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Posts posted by micha

  1. Hi folks, your funny stories remember me to an episode of my youth. My elder sister had just got a new pair of knee high leather boots. They had not really high heels, only 1 or 1.5 inches. But I had to try them on! When my sisters were not at home I sneaked into their room grabbed the boots from my sisters wardrobe and hijacked them into my room. I put them on and was excited about the feeling to walk in them. Suddenly I heard that the door of the living room was opened (my parents were still at home). Danger!!!! What to do? I snapped at a book, jumped into my bed and pulled the cover over the boots. At this moment I already heard a knocking on my door. "Yes?". My mom opened the door and saw me lying in the bed; I suppose with a head red like a tomato. "Why are you lying in the bed on broad daylight?!" was her first question. Within seconds I invented a really brilliant answer: "It's too cold in my room. It's more comfortable reading in the bed". She accepted my answer, at least wondering a little bit about my tomato-head. But then she changed to the proper concern of her visit: an absolute unimportant question! I'm amused about this occurence that I can still remember today in every detail :D micha PS: And how will I react nowadays if my parents catch me in the main shopping mall of Frankfurt (the "Zeil") on stiletto boots? Don't know, but definitely without a tomato head :wink:

  2. Exactly. That's the fascinating fictious story I was talking about. Thank you for the internet link! Hoping that everybody who doesn't know it will have a lot of pleasure reading it :wink: ! micha PS: Do you know, who has written it? Didn't wonder if the author is a member of this forum.

  3. hi there! I love to wear my heeled thigh boots with levis tucked into them! I wonder how many like that style as well? (it all depends on the cut & style of boot in HOW you can wear them! :D ) that any style above the knee looks BEST in this kind of fashion, to show off the beautiful shape & style of it self for all to see! (I think that knee boots look best UNDER the pants.) in boots, Brad

    Hi Brad,

    NATURALLY I LIKE IT TOO! Do you wear your overknees in the street?

    At home I like to put on my long black 6.5'' inch boots with 2'' inch platforms over tight 501 levis or narrow (red and black) varnish jeans. Until now definitely not in public. I'm still too shy :wink:

    Maybe in summer on the CSD- or love parade. But at this opportunity I would prefer to wear them with a pantyhose and hotpants rsp. a mini skirt. Naturally with make up, polished nails and my biggest earrings.

    But I have already worn my Jean-Gabrit leather boots over jeans in public. They are light redbrown knee high boots (nearly overknees) with exchanged selfmade conical 4'' heels - I didn't like the original heels. These boots belong to my first choice for an everyday footwear. Sorry, usually I wear them under my trousers. Just as today during my daily shopping. I'm still too shy :D

    You should know that I detest anonymous cruising in industrial districts of foreign towns at midnight :x My HH outings take place in my next neighbourhood. But maybe that people can admire them in full length soon.

    All this reminds me to another challenge: Wearing my new 4.5'' stiletto boots as a daily male footwear. Occasionally I got the courage to do it.

    Still working on it.


  4. I don't think I'd do an earring. Not really my style. A tattoo perhaps, it'd have to be tasteful and in the right place. I could easily get away with either though... Shame you can't get away with heels like you can with earrings! *sigh*

    Hi SH,

    never expected that everybody likes big earrings: Everybody has to make up his own decision. I like earrings and you do not. I think similar like Yamiyam.

    But a tattoo or a piercing is largely an irreversible decision. It's never a problem to pull out your high heels and forget your passion. At least a mental problem. But you can never pull out your tattoo. It's a part of yourself forever.

    OK, there is the ultimate sheet-anchor of a lengthy and expensive treatment in a dermal laser clinic. But IMHO HH's are a much easier decision. Just this was also the reason why I wanted to get tattooed. Unable to back down! Besides this I like naturally the beauty of my tattoo.

    This whole stuff reminds me to an internet published fantasy story where a guy was chained forever to extreme high heels which he received anonymously. Always punished by electrical current pulses by his shoes when he tried to pull them off. At the moment I don't remember the link, but I believe that the majority here knows this story.

