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Posts posted by Shoeiee

  1. And yet another one...Although much more tragic than the others. My condolences to her family and friends.


    Yet another article showing the biased journalistic talents in the world today.

    I personally doubt that her choice of footwear had anything to do with her death. My money's on foot placement. I wasn't there but believe she may have simply placed a foot between the train and the platform. The article states she was trying to tap on the train's window, while running along side, as it pulled away. She was probably reaching out her arm and running directly along the gap. A single mis-step is all it would take. Truly tragic.

  2. kikepa,

    I don't know where you're coming from here. I don't see anything in this thread about "Males getting their rocks..." There is only one reference to arousal and that was posted by a self-reporting female. At no point is there any other greater sexual reference.

    These stories are indicating that there are some of us who enjoy the more challenging aspects of wearing high heels in unusual places. This is just like any sport where conquering the feat instills a sense of accomplishment. There is a rush associated with this accomplishment but not necessarily a sexual rush. And for those who do experience a sexual rush it's not greatly identified in this thread.

    Perversion on the other hand, is defined by dictionary.com as "any of various means of obtaining sexual gratification that are generally regarded as being abnormal." How is enjoying a good challenge perverted if there is no sexual gratification? To me, an example of perversion would be pleasuring one's self while watching little boys or girls playing in a schoolyard - that's just sick. But the wearing of high heels is much different!

    Many people either gain sexual stimulation from JUST the wearing or visual cue of high heels. Males in general, are psychologically sexually stimulated by the sight of a woman in high heels - they are an attraction and symbolic of sexual power in many regards. This is one of the many reasons women wear them. And as mentioned here, and in other posts on this site, there are women who experience stimulation from wearing them as well. Does this then show perversion? It's more like fetishism.

    As for allowing your 9 year old son to read this site, that's a personal decision you have chosen to allow. Yes, this site is mostly PG-13 but your son is nine, not 13. If you are concerned about the content presented here I would suggest you keep his access more controlled until he is actually 13 and is more emotionally prepared to deal with some of the interesting and thought provoking interests presented. I don't allow my 6 year old son access here and I also do not present this site to my 11 or 16 year old daughters who both know I wear heels openly.



    I don't. They're the texbook definition of perversion.

    Males wearing heels in one things. Males wearing heels for the purpose of "arousal" as mentioned several times by the OP is another. But that's not my concern, here. My concern is that this website purports itself to be age-13 friendly, and talk of being aroused by heel wear isn't age-13 appropriate AT ALL.

    My son reads this website! He's nine. I don't want him reading material which alludes to people getting their rocks off by wearing heels.

    Males wearing heels? Fine. We've done it for hundreds of years. Males wearing skirts, we've done it for probably well over 100,000 years, possibly millions. Males getting their rocks...

    Keep it to yourself, please, as from what I've gathered, this is not at all what this website is about.


    - Ki

  3. Topsy, I LOVE your stories and can TOTALLY relate!! I've got a couple you might enjoy :) I went to college at a school in the mountains. It was wonderful during the winters!! All the snow and ice on nothing but sloped surfaces!! :-) Anyway, I used to spend many hours on a scenic highway which had many walking trails and visitor attractions - colonial era mansions, horse barns, hiking paths of natural rock. All were very challenging when dry and in 5.5" to 6" stilettos even moreso!! But add 1/2" layer of ice and snow :smile: I can't even count how many times I fell! (Or how many heels I broke out there!!!!!) Something that's rather fun to do at home - Tile floors and cooking oil :) One house we lived in had these 1'x1' tiles in the kitchen and den area. I used to take the Crisco oil, pour a decent amount on the floor and then try to walk - again in 6" heels. Just trying to stand was fun!! :( Along the same lines I used to have a 4'x4' sheet of lexan at my disposal. One of the things I used to do was put motor oil on the lexan and then try to walk. Through use of various brands of oil I rapidly learned of the huge quality differences between them and have used Valvoline ever since!! There's no conventional oil that's slipperier and maintains it's viscosity better!! :smile: At one point I used to live north of Chicago. The BEST thing about up there is all the iced over shallows. Little streams ran through a local park and I happen to enjoy ice skating...And heels... I used to put on a pair of 3" heels inside my skates and skate around. LOTS of fun!! (Until I broke through one day and literally froze the skates and pant legs SOLID!!) Couldn't remove them until I got back in the car and thawed them out. Thank goodness for blade guards! :) Anyways, I hope to hear more of your stories as they are nearly identical to my personal liking and experiences. To me the greatest joy of high heels is the challenge they present and taking them off-road or in other very challenging situations is a thrill like no other!

