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Posts posted by mackman69

  1. i will have to go try lane bryants and see how their jeans fit me , im 6' and 240lbs so im in a 16w or 18w in misses jeans and they fit awesome. i found some misses low rise jeans and i love them but just dont feel real comfortable wearing them driving a big truck all day .im hooked on womens jeans now and will put all my mens jeans in the bottom of the closet or give to away.

  2. i didnt buy them today but i went to shoeshow store and tried on some Hot Tomato brown boots with about 1'' platform and 4'' heels and i loved them so i will go get them this weekend , they were just 15.00 which is cheap to me.they are kinda like the pic but brown


  3. i have only been here one day and i love this board but i was also wondering why cant guys post on the girls topics as they can post on the guys .just me being curious.

  4. none of my family knows even tho i have wore womens tennis shoes or even some low heeled boots , they may never even noticed what i was wearing but this yr if i go to their house during the holidays i plan to wear a little more of a heel and see if they notice , they all live in differnet states so if they dont like it they dont have to see me wearing them. i do have a female friend that has seen me wearing some black patent knee high boots with a 4'' heel and she said i looked real good in them.

  5. i just have started wearing womens or girls jeans and love them way lots more than mens jeans. i wore a pair to my church today and nobody even noticed them . i wear them to work and i work around a bunch of guys , we haul logs . i bought me a pair of low rise jeans this past saturday and cant wait to wear them to work tomorrow with my 2'' wedge heels.

  6. i first tried shaving my legs a few months ago and now i love the feeling when i wear stockings on fresh shaved legs. i have even shaved my chest and other parts now. the only part of my body i dont shave is my arms and my head.

  7. i really enjoy doing my toenails and wearing open toe sandals or even my flip flops out to the store or other places. my gf didnt like it at first but she has gotten a little more used to my keeping them polished . i would love to get the nerves to go get a pedicure

  8. i really love going to payless store in my town cause one has a big selection of 12 and 13 which is just right and the sales clerks all know me and they also tell me if i find shoes on their website to have them shipped to their store . they even like watching me try on heels and help me make sure they fit good.

  9. my first pair i bought was for my gf and i tried them on and they fit tight so i had an idea what size to buy so i went to a shoe store and bought some without trying them on in the store and had to take them back the next day saying my gf couldnt wear them . so i then went to the same name store but in a different part of town and the girl there kept asking if i was ok and i told her yes. when i went to pat for them she said do they fit i told they were for my gf , she said it was ok if they were for me . she was ok with me trying on heels and said i wasnt the first the first guy to try on heels . so i go to that store all the time and they have heels in my size 12 .

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