    Another aspect of irreversibity in wearing high heels is the feet deformation in connection with very long or ultra heels wearing. Highluc reported several times about this issue: Flat shoes seem uncomfortable to him. Eternal chaining to high heels? Similar like the durability of a tattoo?

    Reminding me to the fetish style padlock ankle boots: Maybe, I'm now in the wrong thread - I'm sure just having read in another thread of this forum about this issue.

    The imagination in our brains of an eternal chaining to high heels is worth of a discussion...


  5. I love big gold earings on a guy micha, I know they look so fantastic on you!!! :o & when you wear those wonderful new high boots, I'll bet they match your whole look!! (I like tattoos also) I dont have either earings or the latter, but you never do know-I might suprise myself one day. yours, Brad

    Thank you for your compliments, Brad,

    if you like earrings or tattoos: you can do it too!

    In my life I was always fascinated about tattoos. Already at an age of sixteen I drawed with an Edding - when my parents were not at home - secretely my fantasies on my skin and imagined that they were real tattoos. In expectation of the return of my parents all my imaginations had to be extinguished by soap :lol:.

    Some years ago I finally dared to overcome my fear ("only criminals, seamen, drug addicted are tattooed"). After a lot of internet research (looking for the right studio and the design) I walked directly into the lion's den - a tattoo parlour :lol: . Which I left with a 100 DM deposit (today ~ 50 EUR) and a fixed appointment!

    All this reminds me to my reflections about my first outing on heels in public.

    My first tattoo session was a thrilling experience. Yes, it hurts. But with respect to your adrenalin and endorphin secretion it's not really worth of any discussion. It was one of the most impressive experiences in my life. I was totally happy, to see the first parts of the outlining on my skin. Inked into my skin for ever. My original citation resulting in a grinning tattooer:"Wow, now I'm tattooed!"

    Like our first HH-excursion in public. On much too high heels, too narrow shoes and a too long distance - with hurting feet afterwards. But an unforgettable experience, inked into our brain :(

    I got my tattoo in november 2001 and presented it to my family at Christmas (I don't like anymore to celebrate my inclinations in secret). My mother said: "Why did you do this? For my taste you would look better without a tattoo. But at least you have chosen a pretty design". I'm sure, that she had the same "filter" in her brain as I had for many years.

    Until today my parents have seen me never on extreme high heels (but already on high platform boots!). I'm working on it carefully :)

    nice greetings


  6. Well, here it is. The first pictures coming to you, recorded at my convenience :)

    The new shoes with spiderweb tights with and without red leather trousers

    Posted Image

    I still can't get used to the fact that I want these shoes on my feet 24/7, but can't do to various constraints, ie. can't walk in them properly, so driving is out of the question, climbing into the loft and lifting heavy objects.

    Hi Francis,

    your pictures are far beyond my expectations. Gorgeous and really sexy! :o

    I like the above picture the most: With your black nylons and the red leather trousers! Do you have also a picture where I can see the trousers in full length? You must know that I'm a proud owner of tight red varnish jeans, which I often wear together with my heels.

    It's really a pity that the stiletto heels of your pumps are too high for a public performance (I told you my doubts :()

    Spotting a guy in this outfit in the street, I had to care not fall into a blackout. Hoping to have a phial of smelling salts with me :rofl:



    Yesterday evening another guy needed obviously smelling salts too! I was just fighting with a refractory cigarette slot-machine. Suddenly a car stopped nearby. A young turkish guy got out. When he saw me on my stilettos, he shouted to me: "Do you come frrrom a carnival party?" :lol: A little bit irritated I shouted back "Noooo, that's my alldays outfit!". "Rrreally? Crrasss!"

    This was the first time after thousands of encounters that somebody accosted me because of my heels. Grinning the whole way to home...

  7. Thank God I'm grown up as an atheist (*grin*)! But despite of possible differences in our believe we have the same problem: How to stand upright for our common passion?

