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Posts posted by Thighboots2

  1. Hi and welcome to HHP. Why not click on the link below and go fill in the thread so we can see a little more about you. What styles are you into and so on. Are you looking to incorporate heels into your daily guy wardrobe as I do? Are you a stiletto or nothing sort of guy? Do ramble on about yourself and how heels feature in your life. The more you put in, the more response you will get back.

    Cheers for now.


    Heres the link:-


  2. I completely disagree with this sentiment, "save the stilettos for around the house"...Women respond differently to the REALITY of a man in heels versus the IDEA of a man in heels. If you just talk about the idea, there is vast response difference than when you actually live the reality right before their eyes.

    and totally agree with this succint comment. Nice!~

    Kneehighs, It is not often that I would disagree with you, but in this instance I think I must. There is a time and place for everything, and you have found the time and place where you can wear stiletto heels and work them superbly. Thus you confront women with the reality of a man in, specifically, stiletto heels at the right time. But do you wear stiletto heels all the time - heck no, but from the pics you have shown us of yourself, you do borrow from the fashion scene and happily do the skinny pants with boots over look. Flat heeled boots for sure so the emphasis is on the boot-over look and so it isn't too much controversy at the time. Nope you save the high stilettos heels for partying as a bit of alchol in the mix is immensely liberating.

    However, for the many who do not live in a cosmopolitan city this is not an option because it is outside their society's envelope and would make them feel wrong.

    I feel sorry for the many members on here who are not able to wear any of their stiletto heels out because they don't live in these cosmopolitan cities. What does surprise me however is their complete lack of willingness to adopt the cuban heel which at 3" passes as a mans heel (especially when put on a boot that is sold as a mans shoe). This knowledge that the shoe is made for a man is a huge psycological crutch that allows the wearer to walk out of the door in heels as much as you (kneehighs) do in your 4" stilettos.

    Then again I also feel sorry for the members who will only consider stiletto heels and nothing else. Other than the right place and time, and these are rare (but if you know what you are doing you can make the most of them as does kneehighs) they are not going to be wearing heels with their normal daily wear. I came to this conclusion about 2 years or so ago as I was in the stiletto heels or nothing brigade myself. So I decided that the cuban heel was worth looking at and hey presto, I've been wearing between 2.75" and 3.5" heels ever since. Some are mens shoes and some are ladies that fit my foot, but none of them have an overly thin heel and so I wear them without a thought and more importantly I didn't care about what anyone else thought.

    It harks back to the statement someone on HHP said (and I can't remember who to give them the credit) to look into the mirror and if you are happy stepping out in what you see, then so will everyone else be. This is so true.

    Actually I do have a question and perhaps I sould start a thread to find out why - Just why is it that we men are so fixated on wearing stiletto heels. Nothing to do with looking at girls wearing stiletto heels, that is really obvious and much as been written on what the heel does for a gal. No it is why is it stilettos or nothing for men. There is a huge trade in the footwear, society knows about it, but sweeps it completely under the carpet. Talk about double standards, it seems to be a very Victorian attitude.


  3. k6ps, The Johnny boot is just superbly comfortable. Sure the heel could be higher and another 1/2" would be ideal. In the UK they are £400 and I am sure you could easily get a pair made for less than that. I may well look into that as a posibility as then the height of the heel can be what you want. The Johnny boot is pretty close to my dream. I like ankle boots. I like a cuban heel most of all as it is a really good shape for a man. I like heel height between 7 & 10cm as this gives good height without restriction to mobility - Going higher just restricts mobility and additional height gain is negligible. I also love the Archie Eyebrow oxford styling. It is a nicely pointed wingtip on a 7cm (don't believe the website) cuban heel and looks just amazing. It walks superbly too. As to my dream shoe to see on a woman - we are there right now, although I would restrict the platform to a maximum of 1.5cm as anything more looks clumsy and inelegant and a womans shoe should never be inelegant. Simon.

  4. Tech, That is a very shrewd post and I would entirely agree with your analysis. Frodo, I guess we are in a similar place then, both comfortable with wearing heels of our choice and because it is to us so normal, not feeling the need to share. So now you can be there to help those get to the state that you find yourself. BE around to help and be critical of choice. Share your thoughts on what you feel is the right style - I have often and will continue to bang on about how I feel stiletto heels are basically wrong for guys and 4" is really as high as a guy should go. You still have much to contribute, as does Johnny. Simon.

  5. TLJ, Well why not wear them to work again and prove the point. Dawn, I concur on the chinkier styles. I have always thought a mans heel should be no thinner that 1" and even that is really too thin. Cubans heels 2.5-3.5" however look really good and are just so masculine. Simon.

