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VirginHeels last won the day on September 18 2022

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  1. That’s the thing, it’s the younger generation may not have the experience for that. I know as an elder millennial that the Gen Z folks are needing help. The younger ones especially, the older ones are okay. Im not completely blaming it on working from home, it is an element in it. Also, the amount of shops and service workplaces that are relaxing their uniform codes is in there too.
  2. This also spills into the fact that Dolly Parton always said, it takes a lot of money to look this cheap. The dress standards of the kids now has taken a slump. Too many women around towns and shopping centres in workout gear, and guys in track suits and just looking too casual in sports gear. I’m not going into the workwear thing, that’s another wreck. Whats wrong in waking up, putting on a nice pair of jeans, trousers or a skirt for those who want to. A nice shirt or blouse and what ever the weather suggests you should. Then a nice pair of shoes, or ideally heels? It doesn’t cost a lot of money to look good, and to feel good. Feel good, do good. Standards have fallen. Talking to a friend recently about this, who has a job in aviation recently. They have been encouraged by management to get dressed on a day off. They also have a fitness standard to keep, again feel good, look good. I blame the pandemic, and the economic situation right now globally. Standards have fallen with the work from home/remote/hybrid working environments. Standards dropped for two to three years and it’s going to be a struggle to get them back.
  3. Just a question that has popped into my brain recently. What age did you seriously start to wear heels? I’m not just talking about the once or twice a year thing. I’m talking about seriously on a daily or weekly basis? Id love to do so, however my job and lack of a social life prevents me. Thanks in advance.
  4. https://coveti.com/men-who-wear-womens-shoes/?srsltid=AfmBOoowmcItDrq5frTv7XIa-9Ky3zfdu9NuA9sC5EgmVzZYhvDzojxi Interesting article, it’s a bit wordy and a bit word dense. https://coveti.com/men-who-wear-womens-shoes/?srsltid=AfmBOoowmcItDrq5frTv7XIa-9Ky3zfdu9NuA9sC5EgmVzZYhvDzojxi Interesting article, it’s a bit wordy and a bit word dense. https://coveti.com/men-who-wear-womens-shoes/?srsltid=AfmBOoowmcItDrq5frTv7XIa-9Ky3zfdu9NuA9sC5EgmVzZYhvDzojxi Interesting article, it’s a bit wordy and a bit word dense.
  5. https://f-trend.com/blog/rise-mens-feminine-masculinity-2019-and-future-fashion-trend We may be on the edge of a more androgynous future for clothing. I for one am looking at feminising my wardrobe a little in certain areas. Might not be a massive amount, just certain prices if I can loose a few more pounds in weight. Discuss.
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