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Posts posted by lotsofheels

  1. My wife asked me to dress as a woman for a halloween party last year and my outfit included a new pair of high heels that I could fit into. A few weeks later, she asked me to wear my new heels around the house and then soon it progressed to wearing them outside whenever we went traveling out of town. Now, we are both addicted to wearing high heels and it becomes a contest to see which of us can wear the highest heels the longest. Since my feet are 2 sizes larger than my wife's I definitely have the advantage, but she still wins quite often since she has been wearing 5 inch heels constantly for about 10 years.

  2. I am curious about how perceptions change based on what other people think. Specifically, I know that when my dad first pierced his ears 50 years ago, everyone thought he was gay and he received very few compliments on his earrings. Now it's very commonplace to see guys with pierced ears and no one thinks of earrings as female-only jewelery. What about high heeled shoes? If a woman really likes the look and feel of high heels, could they also get to like seeing men in heels also if lots of men wore them?

  3. I agree with those who advise starting out with block heels that no one will notice for your first forays into public wearing heels. But after a while, I realized that the whole point and thrill of wearing heels in public is so that people will notice. Otherwise, you might as well just be content with wearing 6 inch heels around your house. Nothing can top the feeling when a pretty woman gives you a compliment on your high heeled shoes.

  4. For those of you guys who are too nervous to venture out in high heels, but would really like to try, I have some advice. Try first going out at night where no one can really see your shoes. And wear shoes with a block heel that is no higher than 3 inches so it doesn't look too feminine. Once you've done this a few times, try stopping at a fast food restaurant and going in for a quick meal. Once you realize that most of the looks you get when people notice your heels are mostly either "so what" or "that's really cool", you'll start to feel more comfortable and become much bolder about venturing out in ever higher heels. It's well worth the effort because you'll feel really great and tremendously liberated once you can go out in public wearing 5 inch heels.

  5. I don't think large hoops look any sillier than tall high heels. The point is to dress like a male but add anything else that you like the look of. To me, eye makeup, large earrings, a nose ring, and high heels fit that bill perfectly

  6. I've been wearing high heels (4-6 inches) for about a year now and have developed a training program that I highly recommend to anyone (male or female) who plans on wearing heels regularly. I spend about 45 minutes a day on a treadmill walking and running in various heel heights. I first run for a mile in 4 inch heels at about 8 miles per hour. Then I slow down to a brisk walk at 3 miles per hour for a half mile in 5 inch heels. Finally, I finish off at a slow walk (about 1 mile per hour) for 1/4 mile in 6 inch heels. This exercise, which I do first thing in the morning, gets all my leg muscles loosened up, strengthened and stretched, which helps me to avoid any leg cramps of muscle aches the rest of the day. It also helps me to avoid turning ankles when in 6 inch heels and makes walking in high heels the rest of the day seem like a dream.

  7. I think they can, but it's not the heel height that determines it. I think boots rather than strappy sandles look much better on a guy even with 5-6 inch stilletto heels. On the same note, I think hoop earrings look better on guys than dangling earrings, even if they are large (5-6 inch diameter hoops). My rule of thumb is that my earrings should be the same diameter as the height of my heels and my wife heartily agrees with me.

  8. I've been wearing high heels in public for about a year. Prior to that, the idea never occured to me until my wife encouraged me to wear them out. At first, I really felt uncomfortable and would only wear heels that were under 3 inches so that I could hide them under my pant legs. The more I got used to it, though, the more comfortable I felt wearing 4-5 inch heels that really stood out, after realizing that the only thing that mattered was how my wife felt. For her, the higher, the better. I wonder how other's have felt when out in public wearing heels.

  9. My wife asked me to dress as a woman for a halloween party and bought me a pair of 4 inch pumps. We both liked the way I looked in the shoes, and if I would wear high heels more often, she could wear her heels without towering over me (she is only 2 inches shorter than me) so that began my progression into wearing heels more and more. I now love to go out wearing boots with 5 inch heels and do so 4-5 times a week. Also, I wouldn't be caught dead at home with anything less than a 6 inch heel.

  10. Since I am a male who wears heels out in public, I prefer boots with a 4-5 inch stacked heel. I don't like real thick heels, but don't want the heels to look overly feminine either, so I stay away from really thin stillettos. I do love it when my wife wears her 5-6 inch stillettos which she does most of the time. She encourages me to wear heels when we go out in public so that she isn't taller than me when she has hers on.

  11. Last year, my wife suggested that we dress in reverse roles for a Halloween costume party at a friend's house. I agreed that that sounded like fun and we started to go through each other's closets to find clothes that we could share with each other. My wife is only 2 inches shorter than me so we were able to find things in each other's wardrobes that fit reasonably well except for shoes. We decided that we would need to go to a shoe store together to pick out two pairs of shoes, mens for her and womens for me. After picking out a pair for her, my wife started to look at shoes for me. I pointed to a somewhat masculine looking pair of womens loafers with about a 2 1/2 inch stacked heel. My wife looked incredulous and said no way was she going to go out with a woman wearing shoes like that. Instead, she picked up a pair of black pointy-toed pumps with a 4 1/2 in stilletto heel and asked the sales clerk if she had that shoe in a size 10. The clerk answered yes and brought a pair out and asked my wife if she wanted to try them on. She replied "Oh no, these are for my husband. I would never wear dress shoes with heels that low." After I tried on the shoes and my wife could see that I would be able to walk in them after a little practice, she asked if I would let her get them for me and I reluctantly agreed. Once at the Halloween party I started really enjoying all the compliments I was getting on my new look and especially how stunning my stilletto heels looked. That was only the beginning for me and high heels as both my wife and I agreed that although I wouldn't dress in other womens clothes in public again, it would be fun to have me wear high heels whenever we traveled out of town. I have really gotten hooked on heels and my wife loves it too because now she can wear 5 and 6 inch heels without towering over me. I work out in heels every day on a treadmill and do 1 mile in 4 inch heels, half a mile in 5 inch heels and 1/4 mile in 6 inch heels. We don't have to look for many excuses to leave town on almost every weekend so that both of us can wear our heels all day.

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