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Posts posted by CassieJ

  1. post-2077-0-85155000-1336626193_thumb.jp Got these today. Bebe Kahlilia in Red. The store at the mall did not have them in 10 so they shipped them from another store. I wear 10.5 so they are a tad tight but a day or two in the stretcher and they will be perfect. On Sale for 1/3 the normal price.
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  2. This documentary film was released on the iTunes store today. If you want to see a LOT of awesome heels and experts from shoe designers to Dita Von Teese, this is for you. It addresses a lot of the things we discuss here but doesn't even mention men wearing them. There is one drag queen interviewed though. Some GREAT shoe closets too!

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  3. I am disappointed that this test wasn't done with someone that can wear heels well. The girl on the show should have been included, providing she wears heels. I was surprised they didn't have problems. This is like saying a person can shoot a gun just as accurately wearing thick gloves when they have never worn them before. Not scientific.

  4. Did I miss something? I read that the employee just walked away when he asked to try on the heels. Did I misread? EDIT: Went back and looked....somehow I was responding to a post WAY back in time. Sorry about that.

  5. I went out to eat last night with my wife. I was wearing black 5" heels underneath my long jeans. Despite sticking my foot out from under the end of the booth/table, I don't believe anyone, including our server, noticed. I was a little disappointed. People really are self-involved and rarely notice things that are not shoved in their faces.

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  6. Kind of a late response but... If you go to a Ballet supply company, they sell gel toe pads that are like a small pocket you put your toes in. Then, put you feet in the ballet shoes/boots and it really pads your toes. They also sell sheep's skin that you can stuff the toe box with to fill it out.

  7. Based on my wife's experience, some people even look at women in heels with sideways looks and scorn. If we knew what percentage were like that I bet it would be similar for men in heels. Men might get a lot more double-takes as it is still unexpected but some people just can't keep their opinions to themselves on what others wear, both men and women.

  8. Every time I see this thread I have to double take. Toe type? Long and skinny? Fat? Short and petite? Then I remember is is shoe toe types.

  9. I wanted to start a thread for everyone to post heels that may pass as men's shoes. I thought I would kick this off with these new shoes I found at SoleStruck.com.

    They are Jeffery Campbell "Upend" and look like a men's dress shoe with a normal heel, only placed on a wedge. Kinda funky...



  10. Before we bought a house, we had neighbors in apartments that expected to have a noise level from their neighbors that can barely be expected living on a 30 acre farm in the middle of nowhere. Some people are just unreasonable and everyone else suffers from their expectations. Most lawsuits end up in court because one party is totally unreasonable. A few are legitimate disagreements and sometimes, both parties are unreasonable.

  11. There are consequences to our actions. Sounds like you thought them out before exposing your hobby but now they are happening. Isn't it a shame that people are so petty that they will ignore everything else you do and your value, all because of what you choose to put on your feet? It isn't like you would go to a client meeting in heels but they just can't get by it in their own head. I often think 90% of people go through life looking to tear down other people, especially those they depend on most. It must make them feel better about themselves, no matter how delusional they may be. I think the only way to really do what you want without consequences is to own the business or work in a job that nobody cares what you do or look like. Most of the public people that we see wearing heels are in the arts, actors designers or artists. People expect them to be eccentric so they can be forgiven for just about anything, including wearing heels. Maybe I should become a famous artist?

  12. Walked into a Payless with my wife and found a couple of pairs of heels for myself a few months ago. The girl we were talking to was being trained and the manager pretty much told her that it is normal for guys to come in for heels and just treat them like any customer. She seemed a little surprised but was very friendly.

