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Everything posted by bambam

  1. I've been to that park, and heard the bells. I'm from STL originally, and headed your way at least half a dozen times. Lovely bells, if memory serves.
  2. love those pumps. Almost my uniform now, those things are so broadly useful.
  3. Just served 2 weeks on a jury here, and wore my high heels Frye boots about a third of the time, the same ones in my avatar, except black. Nobody said anything, although I did get a TON of looks, stares, and awkward smiles. It should be said, however, that most, if not all female trial lawyers and law clerks wore huge heels, around half the time. None of the others on the jury ever wore anything like that, despite one being a model, and another being very attractive, and very femme. Thoughts? I really will never stop wearing heels, I think...
  4. So I have been wearing heels for years at this point, including the sexiest pumps I could find, but haven't worked up the gut to wear my favorite pair of open toe Pleasers, or any of my open toe shoes. It's not that I have big manly feet, quite the opposite I find, I just haven't been able to give myself a proper pedicure, and I refuse to wear those shoes if I don't at least have well kept toes. Any advice on doing this at home? I know going to a salon is a decent idea, but I really want to do it myself, and for some reason, coloring in the lines is still a problem for me. However, I love these shoes too much not to keep trying.
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