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Everything posted by ohnoberty

  1. I agree with you, there is an underlying aspect, somewhere that draws the eye in a pleasing way and this can translate to different styles. But similarly some that seem similar just don't hit the mark. I guess that's why are wardrobes are full of a variety of styles, not withstanding that sandals in the snow and sub-zero don't strike me as a particularly good idea.
  2. Love the story, sounds like an adrenaline rush. Now on to the next chapter.
  3. Years ago a lady said to me that in snowy conditions she always wore high heels (which I can confirm she seemed to, whenever I saw her), because it gave her extra grip. Presumably the heel working like a steak in the ground.
  4. Hmm? Well they're not what i'd describe as particularly pleasing to the eye, more confusing. Don't think i'll be adding these to my closet any time soon.
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