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Posts posted by mackman69

  1. id never take a pill to make my heel thoughts go away cause ever since i have known i've loved seeing high heels on women. When i first started wearing heels im hooked now and my gf is getting much more understanding of me wearing them which is great. i may even wear some of my high heeled boots to church one sunday with my jeans .

  2. that happened to me today when i stopped at a shoe show and tried on some high heeled boots and a few pairs of heels, the guy working there got all wide eyed when he seen me trying them on. i put them on and walked around the store it was just me and him in there. he just asked me if i needed any help but when he seen my trying on heels he never bothered me again

  3. i have been wearing my heels all day around the house and then go to the dollar store and ask myself if im going to wear my heels in there or get cold feet . some days i will just what the heck and wear them in and other days chicken out.

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