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Posts posted by quidam

  1. Something I haven't shared here... one of my hobbies is sewing stuff.

    I recently discovered the following picture of a gray neoprene bonded wool-skirt. The neoprene results in the skirt flaring out a bit more when worn:




    It's by J.W. Anderson and sold out everywhere (and was quite expensive at around 800 USD). As I had bought some neoprene fabric in London a few weeks ago (in black), I thought that this might be a fun skirt to put together.

    Here's the result:








    For a full ensemble, I also built a top from the same material:






    Combined with suede wedge boots and a regular men's shirt it really looks quite cool :cool:


    ME WANTZ!!!

  2. The following telephone exchange between room-service and a guest at a hotel in Asia was recorded and published in the Far East Economic Review.

    Hotel: Morny, ruin sorbees. Guest: Sorry, I thought I dialed room-service. Hotel: Rye! Ruin sorbees ... morny! Jewish to odor sunteen?? Guest: Uh ... yes ... I'd like some bacon and eggs. Hotel: Ow July den? Guest: What?? Hotel: Ow July den ... pry, boy, pooch? Guest: Oh, the eggs! How do I like them? Sorry, scrambled please. Hotel: Ow July dee baychem ... crease? Guest: Crisp will be fine. Hotel: Hokay. An San tos? Guest: What? Hotel: San tos. July San tos? Guest: I don't think so. Hotel: No? Judo one toes? Guest: I feel really bad about this, but I don't know what 'judo onetoes' means. Hotel: Toes! Toes! ... Why djew Don Juan toes? Ow bow singlishmopping we bother? Guest: English muffin!! I've got it! You were saying 'Toast.' Fine.Yes, an English muffin will be fine. Hotel: We bother? Guest: No, just put the bother on the side. Hotel: Wad? Guest: I mean butter ... just put it on the side. Hotel: Copy? Guest: Sorry? Hotel: Copy ... tea ... mill? Guest: Yes. Coffee please, and that's all. Hotel: One Minnie. Ass strangle ache, creasebaychem, tossy singlish mopping we bother honey sigh, and copy... rye? Guest: Whatever you say. Hotel: Ten jew berry mud. Guest: You're welcome.
  3. I think "Political correctness" is a whole nonsense ans it stands for a lot of "politics" and none of "correctness". In my country (Mexico) disabled people are from some years ago referred to as "People with different abilities" which I find to be the greates insult. If I speak half a dozen languages, or I can make a large multiplication by memory... don't I have a "different ability"?. Some person confined to a wheelchair, "walks different"?. What if she is missing a limb?. A blind is a blind, not a person who "watches different". The sames goes for a deaf, an amputee, etc. Now think of this: can an afroamerican be white and caucasian?.

  4. Hi everybody,

    I'm simply in love with these Adidas flats, but it seems they have been discontinued - however, sizing is very limited in this brand.

    They are listed as "ballerinas", which I don't agree that much. Could you guys tell if these type of shoe is called by any particular name (e.g. Oxford brogues, or something like that), or what type of shoes they are - aside of simply "flats"?.

    Many thanks for your answers!


  5. Hi folks,

    I found this article http://noticias.prodigy.msn.com/nyt/actualidad/harvard-business/articulo.aspx?cp-documentid=254748657 and thought it would be nice to share with you. Unfortunately I could only find it in Spanish, however you can get an idea using Google Translate here: http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=es&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=es&ie=UTF-8&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fnoticias.prodigy.msn.com%2Fnyt%2Factualidad%2Fharvard-business%2Farticulo.aspx%3Fcp-documentid%3D254748657&act=url

    One word of advice: in Spanish, the word "niño" is often the same for "boy" as for "kid" or "child". The automatic translator sometimes misinterpretes this and may then translate "children" instead of "boys".

    Hope to read your comments.

