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Status Updates posted by tammy

  1. Hi Sharon, I was thinking that you were going to go through with your surgery. Are your tendons beyond the point that you can do stretching exercizes? Are you going to try wider shoes to accomodate your bunions? TAM

  2. Hi Sharon, My feet are about the same. No improvements. I guess that your bunions have gotten worse. Are you hoping to wear stilettos more comfortably after surgery, or just want healthy feet? Let me know TAM

  3. Hey girl, How are you tonight?

  4. Hey girl, My corns are really killing me. I know what you mean about breaking in new stiletos. I have 2 new pair I can't stand to break in because my corns are soo bad.

  5. hey. how are you today?

  6. Hello, how are you/ Tammy

  7. Hey shoron, How are the bunions today. TAM

  8. hey Amina, Do you show your feet in public? Are your bunions big or small? love Tammy

  9. Hello, do you have corns on those 3rd toes?

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