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Posts posted by TabascoTesa

  1. I'm pretty sure I'll figure something out. My only concern would be that I'd be constantly checking the side of my calf to make sure that my wallet was still there, but if I get something tough with some heavy-duty buckles, I think it'd be even more secure than keeping my wallet in my pocket. Or carrying a purse. Purses are cool and all, but sometimes I just hate having to sling something over my shoulder or hold it in my hand--I'm very "hands-free" :D Thanks everybody for your input so far--Bubba, I've used pop riveters before and I always thought they were fun.

  2. I have a pair of 12" high Frye harness boots that I love dearly (they're my non-heel shoes, they accomodate a serious arch support, and they're nice and heavy so my foot muscles stay in shape.) They only have a 1.5" heel so maybe I shouldnt' be talking about them here, but I have a random question and I'm not sure where to start looking:

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    See how there are side pull loops up at the top of the shaft there? I'd like to thread a "belt" kinda thing through those and attach a wallet to the belt somehow. I wear a lot of flared jeans that are more fitted through the hip and rear, so I don't like carrying my wallet in my pocket (it destroys the line of my outfit!)

    There's more room down by my boots, and i've seen tons of boots that have little pockets and belts on them, so I figured this wasn't too outlandish (check the discussion in the Your Worst Idea of a Woman's Shoe thread)

    The belt would be easy enough to do: find a cheapish leather belt in the same color and "feel" as the boot itself; cut it down to size; punch holes where needed. I'm not sure about the wallet though. I know you can find wallets that are meant to be slid onto a belt, but I'd hesistate to modify a wallet by myself because I'd be worried I'd compromise the structural integrity of the leather.

    Random thoughts. Any ideas?

  3. Hmmm, I dunno...I think I'd actually wear the strappy holey boots if they got rid of the "air intake" holes that arch around the toe area...And if the sole were all one color...And if they were at least calf-high...And came in my size...And were given to me for free...And had a check to pay off my student loans in each of the pockets! Yeah! That'd be great! Actually, this is completely offtopic, but I wouldn't mind having one of those strappy tiny wallet/pocket things on a belt. I'd loop it through the pull-up straps on my Frye harness boots and I'd never have to carry a purse again :D (hides her fryes in case they're a fashion no-no, and also hides the zappos box they came in, and whistles innocently) :D

  4. I wouldn't completely give up hope, all you males who are tired of not having readily available heels--I definitely see fashion as a fluid thing. What goes around comes around, as was said earlier. Hey, this might be a little offtopic, but: Just a few years ago, when I was at one of my friends' houses, her father would lounge around on lazy Saturdays in a comfy T-shirt and his flared pants from the seventies. We'd poke fun at him occasionally, since at the time it seemed that bell-bottoms and boot-cuts were only for girls (and males that wore anything but "baggy" were somehow less masculine.) I also used to make fun of my dad for his cowboy boots and bootcut jeans. He's a rancher and I always thought it looked silly--but now I see more and more guys even around my college adopting this look. It's not 4" blades and leather pants, but it's getting closer. Now, all the trendy mainstreamish jean makers have--guess what--boot-cut jeans for guys. As a woman, I do feel a little "spoiled" by the number of fashion choices I have. If I decide to look a little more "masculine" one day than I do on another, it's much more socially acceptable than a guy looking "feminine". Anyway, that had no point at all. However, if I see one of you guys out there one day proudly strutting along in your heels, I'm definitely gonna come up and ask you where you got them. If you feel good in them that's all that matters, and I think guys in heels look great.

  5. Been lurking on this particular thread for awhile and it's been making me giggle nonstop.

    Okay, so sure, these are designed for comfort, but I'd feel like I had elastic-y wicker baskets on my feet. I mean, wtf?

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    And what are THESE things?

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    Also, I don't like the looks of very many athletic shoes. I wear my New Balances to work out in, but I think a lot of basketball shoes in particular look terrible.

    One last one (I know this is long.}

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    The aboves are Timberlands--I don't mind Timberlands per se, I have a couple--but I just don't like the "duck boot" styling. I grew up on a farm, and duck boots like that are for slopping around in muck and manure. They're not a fashion statement.

