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Posts posted by Firefox

  1. You get tired of trying different ones after 10 attempts. Anyway, here's my go on another board for a TV chat show called Trisha. Francis posted something here ages back, but we can have another go.


    Here's the actual message link



    Believe in your right to wear what you want

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Firefox on 2002-01-29 22:53 ]</font>

  2. It's amazing the number of people reading this forum but not posting anything. Often I'll see 5-7 people "browsing" the forums. I'll come back later to see nothing has been added. OK, we can't force you to post, and I do know some people do prefer to read, but please don't be shy if that's what's bothering you. Delurk now, and share your opinions. Everyone's (friendly) opinions are most welcome here. And when you do finally "come out," you'll often enourage others to do so too.

  3. Match the heel to the occasion. You don't see most women in 5" stils. If you asked them why not, a fair number would say they didn't have the figure or the confidence to carry it off, or they weren't suitable for that event.

    You can still wear loads of types of heels on all occasions without fear of people saying anything though. It depends on what you are after. If you want to blend in then be sensible. If you want to make a point then go for it. I do both, often the latter, but then you have to be prepared for the odd ignorant comment, the same way as woman might get called a "tart". I'd like to think our esteemed readership here has the ability to laugh that sort of stuff off. If you give in to it then you are giving into ignorance. It's the same as givng into terrorism.

    Are you going to let them win ?

  4. Too right Yam Yam. Join us on one of our UK shoe shop outings sometime! The narrow width in women's styles is often a killer. Bear in mind that in certain styles, your toes are meant to be squashed in. I don't accept that, and I'll modify the shoe mechanically to fit or buy a larger size. Many use their feet to modify shoes with disasterous results.

  5. Good luck guys! 3 to 3 1/2" chunky heels are really quite in proportion, especially on the larger gents sizes. I'd venture to suggest you don't even need to worry about trousers to hide that sort of heel, but for the first time, why not? Then gradually take up your trousers. Yes, you might get the odd comment here and there, but just laugh it off or ignore it. It's easy :smile:

  6. Another day in London, this time on business, and a chance to look at some street fashions around Liverpool Street station. A few observations 1. 95% of the styles are black ankle boots. The heels vary from 2 to 4 1/2" with the most common style being a blocky blade type. However anything from stilettos to wedges is on offer 2. Most of the girls wearing them are quite thin, and are wearing those quite flared flowing trousers. This really tends to lose a stiletto heel in my opinion. 3. The best example I saw were some stiletto boots, black trousers, long black coat. These were very high heels and the girl disappeared into one of the office buildings around the station. Not only were they the highest heels but also she was one of the best at walking in them. _________________ Believe in your right to wear what you want <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Firefox on 2002-01-29 02:55 ]</font>

  7. Oh yes thanks for the Guiness glass reminder. I did see it, but I couldn't remember if I had brought it or not so I decided to leave it in case it was yours! Jeff, if you've got the picture of us all in Southside Bar (The last Bar on Sat evening), that might be a nice one to post as I think we were all on there). That's if people don't mind having their pictues up - I think we've all been up before so I'm assuming we don't mind.

  8. This subject was raised by Laurie in another thread, but I thought it merited a thread all of its own. Which side of the fence do you fall on? Does the increasing freedom in society mean that the guys are trespassing on the girl's territory. Does the fact that men might wear high heels mean that the mystique of a woman in them is somehow compromised? Should some things be set aside for society for the sole use of women to express their feminine identity? On the other hand, did women give up that "right" when they claimed many male such as jeans or business suits for regular wear themselves? Can, or should we ever go back to the 1950's where to wear fashions outside what was imposed, was seen as a fair reason for ostracism by society? This subject has caused controversy on the boards before, but I'm sure we can debate it in a reasoned manner without things getting out of hand. In the end, some of us are probably going to disagree, but at least we will have listened each others' arguments :smile:

  9. I started wearing them in public at university, but actually all students just wore trainers, even the girls so it was a bit more difficult to buck that trend, when noone was wearing anything different. However, in my early 20's I soon started wearing whatever shoes I wanted in public. That might include stilettos at parties and more casual blocks, wedges or even thinner heels for work/social. I still wear trainers and hiking boots too, so I'm not governed by any personal inhibition as to what I wear and when. I don't however wear unsuitable shoes like heels when doing structural surveys for work. I have about 50 pairs of shoes. Most of them are heels of some sort, but about 7 are trainers, hiking/safety boots, etc for when the occasion demands.

