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Posts posted by Katrina

  1. That's a great story. I wish I had the guts to wear my heely boots to a car dealership. I was going to wear chunky heeled shoes one day, but I chickened out. What kind/color blue nail polish was it? I really want to go out in a dark dark purple some day, but not yet...too chicken (even with hearing stories like yours).

  2. Well, lets see. I've known that I was different from other guys from when I was really young - about 6ish probably. When I got my license, I purchased some nice black suede pumps that I loved! Unfortunately, after a purge within the next year, I was left without anything for many years. I started to get more goodies about two years ago. I've been out a few times but don't get to dress up very often. I do wear women's jeans or khakis and womens shoes every day. Nothing with too much heel - usually loafers. Although I did hit the mall today in my Mudd shoes with a 2" heel. That's the highest heel I've worn out and about. That was fun. Next comes my cool knee high boots with the 4" heel. :wink:

  3. Since shoe shopping is the most fun type of shopping, I always do it in person - not online. I've been burned with shoes that were not all that comfortable or didn't fit right when I did the estimation or assumed they were the right size. Because of that, I always try on before I buy. I'm getting more brazen about it. In the past, I would go to a deserted area and try them on, now if there is only women around, I will try them on right in front of them. I can't seem to do it if there are guys around though.

  4. I'm torn. If she is someone you want to spend time with, you two need to negotiate where you both are comfortable. If she doesn't want to be seen with a guy with very cute wedges on, then maybe you two can come to a compromise. As for the "line", you should get to draw it where you want, and maybe she is not right for you if you cannot come to a compromise that suits you both. That's what dating is for. BTW, I'm not a big fan of wedges, but those are CUTE!!!!

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