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Posts posted by Becky

  1. I agree with compulsory voting as long as there is an additional box that says "non of the above candidates". It would show the true level of apathy there really is. I've been reading the latest Tory drivel of cutting taxes, increasing public spending on services, where is the money coming from - a photocopier. As Labour certainly don't have the money to do it. Its all spin that hopefully nobody is lured in by!! I suppose at the end of the day they're all full of empty promises and seem to be above public accountability. Oooof...............I'm glad that's out of my system :)

  2. At the end of the day I don't really care. Shoes are shoes and are a practical fashion accessory - I think the high heel posting has been done to death. Probably every question has been answered and every conceivable topic discussed - I don't think there is much more to be said about heels really. However, the men on this forum find it exciting to wear heels whilst walking in the dark around the block or wearing them to a "heel meet" - I don't find that exciting, just normal. I suppose anything that isn't classed as normal or badged as taboo is exciting to talk about and share experiences with. I think from a womans point of view the topic of heels here has been done to death. I also think that its like you wouldn't talk about shoes, underwear or fashion infront of guys you don't know. I suppose in a subconcious way its the same here.

  3. Bubba, I couldn't have said that better myself. Xaphod, Your answer is typical of most of the males here. You don't understand that the actions you are doing are putting us off from posting. I'll read all the new posts but sometimes I can't be bothered to post because you dominate and hijack our posts or "gals area" and then say "What are we doing wrong"? We've told you until we're blue in the face, so until you find that out for yourselves then I'm sorry to say that the real women will slowly go away. Becks.

  4. I saw the "Red Devils Crew" image too - I was interested to find out what would happen after the countdown. An image of an explosion happened after the 10, 9, 8...........etc then it went to a new image which I did a print screen of. I guess l was rather stupid in leaving it countdown as something malicious may have happened to my PC, but its fairly secure. At first I didn't know if it was some New Year thing that the owner of the site had done, but it soon registered that someone had hacked the site. I'm so glad that everything is back to normal. Happy New Year everyone. Becks.

  5. Hi SF, I'm sure there are many guys who would love to ask a women where she has bought her shoes or boots from - as you say, either for your wife / partner or yourself. My thoughts are that I wouldn't mind if a female friend or a close male friend asked where I'd bought the shoes / boots I was wearing. If a guy I'd never met asked me then depending on how cute he was would depend on my answer. If he was drop dead gorgeous then I'd tell him (especially if he complimented me too :D ) but if he looked a little strange / pervy then I'd probably ignore him and just carry on my with my business. Becks

  6. Dazza31, Did you not understand the recent events that took place regarding men posting and invading the "Gals Section"? Obviously you didn't because you've posted here on a number of occasions with posts that can be posted in the "For Everyone Section". Ok, then let me spell it out to you: Topics like this and what you're going to buy your Girlfried can be posted in the section marked "F..O..R E..V..E..R..Y..O..N..E" Doh!! :D

  7. I always purchase boots with an inside zip. I don't think they give a better fit because stretch boots tend to cling to the leg like a second skin. I've seen a couple of colleagues who have bought zippered boots that fit on the feet, but because their legs as so thin there is a big gap between the leg and the boot - in this instance stretch boots would be a good idea. The reason my boots (with the exception of one pair of lace up knee boots) have an inside zip is because I always spoil myself and buy genuine leather boots. I've never been tempted by imitation - even though some look like real leather. I think the leather is warmer on the leg, your feet don't sweat as much and they last alot longer Last Autumn / Winter, Dune had a lovely selection of black knee length leather boots. I ended up buying a pair with a sexy 4 1/2" stiletto heel and a buckle design up the shaft..................my poor credit card :D

  8. I totally and unreservedly apologize to all the men on this forum whom I’ve upset by my irrational and irresponsible outburst that I posted in the heat of the moment. I should have waited and cooled down before I reacted so callously and stupidly. I have probably offended many of you by what I have said and I really do regret my comments. Please accept my most sincere apology, Becks.

  9. Here we go again..............open the door and leave the self opinionated young up start "Daz" come in and have her bitch then watch as she minces back out. Put your specs on Daz - I've made no comment that heel wearing men are TV's / CD's. I commented that girls like men to be men (i.e. not wearing heels or other female attire). Look before you leap little boy!! As you so rightly point out Daz, this site is to promote the normality of heel wearing men, therefore the implication of this means that it is not normal for men to wear heels. If it were normal for men to wear heels then this site may not exist. So by your own admission, you are implicating that you are abnormal and are mearly here to justify you abnormal actions by conversing with like minded men.

  10. Gene - you are doing exactly what you want the guys to stop doing...................YOU ARE POSTING IN THE GALS SECTION you idiot!!!! Why don't you post in the "announcements" area or "for everyone" area - you had to post here didn't you :D I thought you said a few weeks back that you were leaving the forum - or was that statement as empty as your head? Most of you guys make me laugh.........you parade around in womens shoes and other attire, then you come here and justify your actions amongst yourselves so that you don't feel too weird or guilty, then you ask us girls if you like guys wearing heels and stuff!! Well the answer is NO - we like men to be men and any woman that tells you otherwise is a CD/TV/TS or one of you sad men masquerading as a woman. This forum is spiralling down hill fast and I can't see a way for anyone to stop this problem. Most of the guys have no respect - is it any wonder you can count the "real" women who post here on one hand.

  11. Wrong turn of phrase - I should have said "perhaps" masquerading as Debbie. I just found it strange that the person known as Debbie on stockingsHQ would post there and not pop in here and said a word after all this time. She hasn't even been in the chat room for months - perhaps over a year :D I just got a gut instinct that someone has sourced her posts here and in conjunction with her pics site, decided to pretend to be her. Think about it - why would Debbie not drop in here and say "hi, how is everyone?" after knowing many of us for a long, long time then start posting on a stockings forum? I'm still not convinced - further investigation is required :) Becks

  12. Well, that's men for you - they have little or no respect for women. If they had then they wouldn't be constantly hijaking our section of the forum :D The moderators are equally to blame as well - why don't they do their job properly and delete those posts that are from the guys? Is it any wonder why there aren't that many girls left or that we don't post too often - you guys are just skulking around like vultures waiting to pounce on your next female pray with your repetitive questions of "what size heels do you wear", "what style shoes do you like". There are many genuine gentlemen here: Bubba, Firefox, Hoverfly, Trolldeg, Highluc but there arethose that just can't keep away from the girls section. Is it so difficult for you guys to post in the "For Everyone" section - us girls do look at other sections you know, we don't just stay in the girls section. So, do us a favour and stop hijaking before there are no gals left :)

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