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Posts posted by TXT-1

  1. you may have seen it before but compared to Genebujold's "beater" my farm hack is a jerry rigged pile of crap! the brakes are shoddy, there is rust in strategic locations (you can see daylight through the passenger side sill (rocker) panel :D the auto tranny slips like mad (due to my thashing of the poor thing) no isn't registered because it is NOT roadwothy!! JeffM I believe you have a VR calais! Secreto, personally not a fan if suicide doors however (I think) with an RX-8 the rear passengers can't get out until the front doors are opened at least that's how the king cab utes (pickups) are over here later, TXT-1

  2. I for one would like men in heels to go mainstream! women can wear flats, my "avatars", classic "womens" pumps, fetish heels (7"-7.5" (with or without plats, ballet boots, and what can men wear, joggers/runners flats, sandals (basically you can have anything as long as they are flats :D ) I'm not holding my breath though! later, TXT-1

  3. of course I have heard "stairway to heaven" also have heard "Kashmir", (which Eminem raped) unfortunately the kids of today think eminem created the riff that he "borrowed" from "Kashmir"oh well when people have NO talent they fip off other artist that DO have talent by "borrowing" oher bands riffs/songs/lyical content! and everyone in 10 years under 20 years old will remember Metallica more than Iron Maiden thats the way the cokkie/biscut crumbles! although Maiden's typical new fans are 14-17 years old so maybe that might not be the case but then again I'm not holding my breath. later, TXT-1

  4. I think even with her hand maidens, Britney will put both feet in her mouth! it's a matter of time! did she leave half of her brain in that red PVC catsuit she wore in her "Oops, I Did It Again" clip?? as for Motorhead, Sabbath and Zeppelin forgot about them (don't have any Motorhead or Zeppelin, but do have "Sabbath Bloody Sabbath". he "new" Metallica 1996-current has a few good song but generally is a disappontment Cliff Burton (Rip) would be turning in his grave if he knew how bad things Metalllica are now - they don't even do guitar solos anymore! things have changed 180 degrees from 1986 when they released "Master Of Puppets". The new Iron Maiden album "Dance Of Death" is infinitely better than St. Anger (that's my opinon and I'm sticking to it), and features many guitar solos which is good for a band that hasn't and won't sell out Metallica has sold out bug time, the Napster thing,and other little things that I can't remember at thge moment. later, TXT-1

  5. artists Like Bruce Dickinson, Dave Murray, Adrian Smith, Nicko Mcbrain, Yanick Gers and Steve Harris have more talent in their little fingers then Ms Spears has in here Entire Body you might not know these people individually, but put them together, and you have one on the best (if not THE best) heavy metal bands of all time, Iron Maiden! they were formed in May '76, and still going strong of couse there are other bands too AC/DC, KISS, Metallica (pre "Load" (1983-1991), and anything as it isn't dance/drance, or hiphop or rap "music" as I don't see them as music as they don't sing!, then again some Metal vocalists scream "Cookie Monster" style! :D, I also don't like current music because they seem to have sold out to the "Qantity Not Quality" catch cry, I only hope that Iron Maiden or AC/DC's next album is so good that they help make a lot of other artists to make good albums again! not holding my breath though, especially here as Iron Maiden hasn't toured here in Australia since 1992! ("Fear Of The Dark" tour (phew need to catch my breath :( ) TALENT, pah! the only talent Britney has is down at the local brothel as she has a shocking taste in fashion! later, TXT-1

  6. when I first got my "avatars", I fell asleep on my bed while wearing them, and I forgot I was wearing them, and nearly twisted an ankle. luckily they weren't either 7" 7.5" or 8.5" platforms or I would have definitley broken an ankle! would have been interesting a cover story, that I would have had to fabricate! (I haven't told all my Dad's side of my family as they don't recognise that I have A disability - they dont want to have any non normality in their family!. and my higher than "normal" interest in Exotic Dancer/Fetish Platforms, they would find it VERY hard to understand and be very confused, so I haven't told them yet! later, TXT-1

  7. Anita I tend to agree with you there, everytime I see her on MTV or any other music channel/show. I'm ALMOST starting to think "Has Been" yes I knew she was talentless when she did that cover of "I love Rock And Roll" at least she didn't do a cover of "Leader Of The Pack"! Just saying that Anita isn't the only one that doesn't like Brittney! later, TXT-1

  8. as the owner of a pair of UK Womens 11/US womens 13 size feet, I'm envious of anyone that has UK Women's 9/US Women's 11 size feet luckily I can get Exotic Dancer/Fetish Plats as they go up to US 14 Women's size, but some people even have trouble fitting into those 14's! later, TXT-1

  9. considering I don't work anymore (employers don't understand my disabilty and think I'm more able than I look - and that's was with a support worker!) I 've worked in a few areas but never had the chance to wear heels at work :D then again I sorta like the idea, that not alot of people know that I like wearing heels (I'm still heavily closeted, but slowly coming out of it - and like heels a bit higher than what most office Girls/ladies would get away with! <TXT-1 points finger at his avatar> unfortunately I'm a US womens 13 and all the stylish/more sensible shoes stop at 10-12 US womens :( thats Murphy's Law for you! :( and I don't hold ANY weapon to anyones head, thats just stupid if the gun goes off accidentally, you could be up for murder! later, TXT-1

  10. nope no haven't had an accident wearing heels, infact I haven't driven in heels either! my car is in the "Bush", and my car (march '77 build Datsun 120Y 4 door sedan, known as "The Defect" is just too dangerous to wear my "avatars" while driving! later, TXT-1

  11. never been outside in my heels(6" "stripper" plats similar to my avatar) heres a few I thought up just now person: (could either be male or female) "Those are womens shoes!" me: "yeah they are, but I wanted show my inner exotic dancer!" me: (alternative answer) "Boo, hiss!, women have had all the fun! until now!" actally if I had the guts to wear 'em outside number one is what I'd probably say! but these responses would probably prevoke a fight (not really sure as in too chicken to try it!- both the heeling and the retorts) later, TXT-1

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