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Posts posted by Mckailah

  1. I currently own: 2 pair of slides (4 inch and 6 inch with platforms) 3 pair of stilettos (3 inch, 4 inch mary janes, and 5 inch peep toes) 2 pair of strappy sandals (both 5 inch with one inch platform) 2 pair of clogs (both three inch) 3 pair of classic 4 inch closed toe pumps 1 pair of ballet heels 1 pair of thigh highs with a 6 inch heel and two inch platform 1 pair of 3 inch heeled go go boots and 16 pairs of what my wife refers to as "stripper shoes" (6 inch heels with four inch platform all the way up to a custom made 18 inch steel stiletto heel, 12 inch platform, open toe, open heel with quadruple ankle strap. I have to duck to walk in the house with those on. They are mostly for the bedroom :o ) Sorry, no pictures as of yet. Working on getting back home first.

  2. I have a suggestion for those looking to train their feet to be En Pointe. (wear ballet heels or extreme [6 or more inches] high heels) I use this method every night and I can now bend my feet into a banana shape, after only three weeks of training. I don't get any more cramps, and I am also working on building up toe strength while doing this exercise.


    1 24" x 30" piece of 3/4" plywood.

    1 belt (Webbed cloth, not leather, at least 2" wide and 40" long)

    2 towels (You can use any cloth to covre the wood and use as a pad.)

    Step 1: Place plywood on ground or foot of bed.

    Step 2: Place one towel over wood to prevent splinters.

    Step 3: Fold the second towel into a square and place on top of the second towel, between the front (the side farthest from you) and the middle of the wood

    Step 4: Place belt under the front of the wood with the buckle off to one side, extended to a length that is comfortable for your feet

    Step 5: Place heels on the folded towel, and hook feet under belt with belt just behind toes.

    Step 6: Extend legs out as far as you can by scooting your bottom back and keeping your heels on the folded towel

    You should feel the muscles and tendons stretching as you do this. DO NOT OVER STRETCH! You can actually damage the muscles and tendons in your feet by overstretching. You should feel a gentle stretch to start off with and then gradually increase the stretch. You should feel this stretching feeling start to subside after a few minutes if done correctly. I personally hold this stretch for about 30 minutes and then wait at least an hour before I do it again.

    Step 7 (optional): You can use a second belt to fasten the part of the plywood around your calves, if and only if you wist to sleep in this setup. Although sleeping with your feet is NOT recommended, you can search online for a contraption called a night splint which can safely keep your feet bent and "stretching" while you sleep. They are usually used for Planter Fascitis (a condition in which the tendons in the lower arch of the foot have become over stretched or over shortened causing a constant dull to extreme pain in the arch.)

    To get a better pointe posture for your feet, bend at the waist while sitting down and try to touch your toes. Most people cannot touch their toes while en pointe, but the closer you get, the more of a stretch you will feel. Again, DO NOT OVER STRETCH!

    After a week or so, tighten the belt just a little bit and stretch a little more. A very small amount of tightening is necessary to make a large amount of difference in the stretching feeling.

    If you want to build toe strength, while doing this stretch, try to pioint your toes to the ceiling, and hold it for as long as you can, then try to point your toes to the floor and hold for as long as you can.


    I am not a medical doctor, nor do I hold any licenses in medicine or muscular therapy. Take this advise at your own risk and please consult a medical professional before undertaking any new stretching regimine. Please also, look online for a product called the ballet foot stretch @ www.footstretch.com to get an idea of what this stretch does, as this piece of equipment does the exact same thing as what I have explained. This site will also teach you a little more of how to do other stretches and may lead you to other sites about ballet stretching and strength training.

    Thank you for your time.

  3. My name is McKailah. That is my crossdressing name, and as I am a happily married, 23 year old, male crossdresser in the military, my real name should remain anonymous, so McKailah it is. I am new to HHP. I have enjoyed myself so far and hope to continue doing so. God bless you all and I hope I can make some friends here. McKailah:w00t2:

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