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Posts posted by samcar455

  1. The way I read this EMO is somewhat like a local bdsm group I use to frequent at the munches/get togethers. I would show up in a pair of my trendy high heel boots, with some of the ladies impressed with what I would wear, while others I felt were somewhat either uncomfortable with my wearing woman's high heel boots or just possibly jealous I could walk so well in them. Those who were honest enough to say what they thought of my heel wearing were somewhat placed in the outcast list. I finally got fed up with them and no longer frequent there get togethers anymore. I feel the people of that answered the yahoo question somewhat deserve the same. If their egos are brusied, I am sorry. But I am not going to change what I do because of them. My 2 cents.

    Amen brotha. In today's America there is no reason that we should have to cater to the whims of the masses. Despite how we want to live our lives, as long as we aren't forcing anyone else to do everything the way we do than there is no reason for everyone to force their views on us. It's just this ridiculous idea that everyone has that they should force their views on everyone else. Oi.

  2. Being 18 and somewhat knowledgeable of the current emo scene I feel as though I have to comment.

    The most common look of emo is tight jeans, makeup, and straight, choppy hair.


    That is pete wentz. The bassists for the popular "emo" band Fall Out Boy (whom I like VERY much). Personally, I like the emo look. Although, I will never understand the "emo" stereotype as everyone has some emotion in their lives.

    About the heels, personally, I have never seen any sort of heels related to any sort of emo look. But it is in no way that far-fetched for the look at all.

    Also, that site that HappyFeat seems pretty cool. But I am in no way that knowledgeable of emo music so I would listen to that for all your emo clarifications. ;-)

  3. It really is just practice. After a while you learn how to correctly balance so that you don't wobble as much in your ankle. That is the best way to not fall. Just walk next to a wall or something. That way you can brace yourself. The best way to get practice is to walk in figure-eights. (That's what I like to do at least). That way you practice turning, walking in a pattern, and try walking with one foot in front of the other. After awhile it will come as natural as walking with your wider heels.

  4. The toughest thing to come to terms with is understanding that not everyone was brought up or has such open minded views as you do. And as much as you want to scream at them (I sure do) for thinking this way. There is nothing you can do. They either won't hear it, or just think you're wrong. So the best way to handle it is to defy them by knowing that there is NOTHING they can do to stop you from trying on a pair of shoes or jeans. And because they feel so inclined as to let you know how they feel, there is no doubt in my mind, that them seeing you defy their dogmatic beliefs, while there is nothing they can do about it, will make them squirm with rage.

  5. I suggest you start looking in Venice beach, Melrose-Sunset-Hollywood blvds ;-)

    I remember seeing a streetshot of a guy on flickr (someone posted a link in the fav photos section) wearing knee high stiletto boots and he was from LA.

    Ha, well I can't just walk up to a random guy wearing heels (if I even find 'em around there) and say. "Hey. Lets go shopping!"


    Okay, maybe I can. But that's besides the point!

  6. One time I was in Illinois in a little town (can't even remember the name). But it had a little main street sort of a thing with a bunch of little shops and etc. So I went into a womens shoe store and browsed around. When the lady working there asked if I needed any help, I told her what size I was and she got the shoes for me. And, of course, I tried them on in the store. However, instead of acting awkward about it. She was intrigued. She asked me questions like why do I like to do it, and other things. And she was very respectful about it too. I was very happy with that store and the shop assistant. I also went into another store that had some adorable pumps that I bought. But the woman was much older (grey hair and all) and I assumed she wasn't going to be as...embracing as the other shop assistant was from the other store. But I politely asked for my size and she was very nice and helpful. I also kind of jokingly said: "I bet you don't get too many guys like me..." and she said: "You'd be surprised." At that point the awkwardness was gone and that was also a cool experience.

  7. In response to all the grammatical pet peeves, being 18 and geeky. I do all that. I say "I is tired" instead of "I am tired". I will use "like" in a sentence a lot. I use internet phrases, and many more grammatical imperfections. Personally I view this as a generational thing. It's just something I do naturally, as do my friends. However, there is a time and a place for grammatical perfection and I find that people who don't understand that are annoying. However, I do not fault the act itself of grammatical imperfections in casual conversation.

  8. :grin:

    This week I received ma ballets, I tried them and... no walk were possible ;-)

    Someone has got some "tricks" to help me and make the walk more confortable?

    My toes are hurting... :w00t2:

    I don't have my own pair, but it seems as though everyone else has said to put some padding in the toes. Maybe get some inserts and cut them so there is just enough for some support. You could also use tissue or something very soft. But make sure it's dense, so it does actually support you.

    Also, make sure to cut your nails. That could end badly.

  9. People who instantly hate scene kids. People who drive and don't use their blinkers. (For the love of god, it's a flick of your finger.) People who talk with their mouth foul of food and are loud with their eating habits. People who don't smell good. People who dress like they're not overweight when they are.

  10. I have thought about buying a pair of knee-highs. They do have more of an appeal for me. I'm just wondering if the brand in general is quality. I know it may not be the best, but I just want to get a second opinion.

  11. hi and welcome samcar you are starting young with heels which is great amd if you have the money i bet over time you will buy lots of nice heels. please post a few pics of you in them one day.


    Haha. I plan to at some point. But I have to work at it. Make sure I paint my nails and stuff, shave, etc.

  12. I had a gf, (we're just friends now) and she really had no opinion. It was kind of an awkward topic. She didn't care about it, and was somewhat supportive even. But she didn't want me to wear them. But I told her I wanted to get a pair of ballet heels (that even she wants) but as soon as I told her she said that was going to far. Which I find ridiculous. That wasn't the reason our relationship ended, but to me, it was something I could accept but sort of wished for someone who actually wants me to wear them.

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