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6inforever last won the day on April 6 2008

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    OH, N.C
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    Like any girl silly HEELS!!

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  1. I think its great that you wear what you want and don't worry about what others think or say, I do the same. I was an administrative assistant for many years and all I wore to work were 5" or 6" heels. I loved wearing them and my boss loved seeing me in them. When he retired last year, my husband said I should too. Even though I am not getting dressed up for work, I still wear heels. At the end of last year, I went through my closet and rounded up everything that was shorter than 5" and donated them to a woman's shelter. I hope you enjoy the traveling in your job. Some people do and some don't. I wouldn't worry about those that doubt you, most likely they still will even with proof. 6" is the highest I wear/walk/shop/dance/live in all day. I have a pair of 7" but they are strictly for my hubby's fetish. I have tried to walk in them but that sort of defeats the purpose. I do like plats and wear them occassionally, depending on my mood. They are usually 6" to 7 1/2". Peggy

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