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Posts posted by Iamme

  1. Another way to sneak a nice pair of heels past your parents is to buy them on a day where you can be 100% sure your parents aren't home. That's how I usually sneak all heels past my parents. Otherwise I hide the stuff between the normal stuff I always carry around. :cry1:

  2. I have US 12/13 Womens size, so it's really hard to find high heels in my size if I go shopping. That's why I usually rely on the internet. Ebay is my shopping place of choice. When I see cool heels on a website I look up what kind of high heel it is (manufacturer, name of the heel, etc) and search around on Ebay. Most online US retailers don't ship internationally and/or accept payment via Paypal. Gotta love Ebay! But really, I sometimes wonder if there's a kind of surgery available that allows part of the bones in the middle of your feet to be cut/removed and then reattach the two halves back together (still following me?)And thus make your feet smaller. Sounds painful though.

  3. Welcome Vanheel! First of all my best 2010 wishes to you as well. I agree with you, I sure wish people would be more open minded. But there are very few people who are... It's great that you have a wife that tolerates you wearing heels, even if it's only inside the house. I don't know how long she already knows about your passion, but maybe she still needs to get used to it. Maybe she'll tolerates you wearing heels in public in due time. I wonder why heeling in front of the small ones is so bad. I mean, if they are still toddlers, I think one would be able to raise them with the thought of men wearing high heels is perfectly normal. That's how I want to raise my future kids, at least. (almost 19 years old on my end, so yeah.. Not quite the time for kids yet!) I sure want some open-minded kids! Great story for a first outing! I'm sure that was a really exciting and fun experience! Keep us posted!

  4. I've done this too, I actually did it last night with my GF...

    I was basically joking on about me wearing her clothes etc and her reply was "God no, thats just wrong....."

    When I said about me wearing her heels (have worn her heels in bed whilst playing around :cry1: ) her reply was "she didn't mind 'cos she couldn't see them....."

    How would people interpret this ? as I just about had the confidence to tell her my secret ....

    My girlfriend was like that at first too, but when I told her I was serious about it she accepted it and she even grew to like high heels (she was a huge hater at first).

    She's a huge support, she wants to shop for high heels with me and even buy me a pair or two. She even went as far as to buy me women's clothing too.

    She just recently confessed that she actually likes to see me in women's clothing and heels. I got lucky with her for sure!

    Well back on topic, I suppose being honest with her is the best option anyway. Say that it's a part of you and that was already a part of you when you two got together. Whether she'll accept it or not is up to her.

  5. Never slipped really. I usually make my comments about me wearing heels in a comical way. I always make people think 'is he actually serious or what'? I basically do that to judge the person in question whether he/she will accept it or not.

  6. It's great to hear that you enjoyed being in your heels in public! I hope you really enjoyed your evening out. Good thing you didn't gamble too much, too. Hehe! I think one of the keys to public heeling in a relaxed way is to forget that you are wearing them. The more you're trying to hide it, the more attention it will attract. :cry1: Wear your heels with pride and joy!

  7. I fell in love with this pair of heels the moment I saw them. I should get them in the mail somewhere in the upcoming next 2-3 weeks!


    I really love the unique look of those heels. Then again, I've always loved the 'alternate' look. Normal heels won't cut if for me- I need to have unique and special ones. Even if that means they'll draw attention if I'm ever going to wear them in public.

  8. Still in the privacy area, though I recently had a very tiny public outing late at night when I needed to take the dog out for a walk. 1 young woman on a bike passed me but didn't seem to notice that I was wearing heels. I'd like to go out in public for real sometime soon. My girlfriend tells me that she wants to do some heeling with me when the weather turns for the better again, so not until summer I suppose. Either that I go out full fem (and yes, I have done that in public, and will do that again very soon)- but the joy of wearing heels is not the main reason for that.

  9. Would your girlfriend object to your wearing high heels in public? And, why don't you buy your own high heels?

    Nope, my girlfriend would let me wear them in public if I wanted to, we've already discussed that subject. She wants to do some public heeling with me when I feel ready.

    I do have my own high heels, it's just that I've worn those on and off for the last couple of months. Having a new pair to walk around in is refreshing. Of course, I wear my own pair too every once in a while (given, those are way more comfortable since they're in my size).

