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Posts posted by stilettolover

  1. I don't know how they deliver in the U.K., but there are several companies here in the U.S. that package all shoe boxes inside of a plain cardboard box with nothing more than a shipping label. Very discreet, since I have to have anything I order shipped to my work via UPS.

  2. I went out in a pair of 8 1/2" heel plats, and I found it io be (like I mentioned earlier in this thread) a real pain in the a** to go anywhere but a level smooth surface in those shoes. I'm sure there are folks that are o.k with that, but I want to enjoy my heels, and not have to worry too much about how and where I step. All I have to say to anyone who wants to brave the outdoors in extreme plats, is be real careful. We all don't need hurt ankles, feet, or our pride.

  3. JeffB I agree with you about knee boots. I have 2 pair. Look really good with the skirts that I coordinate them with. I go for a really conservative look, so I could never pull off thigh, chap or crotch boots with my outfits. Still love those styles though. TBG ...Love your boot collection as I have seen many on youtube.

  4. Hi since.... If you browse around the form, you will find a lot of people with your same situation. This is a good place to talk to others, and to find the support of people who all have the same interests as you. I personally have issues that , upon corresponding with others here, have helped resolve some of them. It will thak some time to get the courage up, but heels are nothing to be ashamed of, since we men were the first in history to wear them anyway! Heel on! P.S. Really nice boots!!! (I love boots in the winter!)

  5. I have a couple of 7" heel plats, but prefer the ones with a 5"-6" heel with no more than a 1" platform. IMO , more stable for all terrains, and still quite wearable for longer periods of time. Needless to say, most of my plats fit the latter classification.

  6. I also live in a more "backwoods" area (south central Tennessee) and these people here are just not ready to see a guy in heels, let alone a skirt, etc. The old hilbilly macho is really present here, so i have to rethink just what I can do without "upseting the apple cart" so to speak. Maybe after being here a little longer I will be able to figure it out. I mostly wear heels in the stealth of darkness on the drive to work, and before everyone else comes into the shop.

  7. JeffB, Congrats on your outing. I recently moved to the "burbs" of middle Tenn. , and I know that, unless I go to the big city of Nashville, people here just aren't ready for that kind of encounter. Someday I will again be able to be a little more public about my passion, but for now, I just have to be satisfied with hearing about yours and other's great experiences through the forum. Happy new year, and heel on!

  8. I have a pair of the femmes, and i do agree that they are a bit difficult. In my size (12 us womwn's) the heel rise is almost 9" and that does wreak havoc on your ankles. Plenty of toe room due to the round toe box, but I still get sore after about 30 minutes of standing/walking.

  9. Iknow what you mean by "impossible" I tried once and haven't tried again (to stand/walk in ballets) Maybe someday...I'm too old to fall and break something, so 6" stilettos w/o a platform is probably it for me. Good luck with learning to enjoy them! Have fun!

  10. I have purchased on the net, and as a general rule of thumb, the "made in China" shoes have a significantly higher than advertised heel height in my size (12 U.S.) I have found that the more top shelf brands have a way to keep the heels a little closer to the stated height, but that is only my personal experience with different purchases, with varying levels of quality.

  11. dubheii....I see that you said YET. That must mean that you will eventually get the courage to experience the rush of wearing out in public. It took me a long time to get the courage to do it, but once I did, it feels really good to be able to go out and be myself.

  12. I would say, yes. I just bought 2 form fitting long skirts, 2 matching sweaters, 1 pair of ankle boots, and 2 pair of really nice sandals for myself. That rounds out my winter wardrode, and boy the sweaters are soooo comfy. BTW... the shoes are great. Merry Christmas to all.

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