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Blog Entries posted by roz

  1. roz
    Hey everyone, good week so far? Would be good to hear from you guys.

    As my shoe collection approaches some semblance of normality, I was thinking about favourite colours.

    Fashion-wise, colours for me fall into two categories; neutral and highlight. I normally dress neutrally, and accessorise with highlights.

    My favourite neutral colour is black, by far. I have so much in black; skirts, tops, and shoes - lots of them - 60 to be exact.

    That said, shoes are normally my weapon of choice when it comes to chosing the highlight colour. For example, one of my favourite getups recently has been a knee-length simple black dress, purple shoes and a purple sash around my waist. The black is such a great canvass and highlights the other colours amazingly.

    Which brings me onto my favourite highlight colour - and favourite colour overall - purple.

    Given the choice, I'll always try and buy my favourite styles in purple before black. Problem is, it's such a rare colour, particularly on designer brands. I've got just 13 pairs of purple shoes to my name.

    Cait is the same as me. She digs black. Her favourite colour though is bright yellow and hot pink. She has has a pair of Louboutin Hypers in both pink and yellow.

    I'm not so sure about yellow on its own, but I have to admit the contrast with black is just amazing.

    But my favourite shoes? Has to be my plumes; black with purple accents. The best of both worlds.
  2. roz
    Hello ladies and gentelmen, are you having a good weekend?

    I'm pretty excited about stuff at the moment and have been making some radical changes to my shoe collection.

    I went over 200 shoes at Christmas, and have probably bought 20 since, but have been so ruthless, getting rid of out of date styles and shoes I no longer like so I'm back to 190-or-so.

    The collection that's taken the biggest battering is my collection of Pleasers, down from nearly 60 to just over 20.

    Some of my Pleasers are amazing, but I'm only keeping the ones I think are genuinely beautiful. A lot were just 8" tall lumps of seethrough plastic, so they've gone.

    I have also got rid of some of my cheaper shoes. Why have a pair of black Pleaser boots when I have some Louboutin Altbottes? Why have patent heels from Ellie when I have Tributes? You know, stuff like that.

    My sister and I have discovered the virtues of expensive footwear so you can expect a lot more of that kinda stuff over the next few months. Cait already has some great shoes that you'll be seeing more of in the near future.

    I will update my catalogue of shoes later today so keep your eyes peeled.

    Have a nice weekend.
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  10. roz
    I live in the South East of England with my sister
    Personally I have 225 shoes, between us we have 350 pairs
    My job is branding, and as it's office based with the chance to meet clients I always wear heels at work
    I'm currently building my second shoe room having moved house recently
    When I moved house, it took two and a half Transit vans to move our shoes (all in thier shoe boxes)
    My favourite brand is Louboutin; I have ten pairs of Louboutin shoes and boots
    My favourite style is the Tribute; I have 6 pairs of YSL Tributes
    My highest heel is 12 inches with a 7 inch platform that I bought for fun
    Most of my shoes are 6 inches high
    I'm only small; I'm just under 5'3", 7 stone and have little UK size 5 feet
    My original home is actually just north of Madrid
    I'm fluent in Spanish, Italian, Catalan and know a bit of French and Portuguese
    My sister Caitlynn is a couple of years younger but is also size 5 so we can (and do) share shoes
    My favourite pair of shoes for special occassions are my Louboutin Anenomie Plumes
    My favourite pair of shoes for any occassion are my Tribute Pumps
    I love shoes more for the fashion-element rather than the fetish side of things
    My favourite brands other than the designer makes are Dune, Office, Aldo, Faith and New Look.
    I easily spend over £5000 on shoes every year. I have a good job, can share shoes with my sister and have no debts so anything I can spend on shoes I do

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