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Posts posted by mk4625

  1. I believe that. I think most people would not be able to stop. It is a tragedy and a waste that a relationship can come to an end because of something which is essentially harmless.

    I'm afraid someone who likes wearing woman's clothes and shoes has about as much chance of reforming as an Alcoholic has of giving up Alcohol.

    It's something that will always be with you. As you get older and your testosterone levels decrease, the less likely you are to resist the temptation.

  2. If you want to keep her for a long time, then she has to know. You can't fool the one closest to you all the time. Whatever her decision, you must respect it and not be bitter if it doesn't turn out in your favor. I don't think she is obligated to provide any excuse other than to say that she doesn't like it. Consider yourself lucky if she deems your high heels unacceptable, but gives you a chance to "reform". In that case I would think she was being extremely fair.

  3. When I was buying women's shoes for myself, I tried to find a pair like that in 12W, but they just don't make them that big. Katherine has a similar kind of loafer, one pair in black the other in brown. Both are NineWests. They keep disappearing because Katherine's sisters who both live nearby often borrow them. Interestingly I cannot tell the three sisters apart by their feet alone.

  4. When I was buying women's shoes for myself, I tried to find a pair like that in 12W, but they just don't make them that big. Katherine has the same kind of shoe, one pair in black the other in brown. They're NineWests, but I'll bet they're made in the same factory as yours. They keep disappearing because Katherine's sisters who both live nearby often borrow them.

  5. Hi Ben,

    She was wearing pantyhose (definition 1) under a skirt. I say "tights" and "pantyhose" interchangeably and without really thinking, although sometimes imprecisely. The skirt is one of those wraparound things that have a tendency to fall open when sitting down. This is why I had such a good view when she was driving.

    I prefer the entire foot to be stockinged. Stockings confer many advantages. They squeeze the toes together which makes the foot look slim and shapely. They hide corns, scars, and other blemishes. When worn with boots, they also protect the lining from rough or calloused skin. They may even prevent a pair of pumps or sandals from developing a blackened impression in the footbed (that is really disgusting and shows absolutely no class!!!).

    Michael, was Katherine wearing pantyhose or tights, according to my definitions below. With a dress? I suppose when pantyhose gets heavier in weight it often is referred to as tights. But perhaps that is confusing. As I was with your explanation. I'd be interested in hearing more of your thoughts on this fashion statement.

    (1) Pantyhose...A one-piece undergarment covering the legs from the waist down to the toes and meant to be worn typically under a dress.

    (2) Tights...A snug stretchable garment covering the legs from the waist down to the ankles or sometimes the toes and meant for wearing as an outerlayer.

  6. With the onset of cooler weather, I've started wearing my scarves again. However I just wear them for appearance. They're too thin to provide warmth. Kathy likes them even though they're women's scarves and she ties them like her own. I've never worn "men's" scarves. I'm reminded of middle-aged men sitting at a bar with Barry Manilow at the piano.

  7. I like pantyhose too. Not for me to wear (I've tried that and it didn't work , unfortunately), but on Katherine. We went Christmas shopping last Saturday with Kathy driving. I could not get my eyes away from her black tights and Naturalizer Eastern boots. The Naturalizers are black leather and are fairly conservative knee-high dress boots, the sort that never go out of fashion.

  8. I remember the bamboo thongs too. I think they were referred to locally as "hot dog strap" because the straps were round in cross section and about 1 inch in diameter resembling a sausage. The insole was made from "goza" tatami matting which I believe is woven from grass although tatami is also made from bamboo. In Hawaii tatami are commonly used as picnic mats and floor coverings.

    You are correct in your Hawaii observations. The market and trend research I’ve done basically indicates that styles like this are cyclical in nature. The 2” and 3” wedge thong sandals, and bamboo platform thongs were worn by both men and women in the early 70’s up through the mid 80’s and early 90’s. They were considered unisex. Hopefully things will change again. On your other comment. Hygiene, personal care and appearance plays a big part in all of this. I hope that any guy who is interested in wearing this style of footwear would have the objective common sense to look at himself and say, “am I just pushing the envelope, or am I over the top?” Obviously this style does not work for everyone, not even every women to which some of them could benefit from a little pedicure. Need I say more?

  9. I don't generally like sandals on men because most men have thick nails and don't shave their toes. I cannot immediately think of any man I know who has feet that could pass for a woman's. That being said, on a trip to Hawaii about 25 years ago I saw a lot of people (men and women) wearing a rubber thong which had a bottom that was uniformly 1 to 2 inches thick. Some women's thongs rose slightly toward the heel to 3 or even 4 inches to form a sort of wedge. I remember seeing perhaps 2 or 3 men wearing the lower (3 inch) wedge thongs. I had the impression that these thongs were unisex instead of being differentiated into men's and women's styles (Hawaii is not a good place for men to wear women's shoes).

  10. I have probably had a fetish for women's boots and shoes since around the age of 4 or 5, ever since I realized that they were different than men's shoes. It was about this time that I started to wear my aunt's shoes. I was perhaps 10 or 11 when I had high heels of my own (given to me by one of my aunts). At age 12 I went out and bought a pair of knee-high leather dress boots with 3 1/2 inch heels. I believe my mom discovered the boots when she was cleaning my room, but she never mentioned it.

  11. I get absolutely no turn-on from sneakers or sneaker-like footwear. It reminds me of bad smells. Macy's has had this style of boot on display for several months, so I guess someone must be buying them. It will all pass though. I just can't see it becoming "classic" like Frye or Zodiac over-the-knees or Cobbie's dress boots.

    I also don't care for boots with center seams although I don't absolutely despise them. Whenever I buy boots online, I ask the seller whether they have center seams unless it is clear from the illustration. I just can't explain why I feel this way.

    Nothing I would ever wear:

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