    Buying a new pair of high heels is really hard if I don't want my parents to find out, and having my girlfriend sneak a pair of hers into the house isn't as suspicious as me coming home with a shoe box with a pair of freshly bought high heels in it. (My parents are really nosy, they almost go as far as opening my mail and packages that I get through the mail).

    I've yet to move out, but not until I have enough money and graduate from college, which still takes another 2 and half years.

    That pretty much explains why I am extremely hesitant when it comes to buying high heels. The more I buy, the harder time I have to hide them. Fortunately, my girlfriend is willing to buy a pair of heels for me every once in a while with my money, and keep them at her place, so I can switch them out whenever I feel like it. :cry1:

  10. Thanks everyone. :cry1: I am having a great time with my girlfriend, in high heels but also when I am in my normal shoes. You know, I feel that that confession really helped our relationship, in terms of getting closer to each other and such. :wave: I really love my girlfriend's high heels, and wear them a lot around the house now. Yesterday I even had a short walk with them when I was going to take the dog out for a walk. It was dark out and late at night, and was curious what it'd feel like walking in heels when out and about. I also felt like building up my confidence in wearing high heels in public so I sneaked her high heels under my sweater and took the dog out for a walk. When I was alone on the road I put the heels on and went on with walking the dog. I was a bit shaky and nervous at first, but then I thought 'This is how I am, no one's going to change that fact. If they got a problem with me wearing heels, it's their problem.' I quickly calmed down after that, and really started enjoying my small walk in my girlfriend's heels! How did I love the sound of the heels clicking against the concrete! :wave: At one point there was a young woman on a bike passing me but she didn't saw me wearing heels. Guess people really do have better things to do than watching what other people have on their feet. Haha. Just before I came home I switched the heels for my normal shoes again. There's no need in hurrying things. I think I'll venture out in my heels late at night for a bit longer, and then when I feel ready go do some public heeling with my girlfriend. :wave:

  11. If there were no stigma attached to stiletto heels and men it wouldn't change a thing. Men generally are not fashion animals and seem to care little about how the present themselves to the world.


    I concur. When I am out on the streets I see a lot of guys and men trying too look their best. Then again, I am talking about teenage guys and adolescent guys. Maybe the older generations of men aren't as fashion obsessed as the younger generations, but I see a lot of guys dressed according to the latest fashion.

    Back to the question. I think it's very hard to tell since most of us like to wear items of the 'other shelves' in private. It's impossible tell how many men would actually wear them.

    However, if men's fashion would allow for it, I bet that fashion designers will combine heels with men's clothing, and that might result in other men who aren't initially drawn to heels to wear them because it is 'in'.

  12. Thanks everyone for your kind comments and replies! It still feels very good that I have told her about it. :wave: I feel bad for those who have partners and girlfriends who aren't so supportive, like those of Chris and Wood&Metal. Even that it can tear a relationship apart... :wave: Too bad there aren't so much open-minded people around!:clap: Well, I've returned from another awesome weekend with my girlfriend. First off, the prom we went too was really nice! She wore her heels that we bought for the occasion, and she looked gorgeous in them. Also, I saw many other girls and women there with gorgeous heels on too. After the prom we returned to her place, and quickly went straight to her room. Of course, the time had come for me to wear the heels she wore at the prom! :cry1: She also still had the other pair around too, and of course, I wore those as well. I got pictures of them and me wearing them below! The day after I was going home. She told me I could loan the pair of heels she was wearing at the prom! I love them really much, and I am wearing them as I type. :wave: They are still a tad too small, but they are still fairly comfortable. The other pair she has really is too small and those really hurt my feet. Too bad since those are cool heels as well. Today we went shopping, and though we initially went shopping for a new pair of pants for me and Christmas presents, I also ended up buying a nice pair of stockings to go with the heels. Both heels are Celinda heels. The first pair you see is the pair she wore to the prom and the pair I am wearing now. The other pair is the pair that isn't nice to my feet, but then again, they're my GF's heels so I can't complain about them. Haha. Don't really know about the heel height for both of them, but they are of regular height (about 4 to 5 CM). I hope you like the heels! Tell me what you think about my girlfriend's high heels!






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