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Posts posted by Pascal

  1. 19 minutes ago, Shyheels said:

    Nice story and nice boots! You’re lucky to have such a fun living and supportive wife 

    Thanks Shyheels!

    Indeed, very lucky :) there was never any secret about my passion for heels, she knew about it the second or third day of our relationship

    • Like 1
  2. We had a wonderful evening yesterday, alongside with friends. We were celebrating my wife's 39th birthday.

    Just went to the village's grocery to get milk. 

    Since it rained, I figured the timing was perfect to try out my latest boots, which I offered myself last christmas.

    They always seemed to me like the step 'after', since all boots I wear out never made the typical heel sound.

    Not these beauties.

    Alas, the cashier, a woman in her sixties, did not seem to notice whatsoever.

    I would have loved some comment!

    I must say it was quite early so there was no customer.

    I felt great wearing 'em out, they are quite high and I'm eager to wear them during our next supper with friends. My wife and a friend even suggested I wore them for last evening's soirée, but I decided not, since I did not want at all any attention or to be under the 'spotlight'. It was not my night.

    However, at the end of summer it will be my birthday and I intend very much to wear a pair of heels and to openly speak about it without any shame with all our friends.

    I'm tired of not living my passion for heels and footwear in general to the full extent so it seems that slowly but surely I'm pushing my boundaries and muting my fears.

    Always with the wife's support.

    Let's all be true to ourselves and to our precious loved ones, and everything will be fine.





    • Like 6
  3. On 3/16/2023 at 12:44 AM, jim102 said:

    Hello again. I own a naturalizer black leather michelle pumps since 5 years now and they are in very great condition leather but I have recently bought a  discountinued model like adriel viola in black matte to make change!

    I can notice the one i have is still in fashion selling. The fact is I had bought a larger model which had been larger than my own size but with time it become smaller so I had made it enlarge and it was better to walk in them at grocery without or with cushion.

    Why I have chosen another clark model? Where I work there is a woman wearing it but in patent version and I loved the click sound! I have a 9 regular size so in patent version it would be a 9,5 either 25,5 cm because patent at long tends to be smaller.  I had seen that when I had worn brier dolly black patent 8,5M. 

    So I will test my adriel viola matte and get rid of naturalizer that brand is no more interesting for comfort! You can notice it when you wear your heels for more than two hours at home or you go out. 

    Anyway it was a pleasure to discuss with you all again.





    I love Naturalizer's shoes!

    One of the few companies who make lots of wide-width pairs !

    Hope you are rocking your latest heels !

    As for your question, my brown aldo stilleto boots are still good but getting used. Had them I think since 2011 or something. The same about my little black wedge boots from aldo. Leather still good but the inside sole is barely holding.

    I've worn them a lot but never the brown boots outside; my wedge boots were one of the first pair I ever wore outside, on several occasions.

    • Like 1
  4. I've noticed that on Naturalizer' web site, you can now select your gender when you leave a review.

    I've used this function and will always use it. Proud to be a man wearing heels!

    As for the reviews, indeed it seems unfair to give a shoe a low score if the shoe doesn't fit.

    The buyer would have never bought this pair if he had went to a real shoe store to try the shoes before buying 'em. ;)

    It's also true that lots of pairs go out of stock quickly, never to be replenished, so we often leave reviews for products no longer available. That is especially true if, like me, you prefer to buy your pairs while they are in discount.


    • Like 4
  5. My bad if my post was somewhat all guns blazing. Perhaps writing in french is considerably different than in english, I tend to write in a flammatory style I guess. Anyways.

    Thanks for your answers. Yeah, I think a collaborative book on the subject would change the world, for the better, starting with our own lives, which is the only thing we have a little control over!

    And that is exactly my point in fact, let us be ourselves with or without these etiquettes or categories. If they suit you, that day, fine. 

    My own political agenda is : don't give a *("/&( , respect , honor, truth.

    We all go to the same place when we die, tomorrow might be too late to wear heels... or be who you are!



    I also somewhat wrote this message to give myself courage. :)

    Have a good day all!

