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Jen J

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Posts posted by Jen J

  1. As tightsnheels was headed home from the auto mechanic he saw thedesigner hitch hiking. Never one to pass up a friend in need he stopped and picked him up. A mile or so down the road the car sputtered to a stop. After several attempts to get it started Tightsnheels asked "well should we start walking?" The designer replied, "I think we should call the toe truck." Tightsnheels says "Well there are two of us, we better call twenty. --------please direct all complaints to Roniheels. ---------- Thank you. jen.

  2. Well that was an interesting read. In a serious tone, I can understand someone feeling different may be unsure of coming out to people regarding their supposed difference from the norm. I would be led to believe that everyone on this forum would understand that. The point where I get confused is that the difference is; he has told his family, and some close friends. As either wouldn't you disclose to him that a radio hobby is not unusual. My situation may be considered a little different to cover up. A ham radio operator doesn't usually have an antenna attached to their head when going out to dinner. Wearing a skirt, makeup and heels to a dinner party might be slightly more noticeable. Maybe to show him things could be worse, he needs a group hug from the members of HHP, in public. As a side note, comedy would be if he broke up with her and then shortly thereafter, ran into her at a Ham convention, with her new boyfriend. Just an opinion from a guy currently wearing his heels. Hope no one minds. Jen

  3. United States - Residential is 240 volt single Phase. - split into 3 lines consisting of (2) 120 volt lines and a neutral line. This provides both 120 volt for standard wall outlets and combined 240 volts for appliances such as A/C, ranges, dryers and such. There will be review on Thur and exam on Friday so, Pay Attention. Jen

  4. Yes my wife knows. After a fairly bad first marriage, not due to heels or any other similar item, I decided to just be open. I didn't want to go through that again. She enjoys the posts once in a while. We were tourists for a while around these parts. Now the problem is; "are you playing that word association game again? You need therapy." I am not sure where you find a therapist for word game addictions. Thanks, jen

  5. Nope, Roniheels likes the Ballet. Back on track. Why is the site going strong, because the members are awesome. It is a nice feeling that there is a group of people who both have a common interest and also enjoy sharing that interest without being uppity or self centered. That is in short is why I am here. Hey, I didn't mean short like short, short. Jen

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