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Dan J

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Posts posted by Dan J

  1. Jeff: I agree; it's so much easier to hold onto a stereotype, than to consider something "different". All we can do, is do what we do, heap plenty of praise to those who are complimentary to us (and I'm finding that more and more, which is very encouraging), and to those that wish to hold onto their stereotypes - the hell with them. It's their stereotype.


  2. Richie:

    Not exactly sure what you mean by "...wouldn't want a woman who isn't feminine...".

    Being married, I better not want ANY woman other than my wife.:roll:

    By "not feminine", do you mean: body odor, armpit hair, bearded, bald...?


  3. You must understand that if you have an accident your insurance will almost certainly be invalidated if it is found that you were wearing heels.

    Very interesting, Dr. Shoe, and I'm wondering if this true only in the UK....I'm going to ask my insurance agent.

    Yes, I've been stopped by the police, while wearing HH and leather....near Kansas City, KS.

    The story: I'm returning to my hotel after dinner and I get turned around on directions. Cop car sees me, apparently decides that either (a) I don't know where I'm going, (:roll: I'm DUI, or © all of the above. He pulls me over, calls for back-up, a second squad car, which suggests he's thinking option (:o.

    The cop asks questions, I answer as politely and calmly as I can. He asks if I would step out of the vehicle.....there I am, in full leather: jacket, pants, gloves and 4" HH knee-hi boots...having a discussion with the officers about where I've been, what did I have for dinner, etc...I remained calm and pleasant throughout.

    There was no issue; they gave me directions, realizing I was not DUI - just confused. No citation - I had done nothing wrong. But I must admit, I wasn't sure how that evening was going to end up. I was worried.

    Mapquest.com is standard procedure for me now.


  4. CB: I think it was Patton, but not certain. I was doing a quote search on: "When you're directly over the target, you'll receive the most flak." - something close to that. Ask anybody who has ever done (or worn) something out of the ordinary; there will always be the nay-sayers, who want to pull them down. Anyway, that's my 2 cents to this thread. Thanks for the reply. Dan

  5. Dr. Shoe: Very nice strategy, as this is understood to be for those who are a bit hesitant to buy HH shoes for themselves. It is refreshing to read through the thread and note that no one is having trouble, and some are having a lot of fun, trying on HH shoes in the store. I'm still a bit like "Chris" and "asdf" (earlier in the thread) in that I haven't gotten confident enough to try shoes on in the store. I do tip my hat to those who not only manage it, but have fun with it. Well done. Dan

  6. Agreed. Perhaps the thread should be named "Annoying Questions" instead of "Worst Questions"? Jeff: I fully recognize your frustration over the apparent dissimilar attitudes in what men and women can "get away with" in regard to clothing. But, as trail blazers, we don't have to buy into that, nor should we. And, if everyone did buy the status quo, nothing would ever change. So, as part of the territory, there's going to be friction whenever something "different" appears, right? A famous general once said: you know when you're directly over the target - when you're receiving the most flak. Dan

  7. Perhaps she's not even aware of the shoe line. Did Ted Williams approve every Ted Williams outboard motor that Sears sold? Has Michael Jackson ever seen his line of portable cassette players?

    It's too bad O.J.Simpson didn't create a line of men's gloves. Missed opportunity there.

    At least, we're sure that Heather Locklear, Andie McDowell and a host of others wear L'Oreal cosmetics "because they're worth it". I can now rest easier.

    And who was the boxing champion and the product name for the portable frying appliance he sold?


  8. Hi.

    Let's suppose a situation:you're a man (hetero, non wearing heels) or a woman, and I'm a male friend of yours.

    I just told you that I like wear heels and especially female heels.

    What's the worst words you want to ask me?

    Wolf: As you posed the question, I would be a male FRIEND of yours. As your friend, certainly I would be curious, and would probably come up with something corny or sarcastic like: "Is this a new look for you?" or "Trying out for a part in the theatre?"

    But, above all else, as your friend, I should hope that I would be respectful of the friendship - even if somewhat confused. The first reply of "Why?" is the most honest and direct.


  9. Doc: You jogged my memory - thank you! Being a part of the same group of "old timers" myself (still getting used to that label), I recall owning several pairs of shoes, even some boots ("high-tops", they were called) that, by today's standards, the "kids" would call "retro" - we would call "funky". OK - that's enough quotes for one post. There's probably a limit. You're right; we've seemed to have gone backwards, in terms of fashion open-mindedness. I wonder if the conservative political arena over the years shaped the attitude - or, were fashion and politics a reflection of a more general attitude. Dan

  10. Ron: Great minds think alike. Funny you mentioned this - just this evening, I pulled out a book I purchased a while back on the history of rock and pop music, going from approx 1950 to nearly present-day (early 2000's). I could not get over how many male performers back in the 1970's and early 80's wore heels - granted, they were the thick, chunky type, but virtually every guy wore heels. Remember ABBA? The male guitarist wore what looks like 4" heels. Very interesting..... Dan

  11. Peter: I think you're going to have to bite the bullet and get the hair removal cream (Nair, Veet, etc.) Otherwise, it's time for the hot wax. If you go with the cream, BE CAREFUL and read the directions completely. They really mean what they say when it says to remove the cream within 10 minutes - especially if you have sensitive skin. You can give yourself a skin burn. Dan

  12. Welcome, John. I'm sure you'll find lots of friends here. The discussions are very open; jump right in, or don't feel bashful to start your own threads. Things that you might think may not interest anyone else will surprise you. People from all over the world are here. Dan

  13. get the outfit right, thats the secret !! Macho wear and heels is a ??? for other people....

    Exactly right. If the whole thing works together, there shouldn't be a problem. And it has to work for your specific physique size. Women, I'm sure, make the same assessments on themselves (ladies??) as well as each other.

    It's when things appear out-of-sinc or when your attitude / confidence level doesn't show that you're comfortable - that's when it doesn't work.


  14. I got this idea from "YamYam" in the "Gender Poll" thread, regarding washroom names, etc., but with a different "spin": Who among us (M or F) has ever "accidentally" walked into the restroom of the opposite gender? I'm betting that we've all done it. This can be taken several ways: for example, if you're TV-male, dressed enfem, and walk into the men's washroom... What did they (the other occupants) do, if anything. What did you do? Were you in a hurry? Was the "correct" washroom occupied? When you gotta go, you gotta go. How many guys have graciously been "lookouts" for the ladies using the men's washroom when the ladies room is full? (I have numerous times.) Dan

  15. i dont know about that...i guess you could be other/either/both. anyways...if that makes any sense,i will eat my boots.

    Don't eat your boots, CB. That would be terrible.


  16. It is just our inherent biases that keep categorizing male heels to be "male" or masculine (read thick, wide, etc. etc.) You would actually think that a site like this would generate more openness and a more liberal attitude!

    Great comment, BK, and I fully agree with SQ. As we all have our opinions, we also bring along our biases. Maybe one of the reasons why so many of us show up here is so that we each help each other recognize and get over certain biases. What better place than here to deal with this topic?


  17. Perhaps some Ebay traders should read that too.

    I saw some calf boots advertised as thigh boots, jeeze, why can't some of these people take Anatomy 101?

    They probably think that "calf boots" are boots that are worn by calves.:roll:


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