    • Like 2
  6. 3 hours ago, Puffer said:

    I agree, and in a way square-toed sandals are worse imho.   As the toes are exposed, fully or nearly so, the failure of the insole to follow their outline fairly closely looks both ugly and absurd to my eyes.   (In the other direction, sandals with a sharply pointed (usually extended) toe can look equally absurd, for much the same reason.

    The 'duck-bill' toe shape spoils these otherwise elegant sandals, as does the 'roach-killer' shape of the second pair:

    Best square-toed sandals – Square toed sandals to wear in 2022        Midnight Clear Perspex Wrap Around Diamante Bow High Heel | Public Desire

    At least with closed-toe footwear, one cannot be sure what lies within, and even a square(ish) toe can pass muster!   But I agree with those who consider an almond toe to be the most natural and flattering - it follows the foot outline fairly closely - but a pointed toe can look very elegant if not too exaggerated and unwieldy in overall length.

    Agreed with you on both analysis of these footwear. Elegant, classy but yet not a beautiful shoe for me. I would never buy any of these pairs as they are. Personnaly, I'd cut the excedent in both pairs.

  7. I just want to stir it up a little bit.

    This post is to be read like a thought process.

    Nothing personnal against anyone.

    Who gives a damn if you like to sleep with women or men, or both.

    If like most of us in here, you are a man, and you wear different type of heeled-footwear, automatically somebody, someone, somewhere has categorized us in his mind.

    If that person had enough courage or empathy or lacks any filter, we may have known about this since this human being which interacted with us on a given day might have asked questions about our current footwear. It might have given us the opportunity to speak in words what otherwise has been shown in actions.

    How many of us in here has had the courage and the decency to address our passion for heels up front, with our significant other?

    I was lucky enough to do this and God did was the only path to freedom and true love.

    Don't be shy, embrace this côté of you, this folie. But if you feel that it is taking hold of you, and that objects are becoming more important than human relations, you are on the wrong path.

    Don't forget that we are on this good earth to blossom into the best ourselves we can be.

    Don't let sexual pulses ruin what have taken years to build, and never forget that unless we believe in some pharaonesque-religion, we won't bring our wonderful shoes with us in the afterlife.

    What matters most is to be genuine, sincere, truthful. Become a truthsayer and never forget that fear is the mindkiller.

    We need to be frank about our passion for shoes, but we must also understand the boundaries our loved ones might put.

    Communication is key if you want to build relations that will last a lifetime.

    I happen to be lucky enough to have a loving wife who understands that I have a feminine side. 

    It has nothing to do with a political agenda, nor with whatever flags or étiquettes or tags that might be bestowed upon me.

    As human beings, we are so complex, so unique, so... rich! So powerful and yet so weak tout à la fois.

    Embrace who you are, never forget who you are, where you come from, take time to tap yourself in the back because of all the steps you've taken, boldly, slowly sometimes and jumping on other days. 

    Don't let anyone use you and abuse you. First and foremost, yourself.

    Because i've been for a long time my worst saboteur in life. 

    Hope you fare well in your life-path.

    This forum is great and I hope somehow my little message can give hope to an aspiring heeler who needs to cope the courage to face his fears.

    If you engage on a truthful path, you shall be hurt for sure, but those who will remain by your side will truly know who you are and love you without any masks or hidden truths.

    Be a truthsayer. Fear is the mindkiller.



    p.s. : Yeah, Dune is awesome. Go read the book. In heels.

    • Like 2
  8. Working from home this afternoon.

    This morning, had a rendez-vous with a lady with whom I work with in the local non-profit organization. 

    Like monday, when we met, I wore my brown naturalizer booties and had this leather bag my mother-in-law gave me. My nails are also colored, deep green (really looks black).

    What I considered impossible years ago is now just normal for me.

    Fear is the mindkiller.




    • Like 6
  9. 4 hours ago, Shyheels said:

    I don’t think these images have anything to do with that story. I have the idea he merely instructed the AI thing to create images based upon a few words of description. 

    Spot on!

    Sorry I did not wish to deviate from the subject however. Just thought it would be nice to see some ai-generated images.

    Might be interesting however to enter a few key words relating to Jkrenzer' story!

