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Andy3142 last won the day on February 4

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    United Kingdom
  • Hobbies
    Meditation, DIY, Dance music, cooking

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  1. Re the stability thing, I've got a pair of 3" dancers shoes, ie those things made of mesh with laces that you can tie tightly and are stable because snug fit. They're so stable they've got boring to wear so I took all the laces out. They remain surprisingly easy to balance in, at least round the house, but that may be because my heel still gets a bit of guidance at the back. So I've ordered from Temu a pair of 4" pumps with only open toes and only a single skimpy strap behind the toes. Will report!
  2. I'm new but I get the basics of walking in heels and I do a pretty good job in the street in stable 9 cm / 3.5 inch block heels. What I notice though is that I have MANY subtly variant ways of walking, only slightly different from each other. From the point of how I look I don't think it matters much. But I find it takes work to settle down into any stable rhythmic pattern, especially as walking speed varies. It's hard to put into words, but a big part is how much my pelvis moves, and another part is how much work my big toe does. There are other components and I could say more but I don't want to complicate things. Right now I'd just like to know if others find this too. For avoidance of doubt, the problem is not tottering, instability, lack of balance, etc. I've got past those things, at least in block heels. Does anyone else have this experience? Do you have any advice/thoughts for getting a stable rhythmic walk, or good Youtube videos? I'd appreciate if you could please keep replies on-topic.
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