  4. WELCOME NCHEELS!! I LOVE (western) NC!! I'm currently in Hampton Roads, VA but try to visit NC whenever I get the chance. I went to school in Boone for a few years and my heart never left the mountains! Where in NC are you if you don't mind?? I think you'll find a very supportive group of people here at hhplace. I've been here since the beginning and visit regularly even though I don't post too much. Fell free to look around, share some good conversation and enjoy the freedom of knowing you're not alone!

  5. Interesting story but seriously flawed comparison... Identical twins, yes...Identical feelings and sensation - Probably not... What I feel they should have done was have each of them wear one of each manufacturer's items for a real-world, direct comparison. Expensive on one foot and cheap on the other. Side by side. THAT would have been a valid research project in my mind...

  6. Interesting story but seriously flawed comparison... Identical twins, yes...Identical feelings and sensation - Probably not... What I feel they should have done was have each of them wear one of each manufacturer's items for a real-world, direct comparison. Expensive on one foot and cheap on the other. Side by side. THAT would have been a valid research project in my mind...

  7. Beegirl, WELCOME to the HHPlace!! :grin: Your story is very nice and I, for one, appreciate sharing your experience with us all. It is good to hear you are accepting of your husband's fetish and, through your acceptance, I hope it brings many years of happiness to you both! You are both so lucky to be the same size shoe. My wife and I are very different sizes so 'sharing' is not an option. ;-) But it is nice when we can find matching pairs of heels and wear them out together :w00t2: For you to be able to purchase shoes for him, knowing they'll fit from trying them on yourself, is a great advantage you have!! I am sorry to hear of the concern for him to wear heels publicly in your country. That is certainly sad but I'm sure, with a little bit of caution, you can find somewhere he can express himself without too much trouble. (You list your country as rsa so I's guessing former Russia??) Again, thank you for sharing your experiences and feelings here. Please invite him to join us as as well, as there is much to learn from like-minded people here at HHPlace.org!!

  8. Well, VERY nice boots to be sure!! After watching the videos of this group on YT I'm not sure I want to be classified in the same grouping as the lead singer...Very...ummm...different?? Not only that but he can't sing and the band was not very good musically... On the plus side, they can keep a tempo, the chicks were HOT and the heels were VERY NICE!! :-)

  9. My guess would be batch addressing/filling of various forms used in business. One of the features integrated into MS Office is the ability to merge data from a MS Access DB into MS Word or Excel to generate form letters that are personalized using various fields from the DB. This simplifies the task of mass mailing and form letter personalization. You can further exploit this ability to generate batches of invoices, advertisements, Christmas cards and more. That's my guess but I've never heard that specific term. Good luck with the job search!!

  10. I was raised in the same manner as all the posters here and, as such, hold doors whenever possible. But I have DEFINITELY seen a downward trend in common courtesy, especially in the most recent two generations!! (Predominantly the 'ME' generation who are now entering adulthood...) Common courtesy is, unfortunately, something that's becoming a thing of the past. I can't tell you how many times I've witnessed extreme rudeness from both males and females, in recent years. The prevalence of cell phones, determined focus on 'me' and general inconsideration for other people is incredible!! I can't say how many times I've held a door just to have someone walk through as if there was a ghost holding it!! Or, one of my major pet peeves, had someone in line ahead of me working a transaction in a store...while talking on their cell phone...grrrrrrrrr They babble on, fumbling for their money, didn't hear the clerk tell them the amount due, hold up the line, and then leave as if that's normal and nothing's wrong....grrrrrrrrrrrrr :w00t2: Amanda, You are not incorrect in your observation but I can happily say I'm not like that 99% of the time (extreme hurry and things change a little...OCCASIONALLY!!!) ...Courtesy towards others is fading, but not in my family or children. It's so neat to have a 5yo boy who will hold a door for others :lmao:

