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Posts posted by Bob

  1. In the past I suffered from knee pain and had to go to the physiotherapis regulary, she often asked me what sort of exercise I liked to take and mentioned that I regularly went walking. She said that If I were a woman she would recommend walking I (moderate) heels as this could be good for knee problems as it could help strenghten the muscles in the knee. We got to talking and I said that if I was brave enough perhaps I could do as she said and I remember her saying that because men have stronger bones and ligaments they were in many ways better suited to wearing heels than women If I remember correctly she recommended block type heels of 2 1/2" - 3" in height and not wearing them all the time thus maintaining muscle and ligament flexibility so the moral of the story, heels worn in moderation are good for both men and women, but like many things, too extreme and too much of a good thing can be bad for you

  2. I'd say that if you live in a conservative area, about 2 1/2" is about the maximum, the first time my mum saw me in heels was in that height, and she never even twigged that I was wearing thigh high boots! She just said "new shoes?" so the moral of the story is that when starting out, start with something moderate that most people wont even look at, you can then start building your confidence and then progress to higher heels as time moves one

  3. There are more decent people about than idiots, but why do the idiots make life difficult for us majority? On topic, it is nice when you are complimented on your look. Ironicaly, I've found that older people (particularly women) seem more open minded to those guy's who dress differently than the younger people. Perhaps as time passes people are becoming more regresive :lol:

  4. I'm not attacking anyone! If anybody has any kind of injury then they shouldn't lift anything, after all, who'd want to make an injury worse? When i'm on public transport, and it's busy, and i'm taking a seat and see older people standing, I try to give them the seat, however, if i'm suffering from leg pains for example (i do from time to time as a result of an operation. The anaesthetic has ended up causing more problems than the surgery resolved :wink: ) I at least offer but say that i'm in pain myself. I feel it's only polite So the question is: regardless of gender, age or whatever, isn't only polite for the receptionist to either offer assistance, or offer to find assistance to help carry to large bulky package? If the receptionist has an injury industrial or otherwise she/he could easily have explained the fact rather than just ignore the fact that someone was struggling with a bulky package? And my sysmpaties with your injury texasbumpkin, hope you get well soon

  5. Women in trousers really came into their own during world war 2, for example: women working in factories & women in the Womens Land Army all war trouser for safety and modesty reasons. Even the women at Fighter Command HQ in Bentley Priory, down in the filter room wore trousers so the wen they went up the ladders to the plotting board their modesty wasn't compromised! After the war many of these women didn't want to go back to only wearing skirts and dresses, and why should they have? They continued to wear trousers inspite of all the ridicule and abuse they were getting, and not just from they men either. And as Dr Shoe stated in an earlier post, they were sometimes physically abused too, anything from being spat at to worse and again, not just from men. Now, most of the women who blazed the trail did so for quite practical reasons, they were working during the war in physical jobs, working in factories building weaponry, aircraft, and working on the land with heavy machinery, often with men insisting that they do their work in skirts! And this despite the fact that in the case of the WLA, they had a quite specific uniform! It is no wonder that after the war all these women wanted to keep their trousers, after all, they had earned them! Nowadays, many women wear trousers purely for style, whereas they are really designed for practicality and safety. They are like a tin of Ronseal, they do exactly what they say on the tin, they keep you safe when doing heavy work. Only certain women would look at trousers as a style statement, and yes i've known many women, whilst wearing trousers, who have asked to "big strong men" to do lifting jobs that they themselves would be quite capable of tackling and not just because of what they were wearing. Heavy work is more down to technique than actual physical strength. Now it stands to reason that, if we are to have equality in this world, then it should be just that, equality in expectation, in clothing, in cosmetics, in employment, in duties, in everything that life itself has to offer (although to be fair, i'm afraid only women will have the dubious pleasure of giving birth, neither man no woman can be blamed for physiological differences between the genders :wink: ) fortunately it is only a minority on either side of the gender gap that makes things bad for the rest of us. I've known many a woman who is just as happy to get "stuck in" and i've known many men who have been gentle and empathic. And I would like to believe that most men and women are fighting the equality fight So I would say to everyone out there who are fighting to wear what they want, keep up the fight and don't get downhearted, and if you do find someone who is "all mouth, no trousers" remind them that with the clothing they wear comes certain responsibilities, and that a great many women & men fought against hostility and ridicule to wear just that!

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