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Posts posted by luketheduke8

  1. I did take sme pictures but my camera got stolen that night so, I wasn't happy! Lol This party is for my friends 21st bday so thought it was a good idea to get my heels( in others an excuse to get a new pair)

  2. ive got another fancy dress party to go to and i would like to wear heels to it, have you guys got any costume suggestions for me? i would really like to wear some 6 inch heels to it but havent ordered them as i want them to match the costume your help would me VERY appreciated

  3. Just to let u know guys I haven't done the challenge yet, but I have tidied my pub in heels and loving it!!!!! What's better beers and a good pair of heels not only will the cleaners be happy,but I get to hear the clicking of the heels on tiles and been able to take the bins outside

  4. well what it is me and my friend are gunna have a competition to see who can wear heels the longest and because she has expeirence of wear heels for long periods the winner will get £75 bats i was thinking of playing a bit sneaky and maybe put some itcching powerd in her shoes or something like that

  5. Hi guys thanks for the comments and sendra45 I agree with you but luckily the heels turned up a day before so every things was good. I was quite amazed on how many people commented on the shoes (especially women) one guy asked to try them on and wore them most of the night which my feet didn't mind lol oh well better hang up my heels until next time:mecry:

  6. hi guys so the party's tomorrow and my replacement shoes havent come yet!!!! so at the mo im gunna be a french maid with nike trainers lol do you guys know any where near northampton where i could get a pair of heels size 11

  7. hiya all thanks for the replys, so far ive been wearing them at home as much as possible and i decided to put the insoles of my trainers in and they seem to help,she has changed her party theme to music stars so im the only one wearing a french maid outfit so im thinking more rocky horror (french maid) now, i think ill be on the floor more than sitting as ive heard its going to be a VERY MESSY party

  8. hi guys, ive been wearing the boots as much as i can even went to the pub for a pint,they seem to be a bit easier today,my balls of my feet are the worst,but ill put my best foot forward and prove to my friend i can do it

  9. hi guys just finished work and i got a call from my friend saying she had my boots and she wanted me to come around and try them on,went over and she told me to try them ,so i did and i am now realising that it wont be a walk in the park,im now at home just been walking around and my feet are killing me!!!!!!:blinkbigeyes: have you guys have any ideas which could help my poor feet servive?



  10. i think the biggest worry will be spilling drinks which will a waste,i think i may try walking around the house before the party,ill see if i can get some pictures up for you, i think after a few beers looking elligate will be out the picture lol,

  11. Hi Guys i thought id share this,my friend is having a fancy dress party next week,and she decide it should be an erotic fancy dress, so me jokingly saod what like a french maid etc. so know i have to be a french maid for the party and she has choosen theese heels for me to wear


    ive never worn heels that high for longer than 20mins let alone at a party

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