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Posts posted by William

  1. I have. It's a great confidence booster! Only once was I ever in a conversation about my heels that was uncomfortable, though not negative. I was in a fast-food place, sitting alone, eating my dinner. Two young boys sat near me. (I honestly think they just wanted to look at my boots.) I think it very courageous of them to have asked me about my boots, but they did. One of them said, "Mister, are you wearing girl's shoes?" I said, "No, I'm wearing my shoes." (They had a 4" chunky heel and about a 3/4" platform.) The other one asked, "Are you a dancer or something?" I said, "Nope." Then one of them said, "I really like them boots." I said, "Thanks." As a stranger, talking to young boys is difficult when you're alone. but talking about wearing high heels is just plain uncomfortable. I was kinda waiting for one of the boy's Dad to come over and tell them not to talk the weirdo in high heels. Glad that didn't happen. I've only ever seen one other guy near me wear heels out in public. I wasn't wearing mine at the time, but when he and I were approaching the front door to a local CVS, I said, "sweet boots!" and he said "thanks, dude". We talked a bit, but I didn't want to pursue a long conversation with him in the store. I've not seen him since. Sad.

  2. Are you F@ing kidding me? A pill to make yourself "normal"? Why would anyone wish to be normal? It's way too boring to be just like the next guy. Now, a pill that drops 25 lbs off my fat ass, and at the same time, gives nice washboard abs . . . gimme, gimme, gimme!:winkiss: No, what we need is a pill to give to all the normal people that will give them an instant hard-on when they think about wearing high heels. We'll put high heel fetish pills in the water supply, and lets not forget to add in some leather fetish pills too. :nervous: Uh oh, I think someone's tainted my dinner with masturbation pills, I gotta go rub one out. See ya!:sad:

  3. I'll be curious as to how you like them. They don't seem like such a great idea to me -- you can't take them off in public (maybe that's the risk that you might enjoy) and you can't keep your boots/heels on for sex. I tried on a pair of boot chaps several years ago -- really cool experience, cause they were easy to keep on during sex, though still no way would I have worn them in public. Please keep us posted.

  4. Dude, welcome to the wild mix of gender/sexuality/fetish etc. There's actually nothing wrong with the way you're feeling. I'm wondering how old you are? It sounds as if you've been coming to terms with who you are, not who you think you should be to please others. Let me tell you that who you are should flow into all the decisions you make on a daily basis. Society's rules will keep you free from some criticism, but it's no way to live your life if you desire to live free. The spectrum is wide when it comes to gender roles. For instance, I love making love to women -- the act is passionate and wild. But, if a really hot sexy powerful man wanted to suck me off to please me, I'd be very happy to oblige him. It would not be passionate or loving to me. Instead, it would be hot, dirty, and dominating. I could never see myself having a loving caring relationship of a sexual nature with a man, only with a woman. (And because I take my vows to my wife seriously, I don't step out on her with other people at all.) Also, she love to indulge my passion for heels -- we both wear heel in bed on a regular basis with regard to our sex life. All of what is "me" is something that I'm completely open to discussing with you and others, but also something that I've quit trying to explain or figure out. It's just me -- kinky, fun, passionate, perverted, whatever. Keep talking, William

  5. In the bedroom, no walking is necessary, so no limit whatsoever! As for other shoe-wearing circumstances, it depends on the wearer (and his or her objectives). Basketball or mowing the yard in more than a 3" heel would be difficult for me. However, my 8" boots are very helpful when dusting the blades of my ceiling fans and cleaning the top of the fridge. Baby, if you can wear them well, go as high as you can!!! :winkiss: William

  6. Thigh Boots -- Thanks for your response. I appreciate your thoughtfulness on the issues. I'm sure I have some barriers as to how I view other people, so I really am curious about what drives some to do what they do. It's funny how one guy can do something feminine in guy-mode and think "this is a hot sexy cool manly look" and someone else can think, "that guy's a weirdo". For myself, I wonder if coming into my own sexual awareness during glam-rock and disco expanded my horizons more than in previous generations. While I don't think a dress or a bra is a cool manly look, I do love the look of tight fitting leather clothing, platform boots, big sexy hair and eyeliner. I'm either very cool, or very weird -- or both. :winkiss:

  7. "Do any of you guys experience that, and if you do how do you deal with it??" I think you're raising an excellent question. For some, they've made their decision to let others think what they will, and screw the consequences. For others, myself included, I don't want to be defined by my choice of footwear. I don't want to miss an opportunity for friendship with a guy that sees me coming up the sidewalk in 6 inch heels -- who decides the moment he sees me, that I must be some sort of freak. That's not the reputation I want. Nor do I want to put any of my friends in the position of defending my friendship with them to their other friends. You could look at it this way, I don't cuss in front of children, I don't smoke at church, I don't drink with my conservative friends, I don't talk politics with my "extreme" friends, I put on a robe before answering the front door, and I don't wear heels in places with people who may be uncomfortable with my doing so. If I were in a career of a more artistic nature, I might have a very different wardrobe, have lots more piercings, and even have tatoos on my face, but I'm not and I don't. Out of town, with my wife or a small group of close friends, I wear heels. I love to get reactions. It's fun to be the center of attention. I walk well in them, I am extremely confident in my choices of what I wear and when. I'm a bit of a narcissist -- I love getting nods of approval from passers by. I love answering people's bewildered stares by giving them something to really look at. (My sexy wife has grabbed my ass in front of complete starngers that were caught off guard by seeing me in heels one time, and said, "HE'S ALL MINE!" That felt grrrreeeaaatt! I've felt up a guys friends on a bus (just for the fun of doing that in public) to get a reaction. Seriously, some would say I'm a bit of a deviant too. But I will not intentionally cross the line in front of children, nor put my friends in an uncomfortable position because of what I like to do with only a few close friends and my wife. Okay, I'm just rambling now. Please forgive me. I hope something I've said is helpful to you. Peace, William

  8. Thigh Boots, I appreciate your sense of freedom. This is going to sound really weird but, I'm not sure that if you were wearing short shorts, a bra, and a blouse, that I'd be all that comfortable around you myself. I'm comfortable around transvestites to a certain degree as I got to know a few guys about 20 years ago in downtown Lexington. I'd be proud to be seen out with you wearing your boots. I'd wear some too, of course. I'm good with the idea of what your wear. But I have a stupid question for you: Do you associate the same feeling of excitement of wearing other female clothing as of wearing boots? If you decide not to answer, I'm ok with that too. I don't want to put anyone on the spot, I'm just curious. For me, I love the look and feel of heels. I think they're sexy as hell - for women and for men. I also think there's a lot of really hot sexy clothing for guys that can make me feel sexy -- from thongs and low-low cut tight jeans, to beautifully woven barely-there silk shirts. And, as much as I love wearing heels, my other male wardrobe pieces help to even out a very sexy masculine look -- albeit if only in "my own" mind. A little help would be appreciated, if you don't mind. William BTW, I used to live in Cincy a few years back. I know that whole No. KY/ So. Ohio area pretty well. I loved Eden Park!!!

  9. I'm 5' 11" too! I usually limit my wearing of my 7.5" boots to indoor activities. Though the other day, while doped up on AMBIEN, my wife tells me I got booted up and went to play in our backyard:w00t2:. I remember very little of it. My street heeling is somewhat difficult -- small town USA and all. If going further away from home, I'll wear 4" chunky heel boots with no problem. At home, I'm often most comfortable barefooted. I've recently hit my 40's and keep wondering/hoping for a return of the 70's platforms. I was too young to participate in heel wearing back then. I'd love to see and be part of the resurgence of high-heeled men. :winkiss: Have you ever worn BED-STU shoes? They used to carry 2"-3" platforms, a step above Doc Martins. I wear them daily. I get compliments from guys all the time who want to know where to get them. Sadly, they've not been producing the higher soles like they did 2 years ago. Check them out on ebay. peace

  10. I am drooling over the picture of your red plats while you're sitting on the stairs. Very sexy looking -- and so natural looking. How tall are you? Are those 7" heels? I've got a pair of black thigh highs with 7.5" heels and love wearing them. The red against the well cut jeans and your dark complexion is great! Do you wear heels out often?:winkiss::wavey:

  11. Breaking them in?! Are you kidding me? I guess you might have felt like you needed to explain yourself. You could have said, " I lost a bet." I probably would have said, "Oh, the boots? Yeah, they raise my f..kability quotient. You should be so lucky!" You ought to be ready to be just as daring in your response to someone who is as daring to make the first comment. BTW, if you're going to wear boots like that, you need tighter pants! Have fun!!!:winkiss:

  12. My wife hasn't told me that I said or did anything else. (And, I'm not asking!!!) I've never taken two before. I figured they would surely put me out for the night . . . guess not! And, yes, I'll be more careful about that sort of thing in the future. And, yes, it is funny as hell. You can laugh about it, we certainly did (not like much other choice than to laugh!!!) I took one of those ambien pills while out of town with some friends. I had strange fuzzy memories then of a friend coming in my room to talk to me. But honestly, I had no memory of the conversation, only of this dude sitting on the corner of my bed. :w00t2:That's not exactly the kind of thing I want to wake up thinking, wondering about. Maybe I should find some other way of inducing sleep.

  13. Last night, I took two ambien pills and had a most "UN" memborable night. I know that sometimes, when taking ambien, you can do things that seem pretty fuzzy the next day. Last night, however, was just too weird. I apparently put on my thigh high boots with 8" heels (nothing that my wife doesn't know about -- and enjoy) and decided to go out into our yard. She told me that I told her I wanted to walk around in the grass to see if I could. This morning, when we were having coffee, she asked me how much of last night I remembered. I said, "I remember watching some tv until I fell asleep." She just laughed. She said, "Do you remember wearing your boots outside?" Well, to be honest, I thought I had had a pretty vivid dream, because I did remember dreaming about going for a walk. To make a long story short, she told me that she had to beg me to wear a bathrobe, that I fell down a few places, that she struggled to get me back into the house, that she had to help me take off the boots, that I made a few mixed drinks, and that the night ended with a lot of body oil. The thing is, I have no idea of what I might have said out loud. She hasn't indicated anything. But still, I'm scared of how much I did and don't remember. Anyone else have similar experiences?

  14. I was in Kohls store a few years ago, trying on a pair of 4" chunky heeled boots. There was a clerk who came up and asked if he could help. He found the right size I asked for, and when I asked him what he thought as I tried them on, he was cool enough to say, "Looks great, if you got the balls to wear 'em." Style-wise, if they look good, they look good. But confidence is everything. William

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