be making shoes with 5" heels or higher! Now, I have NO experience at all with this, but I'm a pretty handy guy, so with some trial and error I might do alright. I need some info to get started, whenever I actually DO get started. I thought this sort of thing would be fun to try, so any help is appreciated. 'Jen'

  5. I wonder if anybody has heard of this or tried it before. I did a Google search and ran across this by chance. This engineer guy developed this special shape for the arch of high heel shoes and also has an insert. They apparently tested them in 3" and 4" heel shoes and it had positive results, according to them. No idea if it would work in something with a higher heel, and it seems their sizes only go up to US Women's 12. Anyway, if you want to check it out, here's the link.


    You could also do a search for Insolia and see what other info you come up with.


  6. I've taken tests like this in the past and gotten a more neutral result. My idea is that those tests were possibly biased towards a transgender conclusion. On this test I scored as an average male (which is correct), but what I found most interesting was that in 95% of the 'male' traits, I scored better than the average male, and on the 'eyes' part of the test, I apparently excelled at judging emotions by a person's eyes. I also seem to posess traits of both sides of my brain. Not that I'm bragging or anything. Okay, I am the perfect human. There, I said it. (dodges lightning) 'Jen'

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