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Posts posted by Spikes

  1. I agree with KFSteve. You have to have the right mindset to try heels on in a store. The hardest part for me is making the committment to walk through the door. Once I've done that, then there is no turning back unless you start getting really bad vibes from the sales clerks. If you are just starting out, as I've said before, you might try the self-service shoe departments. My favorite in the US is still Burlington. They have some great buyers who seem to concentrate on large selection of higher heels. You can try on as many pair as you'd like because the whole inventory is out in the store. They are also reasonably priced, maybe not the best brands, but certainly sexy enough. I'm very fortunate to wear a size 10. If I needed a larger size, that would be problematic in most stores.

  2. I have complimented ladies about their heels before, but like Barbara said, we don't see women in heels often enough where I live, so when I do, it is a special occasion. I try not to act strange about it. I simply walk up to them and say "I couldn't help but notice your shoes and wanted to compliment you on your choice of heels." If she is receptive, the conversation might continue as to how many pair of heels she owns and how often she wears this heel height. The longer I can carry on a conversation about heels, the better.

  3. Well put Stilettoscott. Although I love being in heels, my idea is not to walk around the mall or through downtown for extended periods of time, but to experience as much heel enjoyment as possible in the shortest amount of time. I might do this 3 or 4 times back to back when I'm in the mode. It is very intense, probably 5-10 minutes in each place and always a different experience depending on who you encounter in the store you enter. So it's probably not as much about being comfortable in public as it is putting on a show with willing participants.

  4. I expected this thread to get some responses like these, as there are many confident streetheelers in the group. What I was really hoping for were ideas from those who desire to wear heels in public, but use a story to pull it off. My scenario affords me the opportunity to: 1). Wear in public 2). Draw attention to the fact I'm wearing heels 3). Get someone to talk about the heels I'm wearing 4). Talk about the heels they are wearing 5). Get a photo of me wearing the heels 6). Get another person to see me in heels when they process the pics So for me, it becomes more than just wearing heels in public. It is an entire scenario that I like to play out, whether they believe me or not. Those who have participated have always played along with me. That being said, are there other ploys that anyone wants to share?

  5. There are many of you on this board who streetheel with confidence and your stories of heeling in public serve as an inspiration to those of us who are still working through that shy stage. And although I'm sure it will raise the ire of some who feel you need no special reason to be wearing heels in public, I thought it would be interesting to share some of the stories that we shy ones might use when streetheeling. Here's one: I haven't done this in a couple of years, but for a while I was using this ruse. Upon entering a business (always a small business with only female employees like insurance companies, hair salons, beauty supply shops, etc.), I would tell them that I'd made a bet with my wife. I'd say, "I bought my wife a pair of high heels for her birthday and she wants me to return the heels because they were too hard for her to wear all day, because she walks a lot". Then I would tell the employee, "I'd keep teasing my wife about it, calling her a wimp for not wanting to wear the shoes. So yesterday she brings home a pair of heels that fit me. My wife told me that if I would wear them and walk into ten businesses, she would consider keeping the gift". I don't think any of the employees even noticed the heels under my jeans until I pointed them out. It's one thing to streetheel and hope people notice what you are wearing. It is quite another, to come out and say to a stranger, "Look at these heels I have on." The heels I would usually wear into the business were a pair of black 4.5 inch stiletto pumps or a pair of clear 6 inch platform slides and I would have a camera with me. I'd tell the employee that these heels are much higher than the pair I'd bought my wife and that I thought she was just trying to get even with me. Of course part of the bet would be to prove to my wife that I'd been into the business wearing heels, so I would ask the employee to take a picture of me wearing the heels inside their place of business. The reactions were always friendly and favorable. I would direct them as to how to take the shot so it best presented the heels. They would wish me luck in winning the bet and often ask how I could walk so well in the heels? It was also easy to strike up a conversation about the heels in general and chat about the ones they were wearing. Sometimes a customer might walk in, but the employees would usually pass the story onto the customer while I was standing there in stilettos. I started this little scam with a disposable camera because it gave me the added rush of having a female lab clerk at a fast photo place look at me with curiosity when I picked up the prints of me posing all these different places wearing heels.

