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Posts posted by chris100575

  1. (SIDEBAR) It is a proven fact that people behave better when they are

    dressed up. Example: seldom do we see a brawl at the opera or at a play.

    I disagree with this point. I accept that you don't often see brawls at operas or theatres, but that is more due to the type of people they tend to attract rather than what they're wearing.

    Speaking as an ex-copper, most of the town centre brawls I went to were outside the bars that had a dress code, and the guys involved were wearing shirts trousers and shoes. The biker pubs where everyone was wearing leathers and jeans, despite their reputation, we never had any problems with.

    Basically the propensity for violence / offensive behaviour has nothing to do with the clothes. It's the person in them.

  2. Personally I think that Dr. Shoe had some good advice. In your shoes I'd try wearing silicone falsies 24/7 for a while. Apart from the gender identity thing you also need to consider the psysiological effects of having very large breasts. My wife has 36H breasts, which are significantly larger than DD but not twice the size. Here a some of the problems she has: - Nice underwear stops not much after a D cup, unless you go to specialist suppliers which are very expensive. - Running is painful due to the bouncing. Sports bra's also only come in small sizes. - Guys tend to talk to your chest. - It can be difficult to get tops that fit properly. - Fewer comfortable positions to sleep in. - Back / shoulder ache from the weight. Obviously these are only the negative points, but it's something to consider.

  3. Last time I was in Alternative Footwear I was discussing this with the lady who works there. She was saying that she's had women come into the shop and make the "How can anyone walk in these?" comments. Bearing in mind that they don't sell anything lower than four inches, you have to wonder what they were doing in there in the first place. Personally I can walk quite comfortably in four inch heels with no problems at all. I can manage up to 5.5 inches, but am not quite so agile in those!

  4. I think it probably has to do with the fit of the shoes. I once saw a woman wearing sandals, and her toes were all squashed together as though in a pointed shoe. It looked awful. I like the look of high arches, but squashed toes really don't do it for me!

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