  11. Very interesting find this Google Analytical search page!! Although it does not give specifics on the search term it does give a good general trending of how their search engine is used. Great if you're developing a web page and planning key-word searches!! Allows you to target your audience significantly if used properly. Something that I noticed right away...The leading search location for high heels and ballet heels is Germany!! In fact, if you look at the request trends for ballet heels you can see there is a much greater interest in the EU than the US, by a LONG shot!! I think there is much to be said looking at these results... Also search latex, fetish, transvestite and cross dressing and it shows the US is WAY behind the rest of the world in terms of search requests. What I do find surprising it the volume from the UK. Very interesting :-) Just from my experiences online I have gathered that the EU countries are generally, much more sexually open minded than the US. IMHO, this data, from the world's leading search engine, clearly and definitively PROVES it!

  12. Welcome to HHPlace! I don't know what to tell you about how to get out of the house if the wife is concerned about image issues as that does have the potential to be a sticky issue. There are so many factors many must take into consideration, but in general, society doesn't really care!! I've been 'street heeling' for about 9 years now and, to date, have had precisely 0 negative comments, a handful of triple takes and the occasional "WTF?!?!?!" and a few "That's cool!!" comments. Most are a simple 'double take' as they try to ingest a new subject but nothing more than that. I have had the occasional cell-phone camera incidents but nothing worse :-) All I can really recommend is browse around this site a LOT and introduce your wife here sometime. There's LOTS of experiences posted here and many different views on this subject. But, of course, the most important view is your own and how it may impact your life. If you're clergy or a pre-school teacher, publicly wearing 'woman's shoes' may not be the best choice...but most other occupations are OK I would say... Society is a LOT more tolerant these days than many think :w00t2: Again, welcome to HHPlace and hope to hear more from you in the future!!

  13. Oh boy...Such a can of worms!! Unfortunately I am part of the can because I can't answer as a CD or just a man in heels! I personally appreciate a skirt once in awhile and enjoy stockings and pantyhose and nearly always wear heels and/or women's cut jeans. But not into trying to 'pass' as a woman because I simply enjoy being a man wearing heels from the outside view! I would say 95% man in heels and 5% other, but not a CD. With this being said I shall abstain from voting as I don't really fit either category.

  14. Hello all,

    Wow, what a contentious topic this appears to have turned to...Let me first answer the question presented then I shall expound.

    I told my wife before we even met face-to-face. She was a little cautious at first but realized my heels were a part of me and that's it. Nothing more. Since I was open and honest up front there has never been an issue. She accepted and allowed herself to be introduced to new concepts and not only accepts them, but embraces them as a part of my personality. I had learned from a previous relationship that it's much easier to break something like this up front than to have to dance around the subject once a relationship is "involved." It cost me a couple of GF's until I wisened up and decided that whoever I was going to date would have to accept this BEFORE we started anything serious. With my wife, I told her up front and completely open. No hiding anything. I said 'This is a part of me I am NOT going to relinquish for anyone. If you have a problem with this speak now, or forever hold your peace." Again, we hadn't become 'involved' at this point so there was nothing to walk away from except a few words. She didn't walk away, allowed herself to open up to the concept and we've been together over 8 years now.

    ***Up on the soapbox!!***

    I am married with two step-daughters and two sons from our marriage. All have seen me wearing all manner of heels since day 1. The oldest step-daughter is 15 now and has been exposed to my shoes for over 8 years. Never a negative comment from her or to her that I am aware of. They are all aware my shoe choices fall on the 'ladies' side of the shoe store and have never commented negatively about it at all. In fact, my younger step-daughter thinks it's really cool (as relayed to my wife) and it actually makes her feel more comfortable with me because she feels, in her own words, that I may relate better to her girly issues due to my choice of footwear.

    My sons have also been exposed from birth and accept my boots as "daddy's boots." Period. No questions, hesitation or anything else. Our older son is now 6 and is attending school.

    And as if this were not enough, we live in a very heavy military area in Southeast VA. There are MANY EXTREMELY conservative types around here. (Look up Pat Robertson and the Christian Broadcasting Network to see what I mean...They're headquarters is less than 10 miles from our house!!)