    In agreement to my last promise I stumbled today on stilettos through the world. No representative of any church dared to disturb my sinful enjoyable circles on high heels on holy sunday. I'm really glad to be absolutely free of any harassment of any church!

    micha (the satanic incarnation of the evil Posted Image)

  8. nearly I forgot my answer to you, Bob! Sorry, if I used an unconventional expression ('creole' earrings). I was talking about big girlie hoops. Usually I'm wearing in both ear lobes big 2'' golden ear rings. Not being a radical BME fan with extreme stretched earlobes but I'm always a curious visitor of the wellknown "bad" Canadian piercing and tattoo pages. And a proud owner of a nice tribal tattoo on my upper righrt arm. I love it :lol: ! micha

  9. Thank you all for your answers: Bert, Azraelle, Jay1, BobHH and Badger Sorry, I couldn't answer yesterday because I visited one of my best friends. Naturally I had to wear my new stiletto boots. He is not interested in high heels but he is a very courageous F->M transsexual guy. I like him very much. A year ago I presented him my new "spleen" and he accepted it at once without any discussion. Just as I have always encouraged him. Meanwhile it's nearly a twenty years lasting confident friendship. BTW: I wore my stiletto boots the whole day. Also in public and in daylight. It was a funny experience. Concerning the reactions: Nothing extreme, the most people ignored my outfit, sometimes I felt irritated (glimpses in my back? True or my own imagination - I don't know...). Germany has become a very tolerant country and therefore I like it. Up to now 10000's have seen me on high heels. I never earned any mobbing. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now an underline - and to the other subject :lol:! I think, we have a common passion, but often completely different other interests. But sometimes they are also similar (wondering always about the big fraction of computer freaks!). I read already about you Azraelle, that you like fishing in wilderness (I hope that I remember this correctly) and Bert you have obviously similar interests. I never liked jetting as a tourist criss-cross through the world. But in the next years I want to see the Himalaya at least once in my life (trekking to the base camp of the Mount Everest/Chomolungma or to the K2 and the bizarre Trango towers). And/or to visit the southwest of the United States: The Yosemite valley with the famous El Capitan and the Halfdome rsp. the fascinating landscape of the canyons in Utah and Colorado. I am convinced, that your answers are not 'off topic'. Many of us cultivate completely different hobbys (computer freaks, music fans, wave surfers, environmental movement engaged people, stamp-collectors, model railway enthusisasts, football fans, mountaineers and, and, and ...). That's also an important aspect of our personality as 'high heel lovers'. People are manyfold, manysided and individual! Nice greetings to you all micha

  10. This was taken from Jenny's site:

    Q: If you had to give reasons as to why you wear high heels, what would it be?

    *I enjoy the feel of the height and walk. 10

    *Fashion - an indispensible accessory. 3

    *For the extra height and confidence. 0 (I'm a 1.90 m guy ~ 6.3 feet)

    *A way to emphasise my femmininity. 5 (one m has to be cancelled)

    *I am sexually stimulated by wearing them. 7

    *A useful tool to attract nice guys to me. 7 (having some doubts if this works for gay men too)

    My first answer in the girls forum. But why not?


  11. No, No, Azraelle! I'll stay a block heels lover. But I like also to try alternatives like my new fashionable boots. BTW: Since eternal I wanted to ask you, where you got your gorgeous light blue suede platform boots (your second avatar). Yesterday I read in another thread that these boots are only a retouch - I was really disappointed. Those boots don't exist, they are only an idea of Azraelle. But for my taste a very good idea! You see, I still love platforms with chunky heels :lol: Nice greetings to Utah micha PS: Where do you live in Utah? I'm fascinated of the landscape there, hitherto only seen on photos. Since years I'm ogling with the idea of visiting the Grand Canyon rsp. the Bryce Canyon. My favourite hobbys besides heels and chess playing are mountains and climbing.

