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Posts posted by crotchhiboots

  1. Here is one of my stories. Fetishboy Nile woke up in the hospital, the doctors told him he was in a bad car accident and his back was injured. Upon awaking he had a back support gurdel which made breathing a little difficult. His mother was at bedside and had her arm in a sling and some of her face was bandaged. She was driving when the crash happened and she was crying about her son being so hurt. After a week he could go home provieded that he wear his back support all of the time. He also had to take painkillers and they made him very drowsey. His mother didn't like the drugs that he took and she also didn't like the back brace that he had to wear. The back brace had little plastic knobs that stuck out at some very odd places and they made his shirt look misshapen. He didn't like the brace either and he couldent put it on by himself after his shower. His mother decieded to look into other ways of dealing with his back problem. On the way home from the market she saw a fetish shop and she stopped to look at what they had. While looking at evrything she saw a loong lethear corsit with heavy boneing that would fit him. When she got home she showed it to her son. At first glance he was horrified at wearing something that was made for women but his mom told him that it would look better than that ugly back brace. He relucktantly tryed it on with his mothers help he was laced tightly into it and his back felt much better. About a week later wearing the corsit he was the happy carefree boy that he was before the accident, his back didn't hurt as much as it did in the brace and he started to ask his mother if he could stop taking the painkillers that made him so drowsey. With her permission he stopped taking the drugs and felt much better. His friends thought that it was weird that he had to wear the corsit but they got used to him in it. He even liked what it did for his waist and when he was lacedup in the morning it felt just right. His posture was much improved as he had to sit up straight and he couldent slouch like he used to. One day he was riding his bike through the woods and he had scraped up his leggs pretty badly and when he got home his mother was horrified with his condition so she being the overprotective mother she was went out and bought him a couple pairs of lether pants. She loved him and couldent bear the thought of him getting hurt again. Nile loved his new pants and thought that he was soo cool. Some of his friends that were girls thought that he was stylish. At school his teachers didn't approve of this fashon and called his mother, after his mother had her say with them they didn't objecet again. One day when he was home alone he was checking out his mothers' heels and found that he could fit into his mothers' shoes. He then tryed on a pair of 3" heels and walked around in them enjoying his added hight he found that he could reach books that were on the hightest shelves. he liked the feeling so much that he repetedly wore them when his mother was not at home. When his mother unexpectedly came home and caught him wearing her heels she hit the roof telling him that he was not repet not to wear them. This did no good because he was hookked. After she keept catching him she went on the internet and found that high heels helped with back pain she started to encouarge him to wear them. She even took him shopping for his own heels, she bought him some strappy sandales with 4" slender heels for summer and when they went to the beach she got him some cork wedges also 4" high. He couldn't get enough of his heels and wore them everywere. He was so happy with them that he even wore them to school and his friends thought him strange but the girls loved it. They keept encouraging him and the teachers didn't like his choice of footwear and complained to his mother and meet with the same reply about his pants. At the time of his accident he was 10 years old and now he was 12 and he has worn his heels dayly for about a year. When he went to take a shower he found that he could no longer walk flat footed and his tendons hurt him when he tryed. so his mother found a pair of plastic heels that he could wear in the shower. She also bought him a rubber corsit so he could go swimming. He has been going higher in his heel hight and is now able to walk in 5" and even 6" heels. He has told his mom that he would like to try stilettos and she agreed on some 5" heels at first then she relented and got him apair of black kneehis with a 6" stiletto heel. His girlfriends loved his new boots and his acceptence of his fetish. Well his mother got his report card in the mail and she was realy mad at him so she thought of a way to keep him studying longer. She found a pair of thigh high 7" heeled boots in pink that were lockable. She would have him put them on in the morning and lock them and leave with the keys. Well Nile began to like these boots and got used to them soon. He still studied in the morning but he ventured out in them with his pants over them, he could disguise that he was wearing thigh highs but he couldn't disguise the fact that he was wearing 7" heels in pink no less. His friends soon got used to his unusal footwear and he got used to them too. He was walking home one nite and his mother caught him. To say the least she was boiling mad at him and would find another way of keeping him home. His mother noticed that he always was wearing his heels and had trouble walking flat footed. She questioned him he told her that when he tryed to walk flat footed he felt a lot of pain in his legs. Aha she thought, she had a weapon to use. When she left for work she locked up all of his heels and he could not go far. He stayed home for quite a while. One day she noticed that his heels had scratches on them and when