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Posts posted by TXT-1

  1. if they are as "beautiful as those what JeffB posed someone got ripped off! If you want to spend that kind of money on ONE pair of shoes go ahead, I don't see the point as I am saving money, not then aagin it's YOUR money not mine! later, TXT-1

  2. Yes I am loosing interest in wearing my plats, BIGTIME, The only time I can wear 'em is while I' am at my computer (I'm NOT wearing them now!, they are getting a holiday for a while!) yes my "fixation" -yes it is a fixation NOT a fetish, is rather weak currently, it'll be back though, I know that, I just hope I get a chance to mess around with a certain Datsun 120Y to keep it down! (I'm not depressed , I'm happy to go without my plats for awhile!) later, TXT-1

  3. nice plats I have the same style only with a black plastic unit/black Patent/PVC upper. I haven't been "street" heeling YET... maybe I might get around to it if/when I visit my sister in Essex! (UK) Gene, I used to hate plats too, but seeing a girl (yes she was a stripper!) at a car show here in Perth, Western Australia, changed that fact! later, TXT-1

  4. I have NOT post in the womens forum since Firefox put the notice up as I don't see the point I am annoyed that some guys still are posting there! :D stay out it's for the ladies only!

    I treasure posts by Laurie, Vanity, RubberVicki (come back!!!!)and Debbie (HK) not to mention all the other real momen posters that have left!!

    We NEED all the women posters we can get!



  5. Heellovr79: yeah I have have had the occasional "siesta" in mine but haven't slept long in 'em! (too uncomfortable) just don't forget about that you are wearing them! :) W6ish: unfortunately I have heaps of people I know here w6ish! sorry guys I just HAD to restart this post :D later, TXT-1

  6. Vanity, sorry to hear of your loss, loosing a family is always hard I too agree with Bert aswell! I originally joined HHplace to meet other "heelies" because I was confused (I felt like I was alone..) not to have some idiot overuse the word "slut", have two of our REAL girl posters leave/threaten to leave... I'll be keeping an eye on this church and hope that it doesn't get so narrow that there isn't anywhere to post (sorry Firefox I had to Ste.. .."Borrow" that one) because if it does I'm out of here! Later, TXT-1

  7. I love the look of PVC pants, but the only time I could wear them is in winter. during Summer here it can be 46 degrees © in the shade! not only that PVC pants cost the proverbial arm and a leg! I looked at getting a pair a while ago and they wanted $256 (AU)! later, TXT-1

  8. Shock Queen I agree 110% there this band called "Papa Roach" out of the 4 singles they have released 3 are Iron Maiden rip-offs! and Brandy's latest song "I tried" features the intro riff from Iron Maiden's 1998 hit "The Clansman"! (the song is loosely based off braveheart NOT the KKK! but it isn't just 'Maiden getting ripped either... The Beastie Boys sampled AC/DC's Back In Black,Eminem (throws up at the shear mention of that talentless moron) ripped of Led Zeppelin, and that's just the start... at least Brittney, Justin, christina or any of the mentally challenged individuals I just mentioned haven't tried to cover a 'Maiden, AC/DC or 'Zeppelin track because 1. I doubt they could do it, and 2. Even if they could the bean counters (MTV) either would stuff it up, or refuse to play it! stylewise, I like the 70's - early 90's (1975-1993) although I don't really like the fact that a lot of people wore a lot of spandex then! later, TXT-1

  9. Xaphod I understand why you are worried, because I had a VERY close call with one of mum's EX friends! it was around Christmas last year I has just taken my avatars off to go to mum's side of the house,( this was before we moved - We now live in a Villa)where mum's "friend" had come to pick up her turkey. (Mum did/does roll her own cristmas turkeys and her "friend" had mum roll a Turkey for her). any way I went back to my side of the house I locked the door like I used to when there were "guests" in the house, but Mum needed to get something out of my fridge so I had to unlock the door which is when Mum's "friend Burst into my Flat... ...While I was wearing my avatars! luckilyI was at my computer, and my comuter desk has a generous footwell! Instead of acting like I didn't know anything I should have stood up and said "Is this what your looking for (insert what ever expletive you want in here) GET OUT! needless to say the woman is NO friend of ours now! and it ever happens again I won't be sitting around acting the dummy, I will just do what I didn't do with mum's "friend"! the motive of this story: Don't let a stickybeak know your buisness! later, TXT-1

  10. what about Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, and Pink Floyd just to name a fewRock/Metal bandsthat have influenced NEW musicians? Iron Maiden don't wear heels now,but I don't know anout 'Priest or' 'Floyd though! although in Iron Maiden's "women in Uniform" video (singer at the time) Paul Dianno wore 2.5" block heeled boots. as for Led Zeppelin I never liked Led Zeppelin that much - sorry! later, TXT-1

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