    I have worn heels in public, with and without my wife and family, in this area for 8+ years. The worst I have experienced was once I heard someone use f*gg*t in a phrase, but I am not 100% certain it was used towards me. (Probably was but nothing more than words...) Normal public reaction is indifference or the googlie eyes :eek1: of shock and disbelief. Once, I was in a grocery store with my wife and son, and one of the employees was trying to, not so discreetly, take a phone cam pic of me. I cold busted her in the process and posed for a couple of pics. Lifted up the pant legs, showed the entire boot I was wearing, and we all got a huge laugh...But SHE got the red face because SHE was the one busted!!! :) I have occasionally gotten the 'Mommy!! That MAN is wearing HIGH HEELS!!!' from observant children and that usually follows with 'They're HIS feet so why not??' I've even gotten the 'Awesome BOOTS!!' remark a few times. :clap:

    Case in point - I have no concerns about my children's well-being with exposure to my shoes. They all see me as Daddy - just with a different choice of shoes. In fact, my younger daughter (11) has threatened to buy me a Man Bag and I have returned the challenge with the requirement that she dress 100% feminine if I use it with her in public :w00t2: (She's totally into the 'skater boi; look at this time...Very unflattering stage but not complaining!! :lmao: ) She still hasn't bought that bag ;-) I also feel confident enough in my children that they will be able to withstand any criticism they may receive as there is no doubt about who's dad and who's mom in the family. Of course, I am rather discreet about when and where I wear my heels but I still run into collegues, parents or classmates, etc, in the public domain. But as long as no one complains, I shall not change.

    I am fortunate to have a wife who is 100% supportive and has NEVER asked me to not wear my heels. We usually heel together and even have some matching boots we wear together. My entire family is aware and I regularly wear them around them as well (since my mom and dad are residing with us in their elder years...They're WELL exposed...) I even wear my shoes publicly with them when we go out. No problems to date.

    In summary, each one of us is an individual, with specific personality traits we posess. Some go bland and others wild. Some spicy and other not. There are all types of fashion statements in the world we live. All this makes life INTERESTING!!! Imagine what it would be like if EVERY man wore the SAME grey suit, EVERY DAY, ALL THE TIME. Had the same amount of hair, cut the same way. Same facial features and hair - or none at all. And what if EVERY woman wore the exact same hairstyle, dress, shoes, nailpolish and lipstick EVERY DAY, ALL THE TIME!!! (George Orwell warned about that in a certain book if I recall...) Life would be pretty mundane, and the world we live in would be rather uninteresting. It's our individuality that MAKES each of us special, presents our talents and allows forward motion to exist. I say celebrate the differences in our cultures and appearances, and teach the next generation to accept, even moreso than ours has been taught. But also expose them to 'societal norms' as the ability to function within these norms is also very important.

    ***Jumps off the soap-box*** :wave:

  15. Now THAT, Henri, is an outstanding story!!! :winkiss: I am so pleased that she took that much interest in a particular guest's interest!! And that you were the inspiration for her to wear heels just to meet you!! This is SUCH an uplifting story!!! Just another fine example of how society may actually view us. May be a single example but it adds another point to the count!! Thank you for sharing! :nervous::thumbsup:

  16. Wow!! What an interesting night you had!! And those are some killer heels too :-) That was very thoughtful of the officer to give some friendly guidance. I would consider that a positive reaction. And the girls inviting you to another club....DEFINITELY positive!! Overall I would rate that at about a 9 on the positive scale :-) Keep the stories coming as hearing of such wonderful events encourages us all!!