she asked him he told her that he was climbing a tree and the heels got scratched up. Well to say the least she told him that she was protecting him and that he wouldn't be climbing anymore trees in the future. She stopped at the fetish shop and knowing his size she bought a pair of knee hi ballet boots for him. The next morning she gave them to him and told him to put them on. After he laced them up she locked the tops and went to work. This stopped his out of house adventures for good, so she thought. Nile found some interesting information on the internet about walking in ballet boots and soon started to try. Stumbling and occasionaly falling he got used to them having expiereance with 7" heels taught him to keep his balence by standing up streight. His toes were in a lot of pain way before he was done. His mother keept him in this boundage all through the summer and eventuly he could walk in them from the kitchen to the liveing room and all over the house. He didn't go out of the house in them because he was not confident he could handle hills around his house. School was about to start and he was so used to the boots that his mother let him wear his 7' pink beuties to school. Ocasionaly he would wear them outside his pants and the girls would love to see him like this but his pals didn't. When he got home he would change into his ballet boots just to get relief. His tendons were not streched by the 7' heels because his feet were used to the ballet boots. He complained to his mother that his toes hurt and she got him some pads for his toes so he would be more comfortable. He also complained about the lack of support his knees had so she got him a pair of thigh high ballet boots so he didn't have to wear his kneehis all the time. He liked the way they felt on his legs. The long shafts combined with tight lacing gave him the support he wanted and was soon wearing them everyware. His friends thought he was odd but the girls loved it. When he wore them to school his teachers were outraged but they didn't call his mother because of prior calls were met with her backing her son. Nile got used to his new boots and loved the looks that he got. Every so often he wold look at his feet and glow with pride that he could walk in his boots fairly well. Nile got used to walking all over the place in his boots and he was proud of his accomplishment. He even was able to ride his bike in heels so one day while riding through the woods his arms got scratched up pretty badly he didn't notice it till he got home and his mother gave him a horrible welcome. She told him that she had a remedy for this and the next day he found out. His mother went to the fetish shop and bought him a pair of leather gloves that went all the way up his arms to his armpits. She laid down the law and told him not to go outside without his gloves on.At first he felt wierd but soon he got used to having his gloves on when he was out. She replaced the buttons with zippers so it would be easer to put them on. Nowadays he was encased in lethear from the tips of his toes to his neck. At graduation he looked fairly normal but with black gloves and his lack of feet so to say, he was glad he had gotten high marks and made his mother proud. One of his friends fathers had a small grocery store and Nile was soon stocking shelves and unloading trucks. The owner of the store was concerned that Nile woulden't be able to stand the whole day in his heels but Nile soon proved that he could. When dealing with trucks he had to watch out for the gap between the truck and the dock they backed into.Ths store owner never saw Nile slip or stumble while at work and Nile was a good worker. Things were good untill Nile pulled his boss aside and told him that his father had died and left him wyth a sizable inheritance and he was quitting his job. Niles' father had left him with ten million dollers and he soon moved out of his mothers house into his own house. One of his girlfriends gave him a hand decorating and picking out furniture. Nile was a fairly good cook being that he learned from his mother. He started to go to the fetish shop often when some of his gloves started to show wear, at the same time he ordered a couple of corsits and more clothes. He wanted to get a new pair of boots and ordered a pair of crotchhigh boots. When he got tired of black he ordered his outfits in red,brown,white and pink. When he saw a hood made of lethear he just had to have it, when he got home he tryed it on and found that he liked the fealing of being encased in lether from head to toe was intoxicating. The smell the fumes of lether had him firmly in their grip. He liked how the hood hugged his face and he felt like he was in a cacoon and was safe. On his next visit to the fetish shop the manager came over to him and offered him a job there. He said that he wasen't ready to work yet but he would let the owner know. He was contempleating on getting a full bodysuite made of leather with a builtin corset and ballet boots attached, also a hood would be attached too. When it arrived he was in heaven. He had the makers make him a black one and he had them make them in red.pink, brown and white.Being fully encased in leather from the tips of his toes to the top of his head was a fantastic feeling. The day arrived when his suite fineily was here. He took it to his bedroom. Slipping his feet in he started to lace the boot part intill his waist. Then he slipped his hands and his head in the hood. He was finely able to start laceing the coursit around his wast. He then laced his neck coursit and made sure that everything was tight. He walked over to his mirror amd almost swooned, he was in heven. He could smell the lether fumes comming off his clothes. I know that it is a little unpolished but and the spelling may be off but WTF.

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