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Posts posted by 70splats

  1. I get it that some guys say 70s platform style for men they don't like, just like I don't wear women's pumps or heels if I wanted that I would change my gender. But to each it's own I couldn't imagine walking down the street in spike heels a  women's style I honestly would be set up to be jumped, or hospitalized, guess it's not mainstream, probably never will be, I don't see any men I know walking in women's heels. Men's style of 70s platforms aren't mainstream either but yo never know.lol

  2. Jeff b, I know some guys like myself find spike heels too feminine, Guys to me in women's pump spike heels look rather funny looking to me( no offense to all you guys who wear them, to each his own). I know if I wore those Id probably be trying to fight my way home, lol. As for the macho concious guy , youre right they wouldnt wear women's pumps or 70s platforms for everyday, still to me 70s platforms were, and I still think are the coolest, just difference of opinion I guess.

  3. Im not a fan of women's heels, Ive always enjoy seeing a guy in cool men's boots or shoes be it cowboy, or dress. I own cowboy boots with tall heels, the look I love! To each his own of course, but me myself look foolish wearing spike heels, some guys can pull it off, not I of course, I again prefer a more masculine look. Men's heels such as a tall undershot heel or a cuban heel, or even a cool 70s retro platform is so cool to wear, even in public, and yes I have 70s platform boots, lol.





  4. Wow! Those are cool! Oh how I wish back in the 70s I was an adult age back then I would have been in heaven, all you guys who were 18 and over back then, I so envy you! Id love to see old pics of guys on this board showing their 70s photos of their plats. I enjoy seeing old 70s movies, and also 70s shows like Soul Train, and American Bandstand to see all that eye candy!

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