  17. OK...Not a lady but have a wife who didn't know what a 'high heel' was when we met. Her idea of 'high' was 2". Now she does quite well in 5.5". And she doesn't practice all that much either!! (unfortunately...:winkiss:) First and foremost, practice is a key element to enable endurance in those shoes (or any rather high heel for that matter!!) Be it housework, short shopping trips, an evening stroll around the block or through the mall, the only true way to become 'comfortable' with the heel height is to walk in them. Not just wear them from couch to couch, but walk in them. You mentioned you bought them awhile ago and this is only the second wearing?? Secondly, there are exercises which can be done to strengthen the ankle and calf muscles which will help tremendously. One is the ankle body lift. Standing flat-footed, raise the heels of one's feet to their maximum extension, so standing only on the balls of the feet, and controllably return to the flat heel on floor position. Most trainers recommend several 'sets' of approx 10 'reps' per session, preceeded and followed by stretching. This will significantly strengthen her leg and ankle muscles to enable good muscle control. I would say do this for a couple of weeks, every other day or so (careful to listen to the body and not overdo it...) and then venture for a moderate walk. Another key factor is the fit of the shoes. How well do they fit her feet?? Too wide, too narrow maybe? It's not uncommon to compensate for width by buying longer or shorter shoes than what's really needed. This is so very important!! The shoes must fit the entire foot, not just one part. Also consider the material used for construction. Those appear to be leather and that's good. Leather will 'mold' to the shape of the foot rather than forcing the foot to mold to the shoe. Even the best 'vegan' leathers will not be as compliant. Also make sure she tries the shoes on with whatever instert she intends to wear them with. Inserts can be a tremendous help but can also decrease the space in the shoes causing pain in other locations. If your wife truly wants to move to higher heels please encourage her to try some of these techniques. Again, let me stress the fitting - All the exercise in the world can't compensate for ill fitting shoes!! And there's no point in trying to force her into exercising for this...If she wants this then she should have the drive to work on it. Your pushing, no matter how gentle, may actually discourage her...So be wary of this! Good luck!!

  18. Back on topic for a minute...

    This thread is currently posted in the Girls Section, which we of course cannot respond to. So how about the same question/poll from the men's point of view. As for me, my SO does not like to wear heels, so I am envious of all the woman who enjoy not only wearing heels for themselves but also for their SO

    As an aside, since the Girls Forum is closed to all male members it just seems only fair that the women not be able to repond to topics in the Guys Forum. Any gender neutral topics should be discussed in the Everybody Forum. I once responded to a thread in the GF on how to store shoes and was of course deleted. How ridiculous is that. The thread should have been moved to the Everbody section so we all could gain some ideas.

    My wife was not a heeler when we met but that changed rather quickly. Before we ever met I had told her of my love for heels and the fact that I wear them myself. She was a little hesitant at first but quickly realized that me in heels actually turned her on. I still remember the first pair of shoes she was wearing, these 2" things she called high heels...The next time we met I brought her a pair of 5" stilettos to try out. She's been heeling ever since and has continuously encouraged me to push the envelope with my public wearing. Since we have been together there is rarely a time we go out when we're not wearing heels together. (It also helps that we're almost the same height...5'11") We've even gone shopping in Wal-Mart wearing 6" heels together :-)

    Her 'regular' shoes and boots usually have at least a 3" lift now and it's not a big deal for her to wear 5" for an evening out. Sometimes we'll both be feeling brave and wear a matching pair of 6" boots when out on a 'date' but that's rather rare. What's neat about all this though is even after almost 8 years together, me in a pair of stunning, extremely high heels, still turns her on to no end!!

    Back off topic:

    I respect the decision to ban men from posting in the Girl's forum and appreciate the efforts our moderators have taken to keep it girl friendly. History has proven that if men have free reign in there the topics quickly become diluted and sometimes even turn into 'flame wars.' I too have been drawn into the wars at times and have had posts deleted as well. What I would like to see is the continued moderation of that forum but with limited posting ability, possibly even 100% screened posts from men being allowed for certain things. Or leave the gratuitous posts and delete the rest maybe?? I have wanted to thank so many of the women who post here for specific posts they've left but haven't done so because of the rule. But again, I do understand why the rule is in place.

  19. Straight but enjoy going to gay clubs for the freedom of expression there. Always with the wife though... Married, have kids, love motorsports and electronic gadgetry, ride motorcycles, love mudding, turn wrenches, play with power tools, and work more than I would like...typical Male...With the exception of wearing heels :roll: The struggle for self-identy was long and hard but the overall success of finding out who I am and the realizatoin that I CAN wear heels as a man were well worth the struggle! (Now if I could just shed these extra pounds!!)

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