  10. 10 hours ago, peterborough said:


    If you are going to take the piss out of another members choice of shoes, maybe your the problem and you should leave.

    I don't understand why some people feel the need to be mean. yes the boots may not be your style. But does that give you the right to be rude? No. that is prob the real reason that female members no longer come here. due to people like yourself with your rude comments.

    I totally agree with you here peterborough.

    This forum is called High heel place.

    Who said the heels had to be fetish or exclusively stilettos?

    No need to be mean, to judge others.

    Some of us do like more "masculine" boots, and I'm one of these.

    I like the style you wore and grats to you for your outings!


    2 hours ago, Shyheels said:

    With respect, Mike, those are fetish heels and not worn by many women and certainly not in any day-to-day setting. Yes, they are high, but style is not quantifiable; it can't be measured with a tape. By many good opinions, both women and men, the shoes you pictured here could be reckoned tasteless. As I've already noted, you'd never see anything like that  worn in an office, even one where high heels were de rigueur. Watch The Devil Wears Prada. Do you see anything like that there? No. Sex In The City? No. Your taste is your taste and that's fine - this forum is ostensibly about tolerance as well as about fashion. 

    Now, there is nothing wrong or tasteless about those boots or with seeking or having a masculine look in heels. Nothing at all. Quite the opposite in my view. I think those boots are quite nice, especially paired with jeans. THat is my taste and style and obviously his - it needn't be yours. 

    Spot on!

    I mean, these heels, as shown by spikesmike, are 'slutty' to say the least.

    What I mean by that is that most women would never wear this type of heels, anywhere but in the bedroom; there is nothing practical about it and I think it belongs more in the fetish realm.

    I love heels, however seeing a woman wearing these shoes out, I would think they are "innapropriate" and that the woman lacks class.

    However... why would someone in here attack another fellow heel lover because he does not like his choice of shoes?

    Are there any lessons that should be learned in here?


    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, Shyheels said:

    Tomorrow I’m going to stop procrastinating…

    I figure it would be a good day to start.

    An activity that will always be postponed : not wearing heels.

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  12. 13 hours ago, pebblesf said:

    Yeah, I do much better with a tight deadline.  Give me plenty of time to do something, and I will wait to the last minute...


    I tend to do the same.


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  13. Same here, my wife and I maybe have something like 40 pair?

    But some are more 'usable' than others, and there are a few styles which I prefer not to walk out with.

    So for me, in my '20 something pairs, I'd say I wear maybe only 6 pairs out and about. :)

    • Like 1
  14. I'm 5'5 or 5'6 or somewhere between, and I must say that I really enjoy the added height.

    The perspective, the hability to reach higher things, the longer legs, I guess it's one of the reason I wear heels!

    I too, however, feel a little awkward when wearing my heels with my friends. They are not tall guys so when I wear my boots I do become taller than them, which as a small guy is not something i'm used too.

    Also, my wife, which is perhaps 5'4-5'5, loves it when I'm much taller than her with my highest heels. And vice versa, I do really enjoy when she wears her ridiculous platforms and towers over me.

    • Like 1
  15. Let's say that the last several years has seen the emergence of lots of 'thought police officers' as well.

    Censorship? Yeah.

    Lies? Yeah.

    Corruption? Yeah.

    Let's wave some flags and urge people to go to war, this way we might get some dividends...

    On 12/30/2022 at 7:46 AM, at9 said:

    Go to Russia, China a host of other countries and increasingly India, you have half the world's population living with highly controlled information. Even if many of those people don't realise it. Information is dangerous, and not just in the internet age - the Soviet Union had strict controls on typewriters for example.

    I hope you do get the fact that USA is spying on the whole world.

    And that Israeli tech is behind lots of surveillance firms.

    I mean, Silicon Valley is basically an extension of the federal government. More so, many of these firms have contract with the 'defense' industry.

    And let's not forget here, in Canada, super Trudeau who allowed the spying of more than 33 million cellphones.

    So, I agree, lots willingly consent to being tracked and monitored. But I hope you do not think than in american, "half of the population" is not living with highly controlled information also!

