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Posts posted by texasbumpkin

  1. hello all.....

    there were a few things left off of the list.

    we need:

    Dog bones: for when Magenta goes to assist Woof Woof

    Hot dogs: for the song "Your A Hotdog"

    Toilet paper: for when Dr Everett V Scott goes rolling down the stairs when Frank turns on the sonic transducer

    Deck of Playing Cards: for when Frank is playing cards with no one in the second to last song of the movie, after Magenta and Riff Raff have come back to take Frank back to the planet Transexual.

  2. Renee....quick question......you are wiccan???? or another sect??? that is something that I would like to talk to you about....I have always been interested in it. ok....now for what I have to say on this topic.....what people believe is of their own view.....people are different. I am an episcopal, but I do not attend services.....why should I have to go to a church to commune with god, if he is all around us then I can chat with him at my house, or in my car or even in the bathroom if I need to. I believe there is something out there....wether it be allah, budda, mohammed, jesus, a purple people eater.....something. But we have to look at other people will believe other things.....this is a little off topic, but if there are other beings in the universe, where it is such a vast space and if can happen here, I mean life, then it can happen on another planet, and what do they believe.....if they also believe there is something out there could there really be a higher being, or are we just hoping that we are not alone in the universe and hoping that there is a higher being that can instill everlasting life in an after life???

  3. My opionion on the current state of the middle east is that our government is scared.....they do not want another invasion of Kuwait, and they do not want to have to tap into the oil reserve that is here in the states.....It is all about Oil, and Bush Jr having to clean up after his father's mess. Bush Sr should have sent in a special forces team, wether it be seals, rangers, delta force to take care of Saddam.....this would have spared the lives of thousands of civilians and not have exposed out troops to chemicals that are now affecting their health.......The people on these special forces teams, know that when they get called out they may not come back, but they are willing to make that sacrafice for this country, for our freedom and the freedom of other people when they are helping to defend one of our allies. This possible attack is also do to oil.....they control it, we need it....that is the bottom line. We have very few, and I mean very few things that do not run on fossil fuels.....they are starting to tap into George's bank to the horror of fisherman, but people do not want to give up their fossil fuels. Look at the proprosed wind farm off the coast of Martha's Vineyard and the coast of Virginia. People are putting up a stink where they do not want their precious views disrupted. This is the ideals of the people who run the country....The rich. They can afford to pay the astronomical prices of oil when Saddam lights oil wells on fire, but it is us, the people who actually do the work for the rich that have to pay for their view. If we went to more veritile types of energy - solar, wind, hydro - and were not so dependent on fossil fuels, would we even be having this converstation????? that is my opionion....I welcome yours. :lol:

  4. September 11th had an impact on the entire world, not matter how trivial. It has affected the economy - people not wanting to travel for the fear of terrorism, the fear of people - a lot of hate crimes commited against people who happen to appear to be of middle eastern disent. I know people who work at the trade center, have relatives that where NYC during the attack, and my brother is at the pentagon sometimes in his job. These attacks were by terrorists......what they try to do is instil TERROR in people, and going about on pins and needles is what they want. We need to move on with our lives, but also remember the heros and the fallen. We do not need to forgive or forget, but cope and deal. This was a horendous thing to do by people who were brain washed. They state that they were doing this for Allah.....If they have ever read the Qur'an they would see where it states that they are to defend themselfs when they are attacked. We did not attack them. They state that they are going this for their religion, but Islam is a peaceful, loving religion, where Mohammed states that we need to love each other and that the All Merciful will judge you on your actions. Muhammad, the last messenger of Allah, was given the Qur’an to spread the world peace and love. The people that take the message and twist it are not being truthful to the religion, and Mohammed’s teachings of peace. Terrorists come to this country, live among us, and then attack us. We have been grateful enough to allow them into our country, and not deport them, in some cases support them, and they give us thanks by killing over 6000 people: civilians, police, firefighters and EMS personnel. Not only did they kill people they have caused major health problems for our nation. There are approximately 500 firefighters that are on medical leave or light duties due to the effects of the attacks. People are going to be suffering from post traumatic stress disorder, respiratory problems – asthma, respiratory infections, World Trade Center cough, and maybe even cancer. These problems are caused by the inhalation of particulate matter of concrete, glass, human ash, metals, smoke inhalation, chemicals that are used in offices-toner, inks, adhesives, plastic, and silicon – cleaning supplies, radioactive isotopes from smoke detectors, asbestos, and other miscellaneous chemicals that are in the buildings. This is going to be a long-term problem for the entire city, where the clean up is constantly stirring up dust and debris. There are those out there that state that a government by the people makes the people a legitamate target, but if they look at the government of the US, they would see that it is not alway run the way that the people want and is not a TRUE democrasey where everything is goverened by the people for the people. People need to realize that this is not a problem just of the united states, this is a global problem. One day they are attacking us, the next they could be attacking another.....Why can't we all get along. We are all short of this world, we should make the best of it and enjoy the diversity and cultures that are here with respect and ah.....everyone is different, I am different from you, and you are different from the next person, and we all have different opinions, but what this world needs is tolerance, and peace.....but governments do not like that, they would then have to focus on their own problems. sorry for rambling.......that is my opinion....I welcome yours :lol:

  5. 1.Now or in past (high school)? I play now, not that much, both clarinet and piano, in high school though also played flute, trumpet, and sax....i was in the jazz band, marching band, and also pep band......and No I do not have any "One day at band camp" stories.....hehehe 2.If so what gear? (brand model etc...) I have a Rico clarinet, use a 3 1/2 reed, usually rico.....I do not have the money to spend on the good ones.....for piano I have a yamaha upright. 3.What style music? I play classical music. 4. What instrament whould like to learn to play? I would like to learn to play the violin.

  6. I know for a fact that all governments intercept information from other countries for their own uses.....wether it be problems with the economy, problems with the health of the leaders-so if they die we know what to expect, and so on......there is one thing that you have to remember about the area of the middle east.....they are in control of most of oil, and in todays world, he who has the oil has control where most of the items today that require energy runs on fossil fuel.....so this is not neccisarily based on the plight of the people of Iraq, but on the need for oil....Saddam had been treating his people poorly for years before he invaded Kuwait, and we took no notice, but when he took over the country that controls a lot of the oil we took a BIG look at what was going on. that is my opionion.....I welcome yours......... :lol:

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