  12. Hi Francis, Wow, only 6 inches :lol: ?! They look like at least 7'' but very nice. I have decided to buy in future only shoes l can walk on. Thus they are absolutely too high for me. My limit for an elegant walking is reached on platformless 5 inches. Do you want to wear them only at home or even outdoors? Greetings micha

  13. Oh, I would really like to make my purchases personally in a shoe shop in the city. Just remembering the exciting and often funny experiences of other guys with trying-on heels in the women's section. My shoe size is the obstacle (UK 10-11). No chance to find fitting boots for me in a normal shoe shop. Therefore I prefer ordering via internet. The main problem is, that you can get there a lot of typical fetish models in male sizes. But only very few shoes in a moderate style. I'm sure that you know what I mean. Shoes appropriate for a guy for daily wearing! I think that my new boots are a compromise. They have moderate heels (4.5'' - easy to walk on) and a fashionable but obviously feminine style. I believe that I can afford this 'faux pas'. Just have made up my decision: I will wear them in daily life! micha

  14. I read your story with sympathy. Wasn't it a fascinating experience in your live? But don't wonder about the blisters on your foot balls - 3 miles at your first excursion on high heels?! BTW: I like mountain tours and climbing too. Relating to climbing enhanced calf muscles are guaranteed advantageous. But I'm very careful with extreme heels. I don't want problems with long hiking tours on flat shoes. micha

  15. Oh, if only :lol:

    Online again! Just coming back from my second excursion. I'm really crazy about walking on my new stilettos in public. But they need daylight. Tomorrow in the supermarket?

    You can do it too! Simply put your heels on, take a heart and a deep breath, open the door and look what will happen... :(


  16. Hi SH, congratulations for your courageous college outing and your interesting story! Concerning the noisy heels: What kind of heels did you wear? My 24400 Buffalo platforms belong also to the noisy species. I considered already to let exchange the plastic heel pieces by thick rubber parts. At my new stiletto boots I noticed , that the plastic caps were damaged already after my very first outdoor excursion. If I would like to wear them more often outdoors they need a metal heel piece! I believe that I'll have to get accustomed with noisy heels :lol: But why not?! Can't find flared jeans long enough to hide the heels. But if everybody can see the heels where is the problem that everybody can hear them? I'm working on it! nice greetings micha

  17. Hello Admin,

    They are very appropriate provided you have the right body shape. This is one of the the things I learned from the original version of the aesthetic hh mens fashion website. Don't wear thin heels if you are of heavy build. That goes for women or men. It's like wearing horizontal stripes if you are fat. Certain things go well and others don't.

    Luckily I belong to the slim people (1,90 m / 81 kg). And other than on my platform boots I'm matching on them just to a standard 2-m-door-frame :lol:

    In spite of the long pointed nose they are very comfortable to wear; because of the "only" 11-cm-heels it's no problem for me to walk on them in an elegant manner.

    With a little bit more courage (because of the feminine style) they could become my favourite daily footwear ...

    nice greetings


  18. Similar as you I am wearing normally block heels in public. Mostly the Buffalo model 24400 and a little bit crazier my laced Fantasy Shoes platforms (model Turbo Venus -> www.pennangalan.com).

    But now I was getting cocky!

    Walking the first time on extreme stilettos in public. The reaction? None. Believe me, that's true! :lol:

    nice greetings from your sincere midnight poster


  19. Hi folks,

    today I received my new stiletto boots. Here a picture:


    I put them on in the evening for a first outdoor promenade. They appear very fashionable and stylish but otherwise very female: an extreme pointy nose and very thin 4.5'' heels (>= 11 cm) .

    What's your opinion? Are they an appropriate footwear for guys in public or are they too extreme? I like to wear them outdoors. I'm curious to know what you are thinking about it.

    Hitherto platform boots wearer!


  20. I don't believe in astrology. But entering the game: I'm a Taurus. Born on a sunday in early may. I like this date of birth: Nearly every year fine weather! Very appropiate for wearing heels... :lol: Moo! micha

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