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Posts posted by Nate

  1. Hi everyone -- thought I'd share my new shoes with everyone here rather than start a new thread.

    Posted Image

    I waltzed right into Fred Meyer and bought them like I owned the place. Didn't bother with a, "I wanna get these for my girlfriend" or anything. Very empowering, if I do say so. :-?

  2. Mostly I just do whatever else I'd do around the house. I do admire the heels as I'm wearing them though, and also play with them when I'm sitting down. You know like rocking on the heels, slipping my foot in and out if I'm wearing shoes rather than boots etc. I enjoy walking around more than usual, and just love the way they feel on my feet.

    For me wearing heels is a very sensual thing, though not necessarily sexual, and it gives me a lot of pleasure. I don't usually take them off, unless I need to go out for some reason, until my wife comes home from work, but will sometimes change them two or three times.


    My experience is very similar to Chris's here -- I mostly engage in whatever activities I do around the house, although I'm probably more prone to do things that will involve my having to walk across the house, so I can hear my shoes tap on the ground. Theres no way I'd go out in public -- I just like to walk around and admire them. I usually wear tights, as my leg hair tends to take away from the experience a bit.

    I always find it very interesting to hear people refer to heel wearing as sensual, but not necessarily sexual, as I had never really heard it articulated quite in the same way. I identify with this particular description. Which is not to say that its not ever sexual -- but, as simply as it can be stated, they just feel good on my feet, and it makes me feel good. A good enough reason as any.


  3. I did not start shaving my legs until I added skirts and pantyhose to my crossdressing. The feeling I get wearing pantyhose on freshly shaved legs was so pleasurable it was well worth the effort.

    I'm inclined to agree -- I've been wearing pantyhose for years, and it was a complete breath of fresh air to me to combine it with shaved legs. While it does make me feel a little bit more feminine, I'm still not quite convinced that a "feminine" look is really what I'm after, despite the fact that it does arouse me a fair bit


  4. Hi Everyone. I'm pretty new here, and wouldn't mind posing a question for everyone. I'm a pretty big fan of high-heels, and I wear them around the house all the time, and in all honesty, generally with nylons. I suppose my question is, then, just what is everyonce preference in leg-hair while they're wearing high heels? I've alwaays been of the firm opinion that a smooth, shaved leg is much more comfortable. (This tends to coincide with my wearing nylons with my heels too -- theres something about the way nylons smoosh my leg-hair all up that I don't quite care for. :D) I guess the only reason I'm asking is that I'm mostly straight (A little bi-curious, but have never had an experience to that effect). It just seems that most straight guys prefer to date women that keep their legs nicely shaved. I'd be very curious and intersted to hear (read) what other high-heel wearing guys do about their leg hair? On another note, I can't possibly express the relief and self confidence I feel when I come across forums like these where I can express these things without fear. A many thanks to all of you open-minded people. -Nate (Inland Northwest, USA)

  5. I can somewhat sympathize with your plight in sharing with your girlfriend. While my story is somewhat different. But, I think the most important thing is that you don't waste too much time in letting her get to know that part of you. My girlfriend is... well... <ahem> tolerant of it. But, I do have a question for you: What would be the ideal situation between you and her as far as your fetish goes? Would you want her to help you pick out shoes to wear? Just how involved would you want her to be? Just simple tolerance? Or an active interest? Myself, I would SO very much love to have my girlfriend take an active interest in my heel wearing. I wear around the house every once in a while, and it seems to me like she's just simply tolerating it. I only wish I had the courage to try on women's heels in the stores, so I could take my girlfriend with me and have her help me pick them out. I just wish that it turned HER on as much as it does me.

    Good luck! I'll be following this one closely. :-)

  6. I have a feeling you're going to fit right in here. I also sympathize with you, in that I live in a town that would most certainly never appreciate my going outside in heels. (Not that I've ever tried it, but I wish I could.) I suppose wearing around the house will have to do for now. But, don't despair. You're among kindred spirits. :-)

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