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Posts posted by stellah

  1. I agree with all of you. I think that women who wear beautiful highheels under pants an partly hide them look very intriguing and exciting. It seems like they are casual HH wearers, while as women who display the whole HH look like they really want to show off. Both are fine with me, but the first option aI lke better. And of course - the more naturally, comfortably and sexy the HH are won, the merrier :smile:

  2. Yeah, sad but true. Here in our shops the largest ladies' sizes are 2-3 in short my size - thoese are nice cowboy boots. And yes, the color could be a little less pinkish :smile: They cost about $70 here...

  3. Guys, what do you think of cowboy boots? Do you make the difference between what usually the shop have as "women's " and "men's"?

    I think the women's cowboy boots are by far better looking - even if you are not a high-heel addict. They have about a 2-3 inch heel a nice shape. Do any of you guys like to wear feminine cowboy boots?

    Posted Image

  4. Yes... women that dress well, wear nice footwear and walk comfidently, have a cute smile - they just cast a spell us men, don't they? I know that I can't stop staring at a gorgeous girl in perfect outfit on the street. And where I live - girls at age 16-26 like to wear quite daring outfits on the streets. Some foreigners visit my city and wonder that " the hookers dress so well here". But actually they are normal girls showing off :smile:

  5. I like seeing highheels with dresses, with skirts, with pants – with almost everything that is. Skirts rule, because they also show the lovely legs of the wearer. But pants are cool. Why? Because the hide a part of the shoe or boot. Sometimes they hide so much of it that you have to guess by the silhouette and foot shape what kind of heels are they… It’s more erotic and exciting and I like it very much. It’s like comparing a completely naked woman to a lady wearing sexy underwear and stockings. Get my idea?

    What do you folks reckon of this?

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  6. I always look at the feet on a woman whether she has any heels or not. Heels should make the image better, not be the only one to look at. There are plenty of gorgeous women here and some of them wear fantastic heels. But the shoes must match the wearer – i.e. she must know how to wear. When all that is in harmony – the sight of such a woman is just astonishing – I can’t keep my eyes off a lady walking in heels gracefully, holding a straight posture and hips floating sexily…

    My point – heels are a strong argument for liking a woman, but not the only or even primary one.

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  7. In Eastern Europe it happens quite often that ladies forget to remove the price tag on the sole after purchasing new shoes. It makes me wanna go to the lady and say something about it. How are things with this in the U.S., Canada, Western Europe?

  8. No, men wearing sandals with 3 inches should be no big deal. Since they don't make it as ”mens” sandals, it is considered as a feminine asset. Weird, ain't it? I mean - when hh sandals were produced for men – would it still be considered female? I doubt. I love sandals and wear them every day. Be a man and wear HH!

  9. - When you choose your TV programs to watch based on a chance to see highheels in them; - When you watch music videos which you hate but still watch because the performers wear highheels; - When you in public transportation you choose a seat best for viewing all passengers’ shoes; - When you make excuses to consult your co-workers who wear highheels - When you choose magazines to buy based on the front page with a hh-model :smile:

  10. Probably the salesmen in shoestores are one group of people acting more tolerantly... so I often go to the shops to enjoy nice footwear. Since they never have may size I have to satisfy with looking and touching them. I can only order footwear for myself abroad, but this is risky since I can't try them on. I hope one day I can walk in my favorite boots aong the street with my friends and everyone will enjoy looking at our footwear or not notice them at all. But definitely not look at us as weirdos :x

  11. Yeah... sad but ture. This is our society - If you wear somethinf feminish, you become instantly a gay in their eyes... I bet they never think that there exists no "normal" person - one who has no desires for anything out of the ordinary... and they are surely the most normal and best person on the planet. Damn it! One of theose is my own father. Recently I informed him of my fetish and he thought instantly that I need medical attention! Well, I guess even worse things can happen when a old guy interests only in cars and has a really narrow mind...:smile:

  12. I had to go to the police station the other day and I noticed one older lady detective wearing really nice shoes. Since she was short herself - about 5 foot 2 inches - she was wearing really high black chunky sandals - they were around 5 inch with 2 inch platform. She was around 55-60 years old, but she knew how to wear them - I looked like she had worn heels all her life.

    Something like this:


    I couldn't keep my eyes off them...

    This reminds me... in one episode of the TV soap "Bold and beautiful" one lady lawyer wore very sexy pumps in the court... that was 5 yrs ago, but I still remember it clearly...


  13. I dated my girlfriend 2 years before I told her about my HH fetish. She was pleasantly amazed and naturally asked why I hadn't told her earlier. But on the whole she was thrilled that I had this kinky side of me. She likes heels too and so we can now go shopping together. :grin: Too bad there are absolutely no fetish type shops where I live, but we go to regular shoestores and I watch her try out the coolest footwear. :smile: I just wish I could take pictures in the shop as well. Actually, like more regular women's shoes and boots in shoestores than fetish-type footwear because they are made for real wear and not only bedroom playing toys. I just wish I had a smaller foot or they would sell several numbers larger shoes :grin: She knows that she needn't be jealous of HHs and we can both enjoy them...

  14. I wish more men would hve the guts to dress more freely and use their own taste. Yeah it would be cool when we had fashion like that for men here in Europe. But I don't care so much. I'll go out anyway and enjoy myself. We're haveing a party at my friendd's place and tonight I'll wear my leather pants and black knee-boots with 4 inch block heel and silver chains. For it's raining, I change the boots for 4.5 inch pumps inside... So far none of my friends wear highheels, but I hope I can get more to enjoy it. Together it's more fun. Some girls I have actually got into hh fetish. too. They didn't know they adored hh-s before I showed them my collection... Nose up, guys! Let's do out own fashion!

  15. I agree with You, Firefox. I like to see girls in heels, who really can wear them and are comfortable in them. It is distressing to see some girls here in Europe trying to look sexy and wear really high heels in the streets, but cannot walk in them. They move like elderly old people with hip problems. I think there are many girls who are in need of a hh walking course. I think if you wear them, wear them with elegancy! But I like to find out that also a regular friend can walk in HHs...

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