  6. K6PS, Nice post. Good research. Certainly the pointy toe is coming into the mens designs although there seems to be a trend to keep the heel as thin as possible. Trouble is that all the mens heels (which I view as medium height) from Archie Eyebrows, YSL, and Fluevog are just under 3" (between 6cm & 7cm). By mens standards these are super high, but they are a bread and butter height for womens shoes (7 cm is an extreemly common height for a womans shoe heel) and for good reason as I can seem to do everything I need including run properly and the walk is not altered, I don't slide down the shoe so no toe jamming, etc. etc. Gosh I did sidetrack myself there, so back to what I was about to say. Trouble is that all the mens heels currently available range from rather pricey to downright expensive and so put off men from buyin them. The cheapest is the Archie Eyebrows at £175 upto £400 for the YSL with the rest being inbetween including the moderate heel Jeffrey West shoes. However, unless men do go and buy the heels, they will remain in the expensive bracket. Mind you I don't think anyone on here really wants to wear this sort of heel as they seem to be totally besotted with the stiletto heel and will not consider wearing anything else even if it means that they will never get to wear any sort of high heel openly. Talk about cutting their nose off to spite their face. The real point is that I wear my heels, be it Archie's, YSL's or my womens cowboy boots (3") all the time and very rarely do I wear flats and absolutely no one ever comments. I wish they would because it would be so nice to say they are genuine mens shoes right on the cutting edge of todays fashion. The fact that no one has ever made me feel uncomfortable means that they are quite acceptable, even my wife is quite immune to them. and I know she is one of those who are not in favour of men and high heels but I think that is because she equates high heels with stiletto heels - who doesn't. Oh well, I am rambling on up here on my soapbox and nothing is going to change and all the guys who will not wear anything unless it is a stiletto will just have to sneak around in private whilst I enjoy wearing heels where ever I want. Simon.

  7. Bubba, Got it in one. Indeed the Internet is probably the vehicle by which many have discovered things that interest them they would never had been able to identify before. It is my opinion, as expressed above, that HHP as digressed from its roots and by trying to be all inclusive and liberal and so on, has included that which IMHO detracts from the aim of heels and the male wardrobe. As far as I am aware there is only one place that really fits this description and that is Tech's Heels4men board. Sadly HHP, totally overshaddows H4M, and maybe the men's aspects of HHP should migrate now to H4M. Then again H4M could be deemed as unnecessary duplication and we get back to our roots and wish bon voyage to the parts of the board that are well catered for elsewhere. As I said above, I'm not anti the other parts, but do they have a place here? This is a really fundamental discussion topic and perhaps it should be re-organised into a new thread. It is my firm belief that as HHP is currently formed, just reinforces the idea of heels and men = perverts. Simon.

  8. Richie, You are quite right of course. You may be many things, but a mind reader isn't one of them. Me neither. In my opinion, the pervy stuff is more than well catered for on the web, whereas what I originally thought HHP was about, and in the early days it certainly was, was to be a meeting place for heel lovers that was not already catered for on the web. I have absolutely nothing against the fetish crowd, the TV/TS/CD crowd (I dabble a bit myself), the wet and messy brigade and so on, but this all detracts from the more realistic fashion side to HHP which is a wonderful thing and as far as men wearing heels, it just promotes the wrong image or reinforces the current perception of a why a man wishes to wear heels. Much as I would like too, I have not introduced my SO to HHP. She is tepid (at best) about my love of wearing heels. I know that she like the general populace sees a man wearing heels as just plain wrong and I know that were I to introduce her to this site as proof that "I am not alone" she would immediately focus on the wrong bits and it would force heels underground where they are currently on the surface. I think it is may be part of why Kneehighs has found he has outgrown HHP, because we are so focused on the heel and only the heel. There is more to it than just wearing heels. The whole outfit is something to be considered too. Just look where pushing the fashion envelope and including heels in the whole outfit took Kneehighs. I hope you find this constructive. HHP is totally unique, and I am not about to disappear in to the ether, but it does seem to have gone way beyond the original concept. Simon.

  9. Amanda,

    Like you I was sorry to read Roz's post. A great contributor to the site and will be missed.

    I too don't care for the "pervy" stuff on the board. It is nicely compartmented and kept very tidy and if you don;t like, then don't look works for me, however, the fact that it is there at all detracts from the site and must be off-putting to women. Were it not for my enjoyment of wearing heels and trying to incorporate them into my daily wear when appropriate then I would also pass this site by.

    Richie, Seeing as you have made a heels4men board, which is completely overshaddowed by hhplace (more is the pity) as it has exactly the same facility in the Guys section, perhaps the time has come to split the relevant sections up and have a heels4girls board and a heels4anyoneelse moderated by the particular group it is aimed at. I know it is all down to cost and bravo to you for doing this for us, so this suggestion is just a load of hot air really.

    Then again as girls are not just interested in shoes, but everything else that goes along with the look, then maybe their section is a bit too limited to just one particular aspect of their wardrobe.


  10. HHT, I beg to differ on the heel height, but concur on the platform. Those heels are more like 3.5", just look at my avatar which are 7cm heels/no plat and look at the arch area. This is similar to the arch on RD's shoe without the platform. They do look like very plain versions of the shoes I used to wear in the 70's though. Yet another glimmer of light at the end of our tunnel. Simon.