  6. Good to hear that everyone likes the idea of "Hotel Heeling". I was aware of Henri's and Thighbootguys previous posts. Their trips were road trips however. The point I was trying to make was to suggest a safe and anonymous place in someone's hometown. And you don't even need to be staying at the hotel. In my hometown streetheeling has been fairly limited because I fear being recognized by someone I know. I would be more comfortable in these hotels that have out of town travelers.

  7. I too hate the lok of platforms. They feel so clunky to me. As I stated in another post, the new hidden half-inch platform is great compromise. It raises the height of the heel and gives the shoe added stability. I find that most pumps eventually wear I guess because of the weight we place on the heel. But with the hidden plats, the shoe is more sturdy in construction. The brand I bought was called Bumper and came from Burlington. Size 10 in black lizard patent with a 5 inch heel.

  8. I think the threads I enjoy reading most are about wearing heels in public. They offer words of encouragement to those of us who are a bit shy about our love for heels. Many places like post office lobbies, gas stations, ATM machines and parks seem to appear often as safe places to street heel. But there has been little mention of hotels, so I wanted to offer up this idea. I had a meeting with a gentleman in his room at a Marriott Courtyard this week. The meeting was at 12:30. He had given me directions to his room so I walked right past the front desk and was greeted by the pretty clerk. I proceeded to the elevator and took it to the 3rd floor, passing two hotel maids who greeted me in the most friendly manner. i encountered only one hotel guest, perhaps because it was the middle of the day. I wasn't wearing heels mind you, but then I started thinking, "why wasn't I wearing heels". After all, I've only encountered hotel employees who are trained to be as friendly as possible. These people don't know whether I am a guest or not, but are instructed to be polite to everyone. Where else can you walk in heels, where people are instructed to be friendly and courteous? Many people in these threads have said that they are worried about running into someone they know. What better place than to be in your own hometown at a hotel with out of town travelers? The best hotels would be the smaller places like Marriott Courtyart, Hilton Garden Inn or similar places that don't have restaurants, bars or a lot of traffic. The additional bonus is that you get to wear your heels on nice carpeting and lobby floors. Most of these hotels have fire stairwells at both ends that allow you to walk end to end on all the floors. My goal would be to seek out those friendly employees, so mid-day when rooms are being cleaned might be the best. BTW, maybe take an overnight bag with you or briefcase to look more at home.

  9. Although they are not Catwalk brand name pumps, I bought a pair of the new hidden platform pumps at Burlington. They are black patent lizard skins and I have to tell you they, are the easiet pumps to walk in. I like them particularly because there is a 1/2 inch hidden platform in the shoe, but you can't tell it is there because it's very subtle. Additionally, it gives you all the stability of a platform without that clunky platform look.

  10. Super Heels, That's why this site is so special. It allows us to share our secrets with like minded people. Oh and btw, glad to see another over 60 participating in the group. I only wish I had been as committed to heels when I was 20 as I am today because I think I would be more accepted wearing in public. With gray hair, I feel I am looked more strangely upon.

  11. Although my memories of heels go back to the 2nd grade and playing hide and seek in the closet of one of my friends older sister which was full of high heels, my strongest trigger came from a next door neighbor of my parents. They used to alternate Friday night parties at 3 or 4 of the neighbors houses. A lot of cocktails (I think they called them hi balls back then), Jackie Gleason and Frank Sinatra on the record player and lots of laughter. Anyway, they allowed the kids to hang around until bedtime which was about 9PM. My mom didn't wear heels much, which might have added to my fascination when other women showed up wearing them. But on this particular evening, one of the neighbors showed up in a pair of Spring-o-lators. If you don't remember them, they are just like early mules, but had this elastic strap between the toe and the heel in the sole of the shoe that apparently helped you keep the shoe on your foot. What I remember most about them was how they slapped the bottom of her foot when she walked in them. So in addition to the clicking, there was this terrific thwack sound that they made. I remember someone teasing her about her shoes and she proceeded to take one of them off and start playfully hitting one of the men on their hand with the tip of her metal heel. It was very exciting. I couldn't have been more than eight or nine years old.

  12. I have searched Craigslist in the past and it's amazing the great collection of heels that are for sale out there. If you go to Google and type in "Craigslist high heels", it links you to all of the shoes posted around the country. Unfortunately, they are always in cities too far away check out. There was a woman in Tulsa, Oklahoma about 4 months ago that I exchanged a few e-mails with that had an awesome assortment of very high heels. When I asked her why she was getting rid of them, she said she'd had knee surgery and was giving up on wearing them......how sad.