    (shudders delightedly to see what others will come up with on this thread...I didn't know there were so many other people who so vehemently hated certain styles too, I thought I was the only one! :D )

  6. Hi all! I originally signed up as shoelover1982 last week, but I decided that was a boring name and I liked my new heels too much. So I'm here to stay as TabascoTesa! I'd like to say a big "hello" to everyone here and on the other board who gave me so much useful info so quickly. Let's see... I'm 22/female, living in the Eastern USA, and I spend way too much of my money on shoes. I've recently rediscovered my love for heels (at 5'10" I can't help but want to tower even MORE above everybody else's heads.) I found a fabulous cheap pair of 4" wedge sandals that I'm "practicing" in until I get my spiky sandals which will be here Tuesday--can't wait to take pictures of them. I'm not much of an extreme heel wearer, but I'm working on it because they're just too cool not to. I'll keep you all updated of my progress. You guys are cool!

  7. Hi all, I have a new username (shoelover1982 was a boring name.) My 4" spiky-heeled sandals will be here Tuesday--yay! :D Just wondering: With summer approaching and open-toed strappy styles upon us, what do you do to keep your sandal-shod feet in good-looking condition? After a long winter of dry air and rough socks, I have to admit that the bottoms of my feet are looking a little rough, dried out, and feeling a bit like sandpaper. Any lotions/products anyone can recommend? (I'm in the USA, so if you know of an awesome product from anywhere else in the world, I'll just hope I can find something similar here :D ) Thanks!

  8. I couldn't resist any longer, so I splurged and went ahead and ordered a pair of 4" heel sandals. I'll take pictures of them as soon as I get them :D Unfortunately I do live out in the middle of nowhere and have no realistic way to go to shoe stores that would accomodate my size 11-12 US footsies, so this had to be an online purchase. They have fat leather quarterstraps to keep them on my ankle, a T-strap down the middle, and another band at the toe. Altogether very practical! What pushed me over the edge for this purchase: I've been wearing higher heels than I thought. I just measured a pair of sandals I've had for a little while (I got them at Payless.) Their website claims this particular pair has a 2" heel (yawn) but on my size 11 feet it's actually scaled up to a 3" heel. Another pair I thought was a mere 3" actually measured to a whopping 4". It's amazing what a tape measure will tell you! You guys are all really cool and I like it here. Except my nickname is really boring. Maybe I'll come back with a new one.

  9. Hi all, I'm new to posting but I've been lurking for the last few weeks or so--I came here because I was dying to try some daring new strappy sandal heels! A Google search wound me up here.

    I posted a little bit of my desire over in the Wanted forum. I'm okay with 3" heels, but I want to do something a little bit daring and I've never had real stillettos over like 2.75" before. I also wear a size 11-12 in women's shoes, so it's a challenge finding anything attractive and affordable.

    I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but it seems there's a lot of very experienced heel wearers here on the "For the Gals" forum, and that this particular area of the forum is extremely active, so I figured I'd at least try here :D

    I'm probably gonna want something kinda like this sandal from Frederick's of Hollywood because I want something strappy and open--I'm not really looking for pumps or mules.

    These are really cute and affordable, but does anybody think they're too much for a beginner? Do they look tastefully conservative? I know there are some people here who prefer a more extreme, "fetish-y" look and that's okay--but I'd like to be a bit more on the conservative side.

    Sorry this is so long, I'm new here :D

  10. I'm new here, but I just love talking about shoes, so I'm going to add this :D I had to repaint our stairwell at my parents' house a few summers ago--ceiling and textured walls. Some ceilings on stairwells slope WITH the stairs; back home it doesn't (so for about 20 feet of the length of the stairs, the ceiling is as high as the second floor's ceiling, and for the last ten feet or so the ceiling drops off a "cliff" to be as high as the first floor's ceiling.) Make any sense? No? Okay, good. So I bought some horrible, horrible 5" platform flip-flops (You know, the ones that look like small tugboats sliced out of great slabs of EVA) for like $5. To paint the ceiling I got the largest extension on the roller that I could and rigged a platform by placing a long plank of wood on the top stair and balancing the other end on a ladder placed at ground level. As a woman who stands 5'10" barefoot, I'm not really short, but without those hideous things I'd have had a tough time painting that ceiling. I think I got paint all over them and threw them out. Anyway, that was my story.

  11. Lucy, I'm sure you've heard this already, but you write beautifully-- with such an elegance and refinement of days past that I can only imagine!! You had a passion, you stuck with it, and you reveled in it through all kinds of circumstances. I can't wait to see more of this story--it's such a joy to read and you have me hooked, even though I'm really new here. Thanks for your kind comments on the old board as well--I've moved over here now. I was "Girl with Bunions" but I think this name is a little nicer. :D

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