  6. I've read much in many threads of this forum, about men's heeling mainstreaming, and ideas of that sort. I want to ask your opinions, ideas, etc. on the folowing: Would you encourage your male kids to "free-styling" fashion?. Would you somehow encourage your male kids to heeling?. How would you do so?. And here are my first two cents on this issue: I am a single, heterosexual man - no kids that I know!. If I had a son, the same as if I had a daughter, for health issues I would buy them any heels - not even kitty-heels, until their teens. But if my son liked some shoes not labeled as "boys", that could pass as unisex with some ease, I wouldn't doubt in buying them for him - say flats, ballerinas, maryjanes, boots(ies), sandals, sneakers, loafers, etc. When grown up, as a teenager with a developing or developed taste for fashion and style, I wouldn't oppose if he would like to wear "femmier" shoes.

  7. Stilleto, What I think of this issue is that you both - you and your wife - are in big emotional need, and that means trouble. I dare to say this because of that "drinking habit". I think both of you should seek for support: professional, community, family, friends, etc., face and solve that problem and then put some other things into place as your heeling, so to make it clear if it's some sort of a fetish, a simple way to draw attention, a projection of your own emotional needs, or a simple joy. I wish you the best.

  8. I have always been of the mind that unless you're a CD or a TV then you should wear heels with traditional men's clothes and flats with any kind of skirt or kilt.

    What if I'm a LCD/DVD? :mecry: Sorry! couldn't help :unsure:

    Now, for the serious part, I love kilts, but I'm not really fond of the Utilikilts.

    With kilts I would wear these boots, a pair of loafers, or a pair of black LX01's.

  9. Very interesting post. May I suggest what I consider a very important factor: income, so we can compare how much does it cost in terms of human work and effort to get some things.

    Now, as for Mexico, basic income is calculated on a daily basis of 60.66 pesos average (4.76usd) for entry level 1 workers. Most office workers (accountants, administrators, etc. with an university title) make between 3640 and 7279 pesos monthly (286-572 usd). A manager makes some 857-1150 usd monthly (that's roughly 4.77usd/hour!)

    Costs of living (in US dollars)

    Milk (1 litre) 0.94

    Gasoline (1 litre) 0.82

    Eggs (dozen) 1.57

    Bread loaf 1.96

    Pepsi (2lt) 1.41

    Coffee (2lbs) from 4.32 and (a big bunch) up. Some 8.64 avg for a good coffee.

  10. Wearing high heels adds to your personality but did you know, wearing high heels can shape your body posture. Yes! Wearing heels shapes the figure especially the buttocks and thighs. Shoes help tone the buttocks and thighs. Women love to wear high heels but many don’t know the advantages of wearing heels. High heels builds your confidence and makes you look thin and tall. Lets check out the advantages of wearing high heels on your figure.Advantages of wearing high heels to shape up the body posture:

    • After wearing heels women get a feeling of having a good posture. Heels raise the buttocks and make them look bigger. It also helps to bring out an attractive body posture while adding confidence. High heels enhances the calf muscles, breasts and buttocks. The leg muscles are toned which shows on the buttocks. Wear high heels for an hour to tone your buttocks. If you are wearing for the first time, practice walking at home with them to avoid getting ankle sprains.
    • It supports the arch of the foot. It unlocks the knee and weakly flexes which strengthen the lose leg muscles and help in toning the legs. High heels improves circulation in your legs which can reduce swelling and the accumulation of fluids, especially in the ankles. It forces you to engage your leg muscles which stimulates the leg veins. This increases the supply of fluids and blood circulation to the heart.
    • High heeled shoes tuck the pelvis in order to counteract with the affects of the forward lean on your spine. This can help to strengthen your abdominal muscles as well as the pelvic muscles. A nice alternative to kegel exercises.
    • If you have back pain due to deformity of lumbar spine (the spine doesn’t possess enough forward curve) you lack a natural forward curve. Therefore, wearing modest 1 ½ inches high heels can help relieve muscle tension and lower back pain.
    So, wear high heels to shape up the body posture but don’t wear too high heels such as 2-3 inches or more. This can lead to back pain, stiffness in back, compact the spine, especially for those whose spines already curve forward more than normal. It can even lead to nerve compression, damage, pain and muscle weakness. So, use it for a short period to shape up the body posture.

    As seen in: http://www.bangstyle.com/2011/09/great-posture-just-another-reason-to-wear-high-heels/

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