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Posts posted by M-a

  1. I'll have to agree with Big D... You pay a lot of extra money to get the designer name but as long as you're ok with that and you feel that you've got the money then go for it. I would love to own a pair of Louboutins just to get the feeling of owning a pair of shoes that exclusive and exspensive. With that said I still think that they're way to overpriced based on materials etc. But in my current position I would never buy them because I prefer having food on the table :) The most important thing to ask yourself is "Do I feel that these boots are worth €799 for me?"

  2. HOT shoes! Wow! Great legs too! Love the tat! Show off more of those legs!

    Haha thanks but my legs are really one of the parts on my body that I'm not really comfortable with. I played soccer for 7 years and now I run almost every day so they're just so big due to the muscle mass. That's why I rarely buy boots, my calfs are just to big :)

  3. They would look just as cute on baby boys as they do on baby girls. :)

    When you see a woman or man in high heels do you often think "that's so cute!"? I sure don't... I believe that high heels is a very sexually loaded subject and we already have kids dressing up in miniskirts and tiny thongs when they're as young as 10 years old. Why should we as grown ups try to take that behavior down to even younger kids and infants? Would you put a miniskirt on an infant with the same argument?

    (excuse me if I sound a bit.. hot-tempered right now. I'm just very interested in learning more about how you and others think in this matter. I wan't you to know that I'm not judging, I just want to discuss it as adults :) )

  4. As long as you have the figure and nice legs, go ahead.

    ..And my advice is to forget about wetter or not you "have the figure and nice legs" and just do what you want. Don't do it for your partner but also don't ignore doing it just because of the fact that you may or may not have the figure and legs for it. If you want to do it who cares about what other people think?

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and therefor I think it's sad to tell someone to do it "as long as you have the figure and nice legs". In my world it shouldn't matter. My body is far from perfect and maybe some people out there would tell me that my body and legs aren't nice enough to dress up and show for the world but I try to always remember that what matters is how it makes me feel and I think that should be the case for everyone regardless of gender, shape of body and bmi.

  5. If you don't appreciate quality materials, fine stitching, durability, comfort and immaculate finish then yes, it is.

    Oh come on... You pay a huge deal just for the brand and the designer name. I would love to own a pair of Louboutins but frankly I think that you can get something similar for a much lower price and still get great quality shoes.

  6. Personally I think it's horrible :) Kids should be kids until they're old enough to make their own decisions in life and until they reach that age it's the parents responsibility to care for them and give them the right values in life. By putting high heels on an infant you instantly make them into something they're not: a reflection of our adult world where sex appeal, gender, how you look and what you wear is all that matters.

  7. I've never thought about getting a pair of ballet boots before but now after looking at a lot of beautiful pictures I've realized that I probably will have to get a pair in the future. Problem is I've got no idea what to look for.. Can you give me any hints about brands and where to get them? How much do they usually go for? I've seen them on ebay for $50 but that just seems way to cheap. Tell me everything I need to know :)

  8. The other 2 pairs are horrible. Apart from the pearls they look like they cost less than 30 quid from a goth shop.

    Actually they cost $2360, $3370 and $4000 :)

    I wouldn't wear the gold one but I can't lie about the fact that the one in the middle has something that gets to me.

    Thank god our taste is different, wouldn't it be a very boring world otherwise?

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