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NH Heels

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Posts posted by NH Heels

  1. My wife and I love Nine West. We are probably headed to the outlets in Tilton, NH tomorrow. On one trip about 2 years ago, I bought a pair of 3.5 in stiletto knee boots (that have still yet to see the light of day) at half the price my wife bought them for earlier in the year. I'm trying to find the nerve to wear them tomorrow.

  2. Honestly, my wife has known all along about my interest in this website, along with all of my other interests (especially high heels). I don't think I could live with myself if I were to hide everything from her. We have no secrets, at all! But I respect others need to at least a little privacy. I know in my heart I am the luckiest man alive. She has even recently become a member.

  3. Bootylicious, I have a pair very similar to the ones in your avatar. I have worn them out under a pair of jeans a few times and never had any comments. I don't even bother to cover the heal. My only problem is they can be a bit noisy. My wife and I bouth the same pair at Off Broadway Shoes. They were cheap, but they're still fun. I think I like yours better though, wish I could find them. Cheers, NH Heels

  4. Bubba, I am very sincere in my thanks. I have recently realized that fear of many things has been holding me back from truly enjoying my life. When it started to hurt my relationship with my wife is when I decided that I really had to get a grip on it. We have known eachother for over 16 years and been married for almost 3. She has known about my passion for heels for about 10 and has always tried to encourage me. About a month ago, I had kind of an identity crisis and started wearing nothing but sneakers, which completely ticked her off. I almost never wear sneakers, since I have not only a collection of heels, but also quite a large collection of cowboy boots. After having a rather heated discussion one day when she came home and found me wearing sneakers again, I decided what I needed to do. I enlisted the help of a female friend that I felt certain that I could trust with my little secret. As I suspected, she was very accepting about it. This helped a great deal and I now receive affermation texts every now and then from her. I than decided to talk to my mother (again). I had talked to her about it a little about 6 years ago and honestly she really seemed ok with it. Same with the recent conversation. She understands that it's just shoes, and it's really nobody elses business. These things combined with reading all of the stories about everyone elses fun adventures (frankly I'm more than a little jealous) have certainly been big influences. So, little by little I am making progress. I have had several noneventful and nerve wracking heeling experiences recently and will continue to do so. I apologize if I've been a little long winded, but I feels good to get this off my chest. Thanks for reading. Scott, we will definately need to make plans to get together soon. Sorry about having to cancel last time. NH Heels

  5. While I have been a member of this site since 2002 and frequented the site quite a bit off and on, I have recently decided to truly embrace my love of heels. I have been blessed with a loving wife who not only supports me in my interests, but shares it with me. The past few months have been ones of revelation and contemplation for me...a very difficult time. I had weeks on end where I didn't even bother, just tried to be "normal" and only wore sneakers as I thought that would be best for everyone (me, my wife, my family, etc). But through many conversations with my wife, one of my friends, my brother, and even my Mother, I've realized that by trying to be "normal" I am only hurting myself and those around me, especially my wife. I can't hide my love of heels or my desire to wear them not only in the house, but in public as a part of my normal male attire. As my neighbor put it, "it's only shoes" and I shouldn't be ashamed or fearful. I have made great strides (literally) in the past week and a half - done some street heeling and even wore my 4 inch custom made cowboy boots to Easter with my entire family - that is something I never thought I'd be able to do. There are a lot of people on this site that have truly inspired me to take these steps - seeing how confident and comfortable they are has helped me immensely and I want to thank all of you. So, hello from New Hampshire and I look forward to becoming a more active member of the site - I hope to give as much support for others as I've gotten from all of you.

  6. Congratulations Scott. I find your story and experience very inspiring. I have been with the forum for quite a while but I haven't posted in a long time. I have been really struggling with my heeling quite a bit lately and am in need of as much help as possible. Even though my wife fully supports me and encourages me, I am just too nervous about the consequences, so if anything I have tended to stick to in the house. Sharing your recent story is definately a boost for me and I'm sure everyone else. Thanks, Jim

  7. Today was the first day I was daring enough to wear my 4" heeled cowboy boots to work. Wore them with normal black cuffed Dockers and a dark maroon polo shirt. I was a little nervous at first but either nobody noticed or ifif they did they didn't say anything. Maybe eventually I'll get a little more daring. :wink:

  8. I hope you stick around long enough to read this. As someone who is still starting out, I can completely understand how you feel. As far as I know, my father already knows, but I'm not sure and I haven't found a way to broach the subject with him. I know that I would be very upset if I told him and he had a bad reaction. I've occasionally thought that I should just give up, because it would make things so much easier, but I know that now that I have begun I don't want to stop. In the end I have too live my life for me and I'm sure my dad has his own regrets for things he never did out of fear. One way or the other you have to be happy with your life and if this is something that makes you happy then you should go on with in. You just need to find a way to handle you dad carefully so as not too put anymore strain on you relationship. Sorry if I've gone on and on but I just had to comment. Remember that there are plenty of people here you can talk to one on one if you'd like. Me included. NH Heels

  9. Well put Laurie. Learning to not let what other people may or may not think of you for such silly things can be difficult but in the end very liberating. I have taken a lot of heat over the past ten years for wearing cowboy boots almost all of the time, mostly because I live in NH. It's not exactly the wild west, so I've heard all of the stupid comments; Where's your spurs?, Where's your horse? etc. After a while I just learned to either ignore it or joke about it with whoever. Now this may not be as hard to overcome as wearing heels in public, but I think the same principle applies. In the end I'm happy and comfortable and that is what is important. I respect the fact that other people have a right to their opinions and my only request is that people in turn respect mine. Why should I have to dress like everybody else. I would never try to tell anyone else what they should or shouldn't wear. The world would be a boring place if everbody looked and dressed the same. Life is too short and I would like to have as much harmless fun as possible while I still can.

    NH Heels :lol:

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