  13. I too take advantage of after Christmas sales here in the US. There is a new discount outlet that opened up a couple of months ago. It is called Burke's Outlet and I think it is a national chain. Anyway, I was perusing the shoe section (they only carry womens and childrens shoes) and was surprised at the wide selection of larger sizes with decent heels. I spotted a pair of 4 inch stiletto pumps in a size ten that I tried on. Unfortunately, they were cut small and the left shoe was too tight, but $7.95 for a brand new pair of stiletto heels was hard to pass up. If they had been any other color than light tan, I might have bought them and tried to stretch the left one. Oh, well, so much for bargains. Happy New Year, Terry

  14. I imagine that this question has been answered before, but today i was oogling over some fabulous 3.5 inch holiday party slides in a department store circular and it struck me, what is the difference between slides and mules? Are they one in the same or is there something that makes a slide different from a mule?

  15. I approach almost every woman I see wearing nice heels. Unfortunately, where I live not being an extremely urban area, the sightings are lot as frequent as I would like, but there was one instance that I will always remember. About a year ago I spied a woman going into the post office wearing a black business suit, jet black stockings and black stiletto pumps with little rivets on them. I waited for her to come out of the post office and stood with her at the intersection waiting for the light to change. Here is how the discussion went: Me: I wanted to tell you how much I liked your shoes. She: Thank you very much. I love wearing heels. Me: I'm sorry more women don't wear them. They are much more feminine than some of the styles available. She: Pumps are my favorite style. Me: Me too. I prefer them much to platforms. Platforms are so clunky....I call them cheater heels. (I can't believe we are still walking down the street chatting about heels.....I worry because I don't know how many blocks she is walking) Me: Do you wear heels often? She: Most of the time. Me: And you don't find them uncomfortable? She: They are very easy to wear, if they are well made shoes. Me: Where do you buy most of your shoes? She: Oh, different stores. I really like the styles that Baker's has. Me: I'm sure glad that feminine styles are coming back. Did you ever buy shoes from Wild Pair before they went out of business? I always thought they had some of the nicest pumps. She: I don't think I ever did. Me: I guess they're even available on the internet now. Do you ever buy shoes on-line, like E-bay? She: I've seen heels on-line, but never bought a pair there. Me: You know, I was in Los Angeles a couple of weeks ago and went into Fredericks of Hollywood. They have some great high heels that aren't very expensive. She: Those are too high for me. Me: Yea, but they are still very attractive. And besides, those shoes you are wearing are pretty high. (she stops and lifts her foot as if to check out the heel height.....I am in heaven at this point) They look like they're at least 4 inches to me. She: Do you think so? (I wanted to crouch down and measure them, but restrained myself from doing it) Me: They look pretty high to me. Well nice chatting with you. (We have walked about two blocks together and are coming to a point where we have to go left or right...I was hoping she was going left, but she went right) Have a great day. She: You do the same. Bye! What a great experience. I have played it back in my head many times. It confirms these posts that, if you appear harmless and are honest about it, you can have some very interesting conversations about heel wearing. I was thinking that the next time I saw her, I might remind her about our discussion and see if she wanted to continue the topic, perhaps over lunch. It would be great to spend an hour with someone who admires heels as much as I do. _________________ Looking to share my fetish with like-minded individuals. I love to wear classic opera pumps in public with 4-5 inch stiletto heels.

  16. I'm curious Magickman, what kind of heels do you wear that women are attracted to? Obviously, you are heeling in public. Are they boots that appear to be unisex or are they truly feminine looking? Whatever the answer, I admire a man who is willing to show his preferences in public.

  17. Thanks Azraelle, your thoughts are very insightful. Having had a fetish for high heels most of my life and having a pretty intimate knowledge of womens' shoes, I find myself unsure of what knowledge I can comfortably reveal to friends and business associates. I envy those of you who have been able to "come out of the closet" with your friends and associates. It must be very rewarding to converse about something you are so interested in. I find it much easier to talk to strangers about footwear, whether it be complimenting someone on their choice of heels or talking to someone about the heels I am wearing because it doesn't affect the rest of my life. I am able to balance this dual life, but always regret those missed opportunities where I might have been able to interject my knowledge amongst friends, without making it appear as my passion.

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