  10. Does anyone know why they had the seam in the first place. Was that manufacturing thing or a concsious fashion decison. If the latter, which I suspect, I'm very suprised that seamed or patterned hose aren't more popular in the present day. They will help to make the line more attractive and aesthetically pleasing on women with less than "ideal" legs. Surely that's a laudible aim in in all fashion priniples?

  11. Some fashion heeled styles are made deliberatly narrow so they pinch the toes. If I get a pair like that, I force them out with a wooden former, the shape of my toes, and they fit perfectly. I never stretch shoes with my feet so I'll never end up deforming my feet with bad shoes. This stretching technique is really only suitable for styles with closed uppers by the way. You'll probably ruin courts/pumps like that

  12. A quick aside to Laurie. The reason I wear heels personally is not for any thrill of doing something "forbidden". It's because I'm interested in shoes, and I like to make the most of the different fashion possibilites. If I can help other guys realise their true fashion identity too, I don't think that detracts from the mystique of women wearing heels; it just adds to the variety of the world we live in. Conversely, no one ever said that women starting to wear trousers and business suits reduced the image of men in the corporate world. It was just seen as greater freedom of choice for all. Anyway, back on topic, high heel sightings during the UK Heel weekend. These were generally very poor owing to the attrocious weather conditions. Most women seemed to opt for practical footwear in the driving rain and wind we experienced. I did see many nice pairs of boots under jeans in London, but the current fashion seems to be towards these very flared jeans, and very low ones too. These often scraped the ground, soaking up the rain. I'm hoping this fashion for these strange trousers will end soon, so we can see a bit more of the heels :smile: I'm going to London again tomorrow, so I'll try and report on any interesting sightings. I hope the weather is better! _________________ Believe in your right to wear what you want <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Firefox on 2002-01-28 01:50 ]</font>

  13. Great picture Jeff. That was the one I was talking about! If any one has any questions about any of the shoes in the picture, post them in the thread here, and we'll try and anwer them. Also congratulations to Jeff for winning our impromptu "Best walk in 5.5" heels competition." We all gave marks out of 10 for the other people in a "secret" ballot and Jeff was clear winner with 42/50. Everyone else was in the 30's so we're not that bad. Debbie watch out!

  14. Yes Brantano is a good one for anyone a bit nervous. The shoes are laid out in sizes with both left and right and box on display in big wharehouse type aisles, so you don't need to ask anyone anything. Just try your shoes on and then go and pay for them. They will take them out of the box when you pay for them though. This is to check you are not buying high heels if you are a guy so the police can be called B) .... no, joking, it's to check that you selected a left and right shoe of the same size! They always do it, so don't worry about it. To Squirrel - You will need to go to the next town if you are that worried what people think. I realise it's difficult when you are younger, but in two years time you may well have your own transport, and more indedpendence, so hang on in there and look to the future :smile:

  15. I have to admit I like looking at women wearing heels from the point of view of seeing what styles are in fashion, what shops they are from, how well the women walk in them and coordinate their outfits etc. I'll often take a trip down the station platform or sit opposite/near to a woman in a train if she is wearing attractive heels, so I can get a closer look. As I spend a fair amount of time in UK women's shoe shops noting the style changes with the seasons, I can often know the source or even the name of the style. (A slight addendum to say I do tend to look at shoes purely from an interest point of view. When it comes to making friends, appearance and fashion preference rate 1/10 for me in the scale of importance. The person is what counts. My last girlfriend wore no almost heels at all, mainly training shoes, and I never tired to influence her otherwise). <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Firefox on 2002-01-28 02:48 ]</font>

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