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Everything posted by Clarity

  1. It's inspiring to see how far you pushed it, for sure. Due to my position at work I still find it challenging to wear heels anywhere near as often as I'd like to, but I think that's more on me than her. (Despite all the D&I statements we make, I'd be concerned about the real world professional consequences. We're pushing the boundaries a little bit when we're going places around town where the risk is lower to run into employees, but I don't know how it would actually pan out if I / we did.) At least these days we're traveling a fair bit, so when ever we're out of town we are able to make use of our many mostly matching pairs and enjoy them together instead of me watching her. Remind me, does your wife wear any - elevated or not - footwear you can appreciate, or do you need to compensate for both of you at all times in that department?
  2. Andy, Did you consider cinderellashoes.com? Or ghigocalzature.com? Maybe there is something in there for you and at a lower price tag than custom. Good luck!
  3. Thank you all for the warm welcome. @pebblesf: I don't know if I would describe it as "encourage", but by now she has worked up a healthy amount of tolerance and I'm very grateful for it. 😇 @Shyheels: An assignment up there sounds interesting, although a bit isolated unless you count all the tourists. How long were you up there?
  4. Hi all, After many many, many years of just reading, I feel I owe it to you all to finally introduce myself. I first stumbled into the high-heel topic as a teenager, but at the time still from an "onlooking" and not "self-wearing" perspective. About 12 / 13 years ago I told my then-girlfriend that I wanted to try out some wildly-ambitious ballet boots, like the ones I had just bought her. That didn't exactly go over well, but eventually she said why not. We still have a pair each, but the ambitions have normalized over time, lol. Over the course of time we added more and more "wearable" heels to the collection, and have pushed the boundaries of where and when to wear them. Today, we're happily married for 9 years and have a decent variety of matching options from a wide variety of brands. I look forward to sharing some of our adventures and interacting with you guys, who unknowingly gave me so much encouragement for all these years. Best regards, Clarity
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