  11. OK, so they are not "High Heels" as we on here define a high heel (as a woman would do), but in mens terms, these are high heels. Be grateful that it is starting. I have said over and over again, we are not going to go from flat to 4" stiletto in one go. Its got to be a gradual thing. Heels are all over the place in the fashion world now, and as usual in the fashion world, things are usually "Over-The-Top" as far as normal people are concerned. However, the broad thrust and design queues usually filter down to the stuff the general populace buy and wear. More and more runway shows feature male models in heels of some kind so it is simply a matter of time now. It is sad that the only male heels that are nearly, but not quite, 3" are from YSL/Archie Eyebrows and that the prices are £400/£175 respectively, so they are pricely in most people's eyes. But if you don't buy, then they won't be made. The mainstream shoemakers are just waiting to see how well the high end is going before they come out with their own versions. Get down to Tom Baker's in D'Arlby Street, Soho and you can see/buy the Archie boot and shoes. Sure they are still pricey, but they are full leather and hand made. IMHO, they are great value. Simon.

  12. I voted 2 1/2" to 2 7/8" as that is exactly the height of my normal day shoes. Sure I have days when I wear 3 1/2" and also when I wear 3/4". I vary my footwear to suit my mood and dress style. My normal daily footwear is my Lenny boots from Archie Eyebrows, but for posh occasions I break out the Johnny's. Simon.

  13. Clearly a Woman's shoe and that's how I voted. Vote any other way, and you are deluding yourself. The slenderness of the heel, let alone the height and the low vamp all weigh against this being viewed in any other way. DanielP's picture on the other hand is properly gender neutral, and of the style I wear most every day. Simon.

  14. Dr Shoe, You are so right, it is the only way. It may well be starting at the designer level and that is at least 5 years now, but has yet to filter down to the high street. Mind you those are one nice pair of boots. Simon.

  15. I don't see that I can vote, but here is my 2p worth. I don't think that women are particularly against men wearing heels, it is just not the current fashion for men to do so because there are, currently that I am only aware of, only offerings from YSL, Gucci, Archie Eyebrows and Fluevog. Wear any of these and the answer is Women accept a man wearing heels. However, for the majority of the board, the current offerings are not worth considering as heels. They are too low, being sub 3", but only just, and they are not stilettos. What it seems to me is that the majority wish that society would not consider the wearing of 4" stiletto heels, and hosiery, skirts and other such gender specific clothing as being anything other than deviant. I too wish that society would not judge a person by what he/she chooses to wear, but sadly we are all guilty of judging a person by their appearance and even though I wish the above, I am still guilty of the said judgemetal attitude. It is human nature and anything that is way out of place will cause concern. In these enlightened days where it seems every male is considered to be a paedophile, anything that can be used to bolster that opinion will be seized upon and the wearing of clothing manufactured specifically at females just helps fan the flames. Of course in these PC days, leeway is given to those who are TG, but it is still an uphill battle for them to get acceptance. It is for this reason that the majority of wifes/partners may well be quite happy with you wearing stiletto heels around the house, but will not consider your desire to wear them everywhere. For a lucky few, their wives/partners don't care and revel in poking fun at the ridiculous attitudes of society. Simon.

  16. Nice find Shrimper, Massive leaps in fashion are usually music led as fans love to emulate them. It now remains to be seen if the fans of Semi-Precious Weapons are up for wearing similar attire. If so, Mr Weitzman is going to be extreemly busy! Simon.

  17. Morpho, I think i can quite understand your wife's reaction. She was faced with an obvious male dressed in female attire and basically not trying to hide the fact. Why not, it is NY after all ;-) but it is a sight many will not be used too and anything that one sees that you are not used too will initially cause a similar reaction until the information is processed by the person and they recover and are able to decide how to proceed. If this is how you wish to present to your wife, then this is certainly the reaction you will get. But what if it were kneehighs who had just walked out of the door instead? Still in 4" stilettos, but clearly dressed as a man expressing fashion freedom. I guess we will never know the answer to that. How do you want to present to the world? Personally, whilst I am totally against all this gender specific stuff and I am totally for whomever wearing whatever they choose, it doesn't mean I have to like what I see. Personally I think there are precious few guys that can wear a dress well (or walk in high heels come to that even though they kid themselves they can), precious few can cross the line into female clothing and really look good as an obvious male, but there are certain styles that do lend themselves to being worn by either gender and business suits are one of those. A good example of this is the pictures by Heel-Lover from NZ. Maybe his choice of skirt length is a little to short for my taste, I am a little conservative in this as I prefer knee or longer lengths, but this aside, the look is not as outrageous. Rather a nice juxtaposition of the male and female clothing styles. Another style would be skinny pants with knee boots over as long as the guy has the right figure. I do not really think you can count the gentleman you and you wife saw as a "heeler" as he was far more than that, and a brave soul too boot. Simon

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