    "What were those ideas I can't cope with? Ahhhh yeah... let's censor!" - Zuckerberg and co.

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  16. On 10/29/2022 at 1:29 AM, jim102 said:

    Normally I wear heels for going to erotic places or if I am obliged like to get money from bank. I had gone to the grocery couple of times since then. I have two high heel shoe pairs. It was a pleasure to see you again guys.

    Anna Field Bottines à talons hauts - black/noir - ZALANDO.FR

    Naturalizer Michelle Pump | Womens Heels

    Beautiful shoes.

    Have you seen how Naturalizer now allows us men to comment while we evaluate the shoes?

    It's a pleasure seeing how it seems more men are into heels nowadays. And Naturalizer with their vast choice of wide-width shoes are really great for us. I also had a really great experience whilst shopping in store. Did you order your shoes online or bought them online? (and sorry if you already answered this question).



    • Like 1
  17. 7 hours ago, spikesmike said:

    SophiaHeels : What are you referring to when you ask about "world wide" travel  ? I have been looking into traveling to Germany and surrounding countries for the past year or so . Please keep in touch .  mike IMG_0009.thumb.JPG.8ba778b989fccf983546ccb83a13f839.JPG

    Well, here in Québec we have a curfew... and the "good folks" at the helm of governement are speaking about a vaccine-passport or whatnot : it seems it may get hard to get out of the country. I dont know.

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  18. On 5/4/2021 at 2:22 PM, spikesmike said:

    Greetings Heelers : Dam, Look at that time spread. Nothing for two (2) years. I am posting this as a fallow-up from yesterdays post.  For the Guys (5-3-2021) about getting together, under, My Outings . Wanted to lay it out there for those of you who are interested in the big meeting in Las Vegas in November . The dates are Oct. 26, 2021 to Nov, 1, 2021 .Yes it is a week of good times in your highest heels and other attire.  You are not required to stay any longer than you like . The entire event is called Diva Las Vegas . at div@divalas.vegas .  Forgan  conclusion, I will be attending , Would love to see ALL of you there . If you have seen it be for - this photo is from the Haufbrauhaus in Las Vegas.DSCF5379.thumb.JPG.beb7144fb024715d8cf26ff569b65507.JPG    spikesmike .

    This event is simply awesome!

    I would sure hope to attend, along with my significant other, both wearing beautiful heels, of course...

    Any other canadians in here?

    Frankly, is there a possibility of any of us traveling world-wide without any of these so-called vaccines?

    Things seem quite out of hand in here, in Québec...!


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  19. On 11/16/2019 at 9:48 AM, Pierre1961 said:

    As promised here are two pictures of what I wore last week in Toronto 

    I chose  the chunky lace up boots for walking up to the exhibition place,from the Westin Harbour. 45 minutes 

    the other outfit was for the travel. 

    2 days ago I was in Paris wearing these same chunky front lace up boots and as I was waiting in a fedex agency I had the pleasure to hear a young girl tell me’ I love your boots!’ 

    So: one positive comment,no negative one.




    Great look Pierre! Well done :)

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  20. 9 hours ago, pebblesf said:

    Great job Sophia!  I know how liberating it feels...Take the girl friend along on your heeling adventures!  I sure understand how you felt, walking too fast, etc, have experienced this several times....Before long, you will forget you are wearing heels, and will be able to relax totally....

    I totally agree... it just becomes natural, part of who I am. As for shopping with my girlfriend, well of course! Eager to!

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  21. On 11/23/2019 at 5:28 PM, Cali said:

    Nice low sandals and toenail polish.  Manicure are for your fingers and pedicures are for your toes. Don't let the other customers "judgment" stop you. I have been coloring my toes for over a decade now. Fingers for over two years.  When I feel I'm being judges I try to turn it around and directly ask "Don't you just love them?" If they say "No" I come back with something like "Will I do and that's what matters."  

    That's the spirit! :) Thanks for the advice. I think I have the same kind of attitude.

    On 11/23/2019 at 2:46 PM, jeremy1986 said:

    That's great @SophiaHeels!! Looking forward to seeing the other pair too

    Thanks Jeremy :) you can see the other pair in my pics

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