  13. Hey there! Let me know when you are back in Orlando. I don't doubt you got a lot of attention in the glitter litas. I have two different trains of thought on them... First - if you are going to wear heels out and show them off, why not go all th way as you did. Second - It is less disturbing to people with no experience seeing men in heels if they are a little more subtle. Long jeans over black heels don't even get noticed by most people. I love that you went all the way. Don't take negative comments like those your girlfriend told you about as bad. Something totally outside their experience can be shocking the first time you see it. What do we all do in that situation? We point it out to our friends and question it. As long as it ends there, I don't worry about it. It is when they decide they must confront you about it that the problems occur. Large groups of "men" looking for trouble are usually the issue. I really love the people that have the courage to ask me about them. Women are the best as they often want to know where I got them and treat me like I am part of their secret club. They might think I am nuts but they are usually really nice and don't try to make me feel outcast. I liked your statement about putting your feet up in the theater. I often find that I go from a bit apprehensive as I get out of the car in heels to trying to get people to notice by crossing my legs and showing my heels under a table at dinner. It is really an odd change of mindset that occurs in a fairly short amount of time. Movie theaters are really great for this. I love the seats behind the railing so I can put my feet up on the railing. There is no substitute for doing what make you feel good. We are not hurting anyone and if they have a problem with our footwear, it is they that have a problem. People like that are not worth my time and their opinion is worthless to me.

  14. I think these "Heels are bad" articles are written by women that either can't or don't want to wear heels. They don't like the attention other "heel wearing" women get so they have to put it down and declare it dangerous. For some reason, people in general have a problem letting others do what they want, even when it doesn't step on their rights. If everyone would let others be themselves and do what makes them happy, as long as it doesn't violate another person's rights, the world would be a pretty nice place. When people feel they have to control others is when the conflicts begin and the world becomes a nasty place.

  15. When I look at society and the clothes we wear, there is a difference between the genders that is not normally discussed. From casual wear to formal wear, men have very little socially acceptable variance. A bright t-shirt or jacket with a cartoon print or design on it. A polo or button down with, oh my gosh, a pattern. (hopefully not paisley anymore). Formal wear is very strict with a neutral or dark colored jacket and pants or a tux. You can get away with a blue tux but everyone will treat you like you are crazy. Now, look at what women wear. From casual wear to formal dress, women are encouraged to have "fun" with fashion. Even when they wear a conservative business suit or a formal gown, they can accessorize with some really creative and fun shoes. Casual wear includes anything from the men's side of the closet and just about anything that can be imagined. Off one shoulder, halter top, poofy, frilly, slinky, shiny, and any combination or variation is perfectly acceptable. Shorts, short-shorts, pants,dress, skirt, gown, capris, and just about any bottom you can imagine is available. When you look to formal wear, almost anything goes now. Dresses made from almost any pattern or material has been seen on the runway for formal events. It is almost a contest for women to have the most "Fun" dress. Lady Gaga is on the extreme end of that scale but just look how far 'regular' women go today compared to 20-30 years ago. The point of all this, women have fun with their fashion while I see nothing fun about men's fashion today. Men's shoes are limited to a few styles, usually in earth-tones. Tennis shoes might have some bright colors or designs but the construction of the shoe is the same. Women's shoes have every combination of color and designs but go much farther as the actual construction of the shoe is completely open to customization. Heels take on just about every shape and height. Themes are applied to the entire shoe or an element, such as ribbons, feathers or metal studs. Women's shoes shout "Look at me!" Men's shoes are not supposed to stand out. Understanding this, I feel that it is time for men to have "Fun" with their fashion. I love High Heels so I choose to have fun with my various styles and colors of stilettos, wedges, platforms and chunky heeled shoes. I want to wear clothes (shoes) that scream "Everybody look at me! Aren't I the coolest shoes you have ever seen?" Even in casual situations, women can wear sequined flashy heels under their jeans and it looks great. Men deserve the same options without being judged as 'weird' or 'gay.' The more of us that get out there and show off our shoes, the faster society adjusts and it starts to seem normal. In the 70s, I remember men wearing earrings got a lot of, not so positive, attention. Now, no one really thinks twice about a man in earrings. Our shoe choices can be the same way in a few years. It just takes us to blaze the trail, endure the consequences for a bit, and encourage others that want to join in. This is what HHPlace is best at. We are all spread across the world. In some ways, it would be better if we could all be in a small area and help each other out while making male heels become 'normal' for that area. In other ways, perhaps it is better that we are all spread all over the world making changes to people's attitudes about fashion everywhere at the same time. All I know is that a large number of guys want to wear heels for many different reasons. I happen to like the "Fun" factor of heels. They can be admired, collected, worn and used in battle with the other heel lovers when encountered out in public. "Who has the coolest shoes?" Isn't it fun when it's a guy for a